
Wedding night (5)

"Marga, food is here, wake up sweetheart and drink your soup while it's still hot." he left the burgers and fries in the living room so that his wife would have the soup first, he knows her too well, the moment she will see those junk foods, she will immediately have those. Marga slowly opened her eyes, and took the soup, it warmed her stomach, and she felt much much better now. When she got her senses back, she was looking for some comfort food, she was vividly imagining eating some fries and burgers, and some hot pot too. She bit her lower lip, she was, in fact, hoping for Stephen to have ordered it for her, but she was still embarrassed about the vomiting incident to even ask.

Seeing how his wife was zoning out at the food in front of her, he stood up and got the fries and burgers from the living room, and yes, his wife was instantly drooling over it. "Ahhhh, how did you know?" then she hurriedly grabbed the tray of food, "Honey you're simply the best, I love you so much" she then pecked her husband on the cheek before she started to munch on the fries and burgers that was brought.

"Slow down Marga! I won't take anything, this is all yours." then he chuckled looking at how messy his wife's face had become messy just in a few seconds after the tray of junk food was brought in. "Hmmmm, this is soooo good! Honey, I am feeling a lot better...Thank you,...hmmmmm..." she continued munching on the burger, she also held a stick of fries on the other hand before she realized she was almost finished with her food but she did not even ask Stephen if he wanted some, so she gulped, "Ahm, Stephen, do you want some?" then she blushed and offered the last stick of fries to her husband who was staring at her with affection in his eyes, he was scared stiff seeing his wife vomit and pale, but now she is at it again, he hopes to always make her smile like this.

"It's okay sweetheart, that's not exactly what I want." he then held her hand and took the fries using his mouth and placed it on hers, then lingered on her lips a little longer, then gently kissed her hands before wiping it with some wet wipes to get rid of the oiliness. She was utterly shocked, she did not know her husband can be this smooth, but her ears are now turning red, his kiss right now was just fierce. But since she was not feeling well a while ago, Stephen cleared the tray of food and helped her get back to bed. "Rest well tonight, we will have a tour tomorrow." then kissed her gently and left the room bringing the tray of food, he needed to get away now or he might not control his urges, his wife is not feeling so well, no need to rush, they still have long days ahead of them.

Marga was still in daze with was just happened, did her husband just teased her and left? Hmmp, she was getting the feeling of wanting to jump over her husband now. It was only eleven o'clock in the evening, and she is feeling a little better now. So she thought of something to continue with their planned activity for the day, "Sweetheart, could you buy me that hair cream that I like, I saw a beauty shop right below the Hotel." she shouted from the bedroom. Stephen was relieved that he was told to go out by the wife "Alright, is there anything else?" "Nope. Come back soon!" Marga then listened as the door was shut and the room fell silent.

She stood and with a plan in mind, went to the bathroom to bath herself and put some essential oils on her body. She will make sure that tonight, she will erase the "vomiting scene" forever, the shop was just below the hotel so he will be here in the next 10-15 minutes, she must hurry. It only took her 10 minutes for the bath, but when she opened her luggage, just great, all were sexy nighties! She flipped the luggage upside down, waaaah, Liza! if it is not see through then it only covers half of her breast, what the heck, how can she wear this??

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