
Wedding (3)

"No peeking, even you Tom!" Liza shouted, "Now go away so we can finish up, let them wait for the bride!" with that Tom went down ahead shrugging his shoulders when Stephen asked him if Marga and Liza are on the way.

"Brother, just be patient, Liza already screamed at me and even shut the door on my face, so let's just give them space." Tom then patted his brothers' shoulder. He was very happy that finally, his brother will be marrying the girl of his dreams, and he was also wondering himself when he would find that perfect partner too.

Everyone was already ready for the wedding, even Fatima was already at the bottom of the stairs, which was her position before giving Marga's hand to Stephen. It was already 10 minutes past nine and Marga has not shown up yet, Stephen was already sweating bullets, has Marga changed her mind, just as he was thinking to himself, Liza showed up to signal to start the wedding song before positioning herself up front.

When the music started, Liza slowly descended down the stairs, with her gown flowing, she was really dazzling everyone, even Ken was mesmerized by her beauty. When Liza looked around and found what she was looking for, she was satisfied to see how Ken's mouth was open while looking at her, so she can't help but blush.

When Liza almost reached the end of the stairs, Marga now stood at the top. She was glowing radiantly with her combination of pink and white gown which hugged her body wonderfully. She looked like someone who just came out from the magazine, with a bouquet of babies breath from her hands, she was just beautiful and pure, everyone can't help but gasp at the sight of her as she slowly descended from the stairs.

Fatima can't help but tear up while looking at this girl looking amazing on her wedding gown, she can still remember when she first met this girl inside the church, time flew really fast, now her little Mimi was getting married. She was stifling her sobs right about Marga reached her, and placed her arms over hers. "Are you ready Little Mimi?" she sobbed. "Yes Sister, I am." then both hugged each other and sobbed together.

Everyone present was also touched by this gesture, although not everyone knows that Fatima was sick but they knew that Fatima was Marga's only family after she was abandoned.

It was just a small walk towards Stephen, they made it so for Fatima not to be too tired, and at that moment when Marga was walking towards Stephen, he can't help but sigh and tears threaten to fall. His girl will be with him forever starting today, just the thought of the both of them spending their lives for each other made him a bit emotional, he was wiped the tear that escaped, and Tom who was standing beside him pat his back.

Before Fatima gave Marga's hand to Stephen she said " Stephen, today I will give Marga to you, she is like a daughter to me as you already know. I took care and loved her as much as I could in this lifetime, now I am entrusting her to you. Always listen to her, respect and cherish her always, never get tired of her and always tell her that you love her. sob.... Marga, sweetie, sob....know that I will always love you..sob...in this lifetime and the next....I know that Stephen will love you even more, don't be too hard on yourself and Stephen, always listen to him and tell him you love him every day...sob...." then Fatima hugged both Stephen and Marga.

Marga can't help but cry, but she still tried to hold herself back and squeezed Sister Fatima shoulder and said "I will, you don't have to worry about anything. I love you too Sister, from this life time until the next." then she kissed Fatima's cheek.

"I promise to take care of her Aunt, and make her happy every day. You can put your mind at ease." he also kissed Fatima's cheek.

With everything said, Fatima held into Marga's hand one last time and slowly put her hand to Stephen's. Then both Stephen and Marga smiled at Fatima before turning around to walk towards the altar hand in hand.

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