
I'm not letting you have your way today

"Then one day.." she continued..." when I went home because I heard that Mary was back, she...she....." she can't say the words. George stopped walking and put her down, and looked at the woman in front of him, he patted her head urging her to just cry. "she was already gone, my heart was ripped to pieces that day....I just don't know how I was going to live after that...How can she leave me all alone George?" she finally let it goes, she was too angry and sad back then, she always wanted to ask this question, but who was she going to talk to to, her Uncle has been grieving since the day he lost his daughter and his granddaughter was taken away too.

She cried her heart out, "she did not even wait to see me or talk to me." she stopped abruptly, was she willing to let this man know about how her cousin died, she looked into the man's eyes, yes, I think this man can be trusted. "Mary, she took her own life, she was already experiencing post-partum after losing Margaret right after she had given birth to her, and she was not eating and sleeping well as well. Mary was always a happy person, she always was willing to help anyone that needs her." she stopped to take catch her breath first, "Although my Uncle never told me how Mary became pregnant all of a sudden, I made some investigation myself, Mary was kidnapped for a month by an unknown man and she was raped but she was lucky to barely escape."

George was now surprise about what he was hearing, Marga's is a result of her mother being abused, she would be heartbroken if she knew, "I know what you're thinking buddy, yes, we have kept this from Marga, and God knows how terrible she would feel if she would know all of this secret from her birth, so please..."she did not have to finish what she was about to say because George already nodded, he will not be the cause of Marga's heartbreak, he will definitely guard this secret with his life.

Johanna calmed herself and wiped her tears away, "So now you know about our family's dirty secret. Thank you so much for listening to me George, you don't know how much that meant to me." she honestly said smiling.

"If you need someone to talk to Johanna, you can always talk to me from now on." he gave her his assurance to always listen to her, sensing the awkward situation they are in, he suddenly dropped down, "Okay, time to go little miss, I know you're already tired and hungry." and with that George carried Johanna back to the mansion in no time, smelling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, both were still smiling at each as they walked towards the dining area.

"Good morning Uncle!" Johanna happily greeted his uncle who was sipping coffee. Mr.Lim nearly choked, was he seeing an apparition "Johanna, is that really you? I haven't seen you awake in the morning in the last few years!" the elder blurted out, not aware of the blush slowly painted on Johanna's cheeks. "What are you talking about Uncle, I always wake up early to exercise." she then glared at her uncle to cooperate with her, just this once.

"Hah, what are you talking about, you even get mad when the maids wake you for breakfast and throw a fit!" the elder continued, this spoiled brat, I know why you woke up early, and I'm not letting you have your way today.

Johanna glance at George, and telling him not to listen to him, "I will go and take a shower Uncle then I will join you for breakfast." then she cheekily whispered, "How could you do this to me, Uncle, huhu.." then smiled at George then run at the speed of light to her room, aggghhh, that Uncle of hers sure is something. But she had the most wonderful experience today, she did not know waking up early will be a very satisfying experience. Although her body was aching, she was really happy, she hoped that her effort will not be wasted, and hopefully the man feels the same way too..

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