
Old Photos

Everyone was chatting and enjoying breakfast at the same time, but Director Lim was already itching to be alone with Marga and he even panicked a little when Sister Fatima mentioned about her marriage with Stephen, so he needs to speed up his tactics. "Well thank you for your warm welcome, and the delicious breakfast." Director Lim slowly stood up, "Marga is it okay if we review some documents first?" he then looked earnestly at Marga. "Don't you want to rest up first? Let me show you to your room." Marga touched the back of Stephen's hand and then stood up. "Excuse us everyone." then gestured Director Lim to follow her.

Marga led Director Lim to the guest room, it was her room when she first arrived at the Son Mansion, but Liza thought the room was a bit small and invited her to stay at her room when she is at the Mansion. "Well Director, this room is a bit small for you, this is the only guest room we have in the Mansion since we don't get guests often here." Marga explained while arranging the pillows on the sofa. "This will do, I should be the one to apologize for intruding Marga." Director Lim walked over to the window and noticed some pictures on the wall, he then smiled, "Is this you Marga?"

"Goodness! Marga I did not know that you were so adorable even as a kid." Director Lim gushed, on the wall were childhood pictures of Marga, of course there was the Son siblings and some other kids playing in the mud, they were all smiling happily with dirt on their faces. "Yeah this was my room when I first stayed here in the mansion. I have almost forgotten about those photos there, let me take it out for you." she was smiling to herself remembering that the photos were taken one rainy afternoon when they were enjoying both rain and mud. She was about to remove the photos one by one when Director Lim stopped her and grabbed her hand "it's okay, you don't need to do that, these are really cute photos of you." Director Lim was smiling at her too, looking at her intently, he wished he could make her smile like this everyday, still on his thoughts, when there was a soft knock on the door.

The door was opened so Stephen can clearly see both Marga and Director Lim smiling at each other, what's going on, hmpft, so he knocked on the door "I hope I'm not interrupting." he said casually looking at the Director's hand still grabbing Marga's, but the Director did not let go immediately. "Honey, do you still remember this photos?" Marga ran to Stephens side bringing the photo with her, "hahaha, you were such a dummy back then when you can't even walk straight in the mud and fell down flat on your face, hahaha." she can't help but tug on the man's arm while reminiscing on the good old days. Stephen patted the girl's head "I just wanted to make you laugh back then." he smiled affectionately at the girl who was still looking at the photo with a smile still on her lips, so even if there was another person looking at them he can't help but give Marga a kiss on her cheek before he ruffled the girl's hair, the girl can't help but blush while affectionately leaning on him.

"I hope the room is not too small for you Director, this was Marga's room when she first stayed here. Please rest comfortably as you just been travelling the whole morning." Stephen then said in a serious tone looking at the other man in the room. Although he was taken aback on how the girl showed her affection to this man, he still composed himself before answering "Yes, thank you very much for your concern Doctor. I find the room rather cozy, I will surely rest comfortably. Marga can you give me 2 hours to take a nap and discuss?" although he want to talk to her more, but he was also a bit tired since he has been awake for 12 hours. Seeing the worn out expression of Director Lim, Marga sighed heavily "Of course you need sleep Director Lim, rest comfortably let me know if you need anything." she then grabbed Stephens hand as they left the room.

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