
Wedding vow

Both Marga and Stephen reached the altar with continuous glance of disbelief from each other, they both are overwhelmed with so much emotion for what was happening to their lives this day. Before the rings were worn, a wedding vow was said to one another:


Marga, honey, today I take you as my wife....I can still remember the first time I saw you, on that faithful day at the orphanage, and I thank my father and sister who convinced me to come with them. I was aloof by then, I was still healing from the lost of my mother although it happened a long time ago, that was when I saw this young girl who stared at me with her eyes comforting me and it suddenly touched my soul. I thought to myself, why was this girl staring at me, did she fell in love with me at first sight? ( then he winked at Marga, so every one present giggled and made whooping sound.) Kidding aside Honey, I was the one who fell in love with you at first sight, right when I saw you my heart kept racing and I was so confused that I even asked Liza and Tom if what I was feeling natural or if I was being weird again, although I never spoke about these things with them they confirmed that in deed I fell in love, and with a strange girl who kept staring at me. Until today, every time I see you, my heart is just about to jump out of my chest, and my world is just brighter and happier with you by my side. I never thought that we will have this chance, I still remembered the day you said yes to becoming my girlfriend, we were camping back then, Liza told me that you have been so restless lately, and you always seem to be angry with me too. I was lost for words, and Tom suggested to put pressure on you, and tell you that I will be leaving soon to study, that ought to make you think twice about our status. Thankfully my brother was not wrong, and we got into a relationship that changed both our lives, especially mine. Marga, you have made me a new person that even Father, Liza and Tom doesn't recognize anymore. I laugh more, I talk more, I even accompany Liza to do her shopping, and play sports with Tom, all because you made me feel so wonderful and happy. So today, I want to thank you for being so patient and always understanding me Marga, and most of all thank you for the chance to love you for the rest of my life. I promise to always listen to you, understand you, and always cook your favorite dishes, and to always love and cherish you until the rest of my life. I love you Margaret Lim!

Marga was already teary eyed after listening to the vow that Stephen made, some of the memories were a bit funny but she still remembered them like it was yesterday. Now she looked at the man who she is going to spend her whole life with and spoke her vow.


Doctor Stephen Son, today I take you as my husband.....Ahm, I don't know where to start hon, I mean when we were younger, I even fainted because of you, so maybe, yes, I also fell in love you at first sight, but I just did not know what that emotion was by then. There were a lot of opportunities when I could have told you I loved you even before but I was too scared to be abandoned, that's why it took me a long time to finally admit to myself that I will risk everything for you. When you told me that you are going to college at Country F, my heart ached so much and I was not able to sleep for a few days, even Liza got mad at me for being so restless at night.

"you bet I was!" Liza shouted from the back, then cheekily winked at Marga then smiled.

"Yes, Liza, and thank you for pushing me to make that decision and made me and your brother over the moon "

Stephen, the moment I knew that you would be away from me, my heart was uneasy, and it scared me to think that you might fall in love with someone else and you might forget me ( Stephen was shaking his head to indicate that this will never happen while gently rubbing both her hands),sob.....so to make you stay with me, I said yes, and started a relationship with you. It was a bit selfish to think of myself at that time, but it was most rewarding, the days spent with you always made me smile and forgot all the troubles from my past. You are my first and only love Stephen, so here we are today honey, I promise to always understand and respect you, and will love you always, but just please be patient with me, just cook for me like you always do when I'm angry or upset...hehe..

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