
Can she really trust him?

She felt a blush rising from her neck to her cheeks, and her heart was suddenly doing a summersault, goodness, it was like having her crush talk to her in secret, maybe she should stop reading those romantic novels, I mean how old is she now, tsk.

She stood all of a sudden and was unable to find her footing due to the slippery bank, she almost fell into the water when George suddenly caught her waist, her heart wanted to explode with their sudden closeness, out of panic, she suddenly pushed him away, and they both fell into the water.

Thankfully the water was just waist deep, but it was freezing, and Johanna was at a lost for words at the sudden cold. George hastily climbed back up and offered to give Johanna a hand, which she readily accepted.

"Are you alright, you're not hurt or anything right?" George immediately scanned Johanna up and down to see if she may have gotten a scratch or something, he was a bit relieved that she wasn't harmed due to the fall, but her shoes floated endlessly away from them.

"My shoes....." she can't stop her tears from bursting, waaaaaa, this day has become so awful, why did it have to be today, why did they ever come so early, don't they ever sleep at all.

"Don't cry Johanna, I will carry you back since you don't have your shoes now." George can't help but reached out and patted her head seeing that she was flustered.

She hesitantly climbed on the man's back, but leaving her with no choice she did, remembering she ate a lot last night, she must be heavy, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit heavy George" but the man seemed not to care at all. He needed to carry her for another four or five kilometers before they reached the mansion, she can't help but sigh.

"The kids and I usually go for a run almost every day. When Marga first came, she was quite athletic but she was not able to keep with the kids and me, and one time, Stephen had to also carry her to go back to the house when she twisted her ankle." George started trying to start a conversation so that the woman he was carrying can feel at ease. "I have three children, you've met the two boys but not my little girl, and when Marga came, I already thought of her as another daughter, also knowing that Stephen already had feelings for her since they were younger. Most of the time Stephen always kept to himself, but with Marga, he started to open up and even smiled, so Marga not only brought my sister back to us but also happiness in our home," he recalled the first time he saw his sister, it was back at the orphanage with the little Marga at her side like she was her daughter.

Johanna listened to George talk about his children and her niece, he was such a loving man, it felt that her heart was warming up. "Even though my children are all grown-ups now, one pair even married, I still worry about them, and I'm also worried about my sister," George said the last part softly like his heart was suddenly aching just thinking about Fatima.

There was an odd silence between them, so Johanna decided it was her turn to share something about herself, so she cleared her throat "Mary, Margaret's mother was my cousin and best friend. We grew up together, shared everything together, but we got separated when she decided to study elsewhere, and I was left in since she was a year ahead of me. Then one day, I returned home, and...." she suddenly stopped, her throat was suddenly dry, and her eyes burned, not again. George turned to look at her when she fell silent all of a sudden and saw the grim on her face, "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it Johanna." he consoled her.

But she felt rather warm, it was nice to have someone she can finally talk to and open up about how she truly felt about losing her beloved cousin. But can she really tell him the dark secret of Margaret's birth and the real reason of her cousin's death, did she trust him enough.

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