
Mary and Christopher Lim (2)

A month has already passed, and Mary was getting well both in her mind and body, she just wants to be strong for her child. Although the child was a result of something unthinkable, she still loved the baby with all of her heart. Seeing the affection that his daughter has showed the child inside her, Christopher cannot help but also shower it with love, but still he was secretly investigating about the person who was brave enough to hurt his daughter badly, but still to no avail.

It was now time for Mary to give birth, and Christopher already prepared everything for her, they owned a private hospital in the country, so keeping this a secret to the public was no problem. Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl and she named her Margaret which means "child of light", she was the one who gave her strength from all that has happened, she was her light. The moment she saw her baby, everything felt worth it, and wonderful, her dark past was all behind her, she was all she needed to start over.

They will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow, Mary was ecstatic that she will be able to bring her baby home with her, but unknown to her the little maid that helped her out was a spy that worked for Lord Skew, and indeed she gave her the information that Mary has given birth to their daughter. "My Lord, what would you like me to do with the child?" the maid said. "Give her to me, I want you to take my child, do it tonight." then he hung up the phone.

The maid did everything for money, the moment Lord Chen knew that she wanted to keep the baby, he was really curious of how the baby would look like, he never desired of anything in the past, until he came across Mary. When midnight came, the little maid went to Mary's room and slowly took the baby from her crib, and disappeared within the next second. She was paid handsomely for taking the baby away from her mother, Lord Chen wanted to keep the baby, so she planned for asking more money from him.

"Lord Chen, I have the child with me, where do you want to meet?" the little maid sneakily took her plan into action, she was going to ask money from both parties, whoever paid the most will get the child. The child was taken the Lord Chen's mansion, and as she expected another bag of money was give to the maid for bringing the child, but Lord Chen warned, if the other party knew the whereabouts of the child then she will be killed. Lord Chen glanced at the child on his nanny's arms, his intention to get the child was simply to get Mary back, and if she were not to return then he will have no use for this child as well.

In the hospital the next morning, Mary was awaken by a nightmare that her child fell down from her crib so she woke up, panting, "Margaret!", then she looked at the crib, her baby was no longer there, she called for the Doctors and the nurses to come to her room, then she saw her Father, "Father, someone took Margaret, please help me find her!" she was already crying hysterically.

"How can that be Mary?" then he noticed someone was missing from the room other than his granddaughter, it was the maid that came with her. "Where is the maid that came with my daughter, find her immediately, I am sure she took my granddaughter!" he was already screaming from the top of his lungs to the security officers and some medical staff. Mary was already trembling, she has not regained her strength after just given birth, and now she lost her precious child, what kind of mother was she, was being tortured, starved and raped not enough, why is this all happening to her!

"Don't worry Mary, we will find Margaret, no matter what it takes we will find her" Christopher consoled Mary who was still hysterical, he was afraid that due to the impact of losing her daughter. "Father, I will die if something happens to Margaret, please find her, I will die if I lost her, my precious baby."

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