

Three of them reached the police station where Rita was arrested. Kian talked with the officer in charge and grant the order to interrogate her, due to his source he got the permission very easily. The three of them then entered the jail room, Sid's blood was boiling with rage and Kian and Sourav were no exception. Sid then grabbed her hair mercilessly and slapped her hard.

"How dare you...to poison my sister...just who the hell are you" Sid shouted on top of his voice. Kian and Sourav was also staring at her coldly, Kian just wanted to kill her right at that moment but he controlled himself for the sake of investigation.

"Who are you? and what sister!" Rita was shocked to death. She never knew that Tara has this much big background, she thought that she was just a lowly girl who seduced her boyfriend to climb up the ladder.

"Oh! that's a good excuse...you don't know my sister...I guess you have a poor memory...just yesterday you poisoned her and now you are acting all innocent" Sourav said coldly, if looks could kill she would have been burned to ashes by now.

"Tara...is your sister...but..." Rita's whole mind got blank, she couldn't believe that her boyfriend's boss was Tara's brother.

She was in a grave situation now.

"Oh thank god you remembered... now tell us why the hell you have done this".

"I... I..." Rita shuddered in fear.

"SPEAK" Kian said coldly his aura was getting darker every passing second.

"I... I didn't knew that Tara is your sister...and...and" Rita was scared beyond limits.

"And...will you speak yourself or..." Sourav said coldly.

"Yes...yes... I will tell you the truth... I and Tara were classmates, I always hated her because she was good in everything she never failed in any subject... everyone used to love her and nobody cared about me a little bit also but after graduation we lost contact...but just a few days ago a phone call came to me...in that phone call someone told me that Tara was trying to seduce my boyfriend to climb the ladder in the company...so my previous hatred towards her triggered again and I... I" Rita started crying again.

"Who the hell called you?" Kian asked her.

"I don't know but that person also send me some pictures of Tara and my boyfriend together so I believed her".

"Why did you have to poison her and that too such a rare poison...who supplied you this?" Sid asked her in a low and cold voice.

"I don't know...an envelope came to my house yesterday only there this poison was there and a letter was also there where it was written that this white powder can solve all my problems I just have to make Tara drink it".

"You seriously don't know the person or...!" Kian said with a dangerous aura.

"I swear... I don't..." Rita said crying.

"Oh then I guess you are of no use to us anymore..." Sid said coldly and opened the door and walked outside.

"Kill her...and tell the court that she committed suicide" Kian said coldly and left the room behind Sid after instructing the jailer.

"No you can't do...listen to me... listen to me please.... please" Rita pleaded continually.

"And do me favor made her drink the poison also...let her taste her own poison" Sourav said to the jailer and left the room.

After that what happened was according to plan...Rita was killed mercilessly.


"What do you think Kian who can order her this?" Sid said worriedly as the danger was not over yet , they still don't knew the main culprit.

"I think someone from Dhruva's family...maybe Aisha or Dhruva" Kian said with worried expression.

"I don't think so...Aisha is a bit different but she won't try to kill her" Sid said with a straight voice, not in his wildest dreams also he can imagine Aisha ordering to kill Tara that was next to impossible.

"But..." Kian said worriedly.

"No Kian you don't know their friendship... I know she betrayed her with her boyfriend but she won't kill her for God's sake...there is someone else behind it"

"And that person is quite dangerous...he have not left a single clue behind him so that we can figure him out" Sourav interfered.

"Hmm... that's right too... continue your investigation and let's see what we can find more" Sid said and signaled them to get inside the car.


"Kian you go and meet Tara...she just regained consciousness... I have something to discuss with both of them" Shreya said with a faint smile on her face she was relieved as Tara just regained consciousness and her condition was also stable.

Both Sid and Sourav were very unhappy they looked at Shreya with a strange look, Kian on the other hand was so delighted to hear that she was awake that he literally ran towards her room.

"What was that just now Shreya...How can you allow him to go first?" Sourav was feeling dejected, he waited for this moment for the last 12 hours and now she just allowed Kian to go first.

"Can't you understand that they have something going on between them...let the lovers meet why are you so eager to become a third wheel" Shreya said mockingly.

"Something going between them....are you kidding me Shreya, he is Kian...The Kian of SEN GROUPS" Sourav said with a dejected face.

"And she is Tara...The Tara of DE GROUP" Shreya copied his style.

Sid was silent he was a bit happy actually atlast his sister found someone who deserved her and moreover he have seen the sincerity in Kian's eyes also.

Kian ran towards her room and slowly opened the door. What he saw before his eyes left him mesmerized. The room was brightly lit now all the curtains were opened and golden sunshine was reaching every corner of the room and his Sunshine was sleeping there peacefully unlike just a few hours ago.

He walked in her direction and touched her hands softly.

Tara felt a similar warm and comfort from that touch she slightly opened her eyes, her eyes quivered a few times to adjust with the light, when she finally opened her eyes she saw that particular human being she wanted to see at that very moment. When she was suffering from that extreme pain on the road yesterday only his face came in her mind continuously, she just wanted to see him for one last time before she die, she prayed to the heaven to made her meet him once more...she badly wanted to keep her promise to meet him again.

A small teardrop escaped her eyes.

Kian became alerted he bend down and sat on the chair beside her and hold her hands tightly as if saying her that he is here now and nothing can touch her anymore.

Tara then tried to sit up but failed her body was too weak to be able to move also, Kian then sat on the bed to make her feel more secured he kissed her hands softly and said

"Thank you for keeping your promise and meeting me again...".

His voice just triggered all the jumbled emotions into Tara's heart , she started crying. Kian hugged her softly, as he doesn't wanted to hurt her and stroked her hairs softly with his long fingers.

"Everything is okay now Tara...see I am here don't cry anymore...stop crying" Kian tried to pacify her but she just continued to cry.

"I was so scared yesterday... I thought that we would never meet again... I thought that I can't keep my promise..." Tara said in-between her sobs.

Kian heart was torn apart he just can't bear his girl to go through all this pain he hugged her a little tighter.

"But you kept your promise see we met again" Kian said with a faint smile he then released her from his embrace and cupped her tiny face and planted a kiss on her forehead.

That kiss was not just a physical contact between them but it was his way of ensuring her that he is here now and she is secured around him and that kiss was something that gave Tara a sense of completeness...she was not alone anymore she doesn't have to control her emotions before this person she can finally reveal her true self before someone and she was glad that , that someone was him...her savior.

Tara hugged him again tightly and after sometime she fell asleep in his embrace.

Kian then placed her carefully in the bed as if she was the most fragile thing on the whole and then kissed her hands again and left the room with a smile on his face. His Sunshine was alright...and for those who have made her this way he has a plan ready already. He can't believe anyone anymore and he will investigate that Aisha and Dhruva also because he don't trust anyone when it comes to her. He called his secretary and informed him to call his cousin brother home immediately.

Sometimes a small gesture can depict a thousand words...

Don't forget to vote my dear readers... something fun and exciting coming soon...and just comment a little bit more so that I can know your thoughts about this novel and the characters...this is a story that is completely written by me by my imagination so your thoughts can also help me a lot......love love to all of you.

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