

Then she looked at Tom "Tom, you need to take care of your brother and sister, okay?! I'm sorry that I can't watch your games anymore, but know that I will be your guardian angel and protect you whenever you play. I am so proud of you Tom, I want you to be always a care free spirit, and be the soul of this household. And also Tom, please find yourself a decent girl, no more flings, I heard a lot of it from Marga." then she winked at Tom, and the boy just faintly smiled at his Aunt, he was always a strong character, being the eldest, he was always sensitive to the feelings around him especially with that of his own family.

"Actually Aunt, I'm pursuing a girl right now, but I still need to work hard for it. I will take care of everyone, don't you worry." Tom said casually to his Aunt.

"That's good to hear then Tom, then work hard, okay?"

"Brother" Fatima then turnes to look at her brother who was still in daze, "I know we just found each other but please take of yourself, and watch over the children, don't be too sad, it will not be good for your health, okay?" Fatima touched her brothers hand who is sitting next to her. Father Son, can't help but absently nod, trying to swallow the tears threatening to fall, he has to be strong for his children and for his sister to have a peace of mind.

"Okay, don't be too sad everyone, I'm still here, let's spend each second with love and forgiveness, okay.... Marga?" Fatima was now staring at the girl at the door who was already worn out, her eyes already puffy and her nose red from crying. "Is it okay if I talk to Marga and Stephen alone first and then we will eat together." Fatima said this to her brother.

Everyone then stood up, the most person affected by this is Marga, she only has Fatima, so they all understood that they need this special time to be alone and talk.

"Come here Marga." as both stared at each other for a long time, Fatima wanted to hug Marga because she felt that she owed this girl too much. Marga slowly made her way towards Fatima, she was dragging herself to go back from the time she set foot outside, she was regretting not talking to Sister Fatima, she has been regretting not spending time with her, and now she also felt regret towards being angry at Stephen and even returning their engagement ring to him.

"Are you angry at me Little Mimi?" Fatima said while she caressed the girls face, tears slowly filled her eyes, if she didn't know Stephen was there for Marga, she would not be so confident about not taking the treatment, but she is sure that the young man will take care of her.

" How can you do this to me Sister!? Am I not important in your life for you to hide something this important to me?! You are my only family, are you going to abandon me as well, huhu.?" Marga blurted out.

"Marga, I'm really sorry, I don't want to be too sad about my illness that's why I begged Stephen not to tell you anything. Be angry at me and not at the poor boy. I was the one who convinced him to hide it from you and the family." Fatima was now crying, she don't want this girl, who she has taken cared of for more than 20 years be upset worse be angry at her for what she did."

"Sister, you are the only family that I have, I am not even sure if I am worthy to be called your family because I did not even know that you were very sick yet I did not even take care you, do you know how angry at myself I am right now. You took care of me, you made me feel the love of having a family but I can't even take care of you, how am I worthy to be your family, how I am worthy to be even called your sister. " Marga was crying softly now trying to control the overwhelming feeling of regret, pain and anxiety.

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