

"I'm okay Stephen, can you call everyone to the family room so I can tell them about what is happening, I know I have burdened you for far too long, it's time to let them know." Fatima smiled faintly, while Father Son's face darkened with worry.

Fatima was sitting in the middle of the family room, her face a little pale, but her eyes was still energetic with a faint smile on her lips, this was the image that the Son siblings saw the moment they entered the family room. Liza thought something was wrong the moment she heard Marga screaming at Stephen, but she did not have the heart to stop her or mediate, she also feels what Stephen did was wrong, he should not hide anything this important from their family, especially to Marga who only has her Aunt as her family after she was abandoned at a young age.

Tommy who is usually carefree is now sitting anxiously next to his sister, he has an idea of what was going on, in fact, the way his brother has been seriously monitoring their Aunt despite having the family doctors and specialist must mean something is really about to happen. Father Son, still looking down, he feels that he has not done enough for his sister, but he must stay strong for his kids.

"I think everyone knows why I called you here today." Fatima started, "I am really sorry for having to keep this important matter to everyone, and I am especially sorry to Stephen that he has to carry this burden for a few years now." both siblings are now looking at their brother curiously, few years? That means he already knew from the start. "Please don't blame your brother, he has been so good to me and has been begging me to let you all know, but I don't want to be a burden to my family that's why I insisted to keep it a secret and even threatened him about patient doctor confidentiality agreement. I'm sorry Stephen, you have been misunderstood because of me, please know that this was not my intention." their Aunt choked from the last statement,

"I know Aunt, I am not angry at you, I understand fully your intention." Stephen said in a soft tone.

Fatima continued " Three years ago, when I first fell ill, I called Stephen to the hospital because I was scared and did not know how to handle the situation. Right then, we already knew that my illness was already in it's late stage, and I also refused any further medication and let nature take its course. But I thought, I just found my family again, I don't want to see you all sad, that's why I convinced Stephen not to tell anyone because I will do it myself, but I have not have the courage to face each one of you until today." sobs started to break from everyone in the room, Liza was already wailing.

"Ahm today, I just found out that I may have less than a month or a week to live, so I realized that I can't leave my family peacefully without telling them the truth, so here we are today." finally Fatima sighed a breathe of relief, a burden seemed to be taken out from her shoulders.

"Aunt...., why.... did you hide this from us, if we had known before, we could have spent more time with you, huhu. How could you do this to us?" Liza was already crying

"Oh sweetie, I don't want you to be burdened by me, if you have known all of your life plans would have stopped just to be with me, and nothing makes me happy than seeing the people I love happy. Can't you just forgive your Aunt?"

Liza went to her Aunt's side and hugged her while sobbing, "Aunt, I don't want to lose you!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so stubborn, I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me, I'm really sorry, huhu."

"Ssshhhh, don't say that Liza, you and your brothers are the best thing that happened to me in this lifetime. I'm really sorry for not being to stay longer for both you and your brothers. Thank you for being a sister to Marga, please take care of her more when I'm already gone. Okay?" Fatima then patted the girls head to console her.

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