
Chapter 16 Taking my siblings to your house(3)

Lily : so you took them home. The literally meaning as his future - in - laws home .

Yeonjun : babe stop teasing her . and u gigolo comfort her.

when he said he looked at Huening kai .

Huening smudged at him.

Lily didn't notice what he did to yeonjun because after yeonjun said her babe she reminded of their both childhood .

her heart was rapidly racing and she was trying to control it .

when she returned back yeonjun hair was messed up .

when yeonjun was going back at Huening kai Lily stopped him.

she hugged him and said

Huening ah don't feel yeonjun was just try to messing with you but don't worry I blocked it see you have me to protect you so don't worry about him.

he messed his hair and put blame on you don't feel you have me to protect you.

Huening kai noticed that Lily unnie didn't pay attention what is it for . is it because of yeonjun hyung words then I will take advantage. they were

his thoughts so he took advantage of it.

Huening kai : Lily unnie see yeonjun hyung was blaming me he hugged her tightly and her fragrance and warmth gave him some what good feeling like a mother .

yeonjun who saw this was so raging that he was going to explode but then ria stopped him and said if you don't now your image infront of Lily unnie was going to shatter.

are you sure ?

she asked question and also helping him with question mark in her face .

( End of this chapter )


the boy : author why did you wrote this story .

my romance or one step with her gone due to this .

author : but atleast due to this they will get curious of our story.

the boy : not our .only mine and hers .

this is between me and her so it's our love story.

author : I am dying here as single . while not having as first kiss till now also but you.

author felt helpless and end this conversation.


( author note : everyone! no not everyone ! some one! may or may not be ! I am not describing them correctly and mentioning their features female , male lead and other leads. clearly because I also don't know but till now I didn't get this feeling to mention them specific. also my story although it was fast romance not really that kind of romance I mean simple romance like teasing , blushing or growing strong together and living together .

follow me on my Instagram id _simple_recipes1.

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even you are not interested in this information but I already gave this so you will read it .

like , share and comment due to author shamelessness. hehe. )

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