
thinking of kissing her

Hearing the last part of the boys words, Marga's eyes flew open immediately, but she did not expect that the boy's face would just be inches from hers. Marga was looking directly at Stephen's eyes, although he was wearing dark glasses, she can still make his eyes, and it was staring back at her. "I'm awake...I'm already okay...." Marga spoke softly still staring at the boy's handsome face. Her face turned scarlet red as she slowly moved sideways as to not face Stephen anymore, please no more teasing, my heart can no longer take it, I think I'm going to faint again.

Looking at the girl's reaction, Stephen can't help but chuckle, hahaha, this girl really is cute, not that he really is thinking of kissing her, ahm, not that he don't like the idea, but he was afraid that the girl might never want to talk to him again if he is moving too fast. In fact, the moment Stephen decided to follow Marga to the playground, he already felt something special towards this silly girl that he can't put his fingers but somehow it makes him happy just to see her face and how her eyes glows every time she is excited or shocked, he wants to be closer to this girl and he'll have to see if he will be brave enough to show her his true self.

Stephen got Marga a glass of water and offered "Drink this first, the doctor said that you are anemic, so from now on don't just eat bread, you need to eat meat and take vitamins as well, okay?" he said but this time his voice was serious. Marga could tell that he is sincere, so she nodded and drank the water that Stephen offered. "Thank you young master, you can go back to your Father and siblings now, I will be okay on my own." she said while trying to get up. But Stephen was suddenly at her side again and pushing her back to bed, "Didn't you hear Liza said that I have to look after you? Or do you think that I am not capable of taking care of you? And can you please stop calling me young master, call me by my name!" Marga laid back in bed, stunned by the way Stephen was casually talking at her, and he looked serious when he said that he will take care of her. So Marga did not insist, and just closed her eyes once again, she was getting dizzy again after getting up all of a sudden.

It was almost after 3 o'clock with Marga woke up the second time, she felt energize after taking that long nap, she did not expect someone was still with her during that time. "You're finally awake, it's way past lunch time, is it okay for you to move now so we can eat lunch outside?" the boy said while standing in front of her bed. So he never left, he really watched over her, this made her so happy, that a smile escaped her lips while she nodded. "Yes I'm okay now young ma---, Stephen" seeing how the boy's face changed when she was about to call him young master again. " Thank you for watching over me, you're family must be looking for you now, you have been gone for a long time" Marga said while getting up and looking for her shoes.

"My family, oh, they already left after lunch time. I am the only one left here since I have to accompany you." he said while taking Marga's foot and putting her shoes. Marga was taken a back with the gesture, but she was too shocked to move. "So little miss. you have to keep me company until my Father returns tomorrow to get me."

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