
Wedding (2)

Marga was still asleep when Liza came to their room, she was restless for the last few nights, and incredibly she was able to sleep soundly last night. How can this girl still sleep while everyone in the house is already wide awake and preparing for their wedding.

"Aheeem, sweetie, wake up now or you will be late for your wedding." Liza whispered in the girls' ear. Marga was still dreaming, and in her dreams, the wedding was all over, and Sister Fatima miraculously recovered. But suddenly she felt a tingling sensation in her ear, then she heard the word late, with that her eyes flew wide open.

"My goood! What time is it? Isn't today my wedding?" Marga suddenly exclaimed startling Liza who was close to her face.

Marga stood up hastily and dizzily walked to the bathroom, hitting the dresser with one knee, "dammit!" she grumbled. She did not waste anymore time and immediately opened the shower but bit her tongue and swallowed the curse that threatened to come out of her mouth, the water was incredibly cold. Her body was shivering and her head aching due to the suddenness of coming in contact with the cold water and she heard Liza say " Sorry sweetie, I think the hot water are all gone, you are the last to shower in this house, it may take some time for it to be replenished."

Wow thank you for saying that in advance Liza, she muttered to herself. Hmmm, how can she take a bath now, the water was just too cold for her.

"Ahm Liza, can you get me a heater, there is just no way that I will be able to take a bath with this cold, please" Marga said while peeking her tiny head at the bathroom door. Liza just got up with a heater in her hand ready. Marga was staring blankly at her, she even have a heater ready, "Well you startled me and I had no chance to tell you about the water being cold and give you the heater too." Liza blurted seeing Marga getting annoyed. "Thanks!" the girl said and closed the door again.

"I don't want to rush you Marga but it's already 8:15 and your wedding starts at 9, I hope you can make it in time." Liza put pressure on Marga, this is her revenge for not telling her about the surprise Ken will give her.

Marga was now in panic, why did her brain choose to shut down today, one of the most important days of her life, grrrrr. She had no more time to waste, gathering herself, she took a cold shower, she was trying her best to numb her senses so she can finish bathing. She just thought that after today she will officially be Mrs. Margaret Son, so the cold water became less and less irritating.

When she got out of the shower, Liza was already prepped, with her exquisite make-up done, and elegant dress, she looked very classy today, so she can't help but exclaimed loudly. "Wow Liza, you look so beautiful today, I don't think anyone will look at me today with you around!" Marga said as she reached for the blower to dry her hair.

"Yeah right, you haven't seen yourself yet, when I'm done with you, no one will say that I'm pretty." Liza said proudly, she has great make-up skills but Marga already is beauty herself so she just needs to do less. So she helped Marga dry her hair, and helped her into her dress, the dress was just right for her body like it was made especially for her and for today's occasion. Liza was concentrating on her make-up when a loud knock was heard "Girls hurry up, everyone's already downstairs." it was Tommy, he sneakily opened the door but it was closed shut right in front of his face by his sister.

Marga and Liza are. Liza continued to work on Marga's make up, she will be her masterpiece, no one will dare call her ordinary after all the work she has done.

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