
A Promise

"Can you remove your glasses and tell me again what you just said"...he was still stunned with the girl's request, with his hands shaking, he took off his glasses. He then muster his courage and looked at her in the eyes before saying "Marga I really like you and I want us to be together", his eyes never left hers. Like time stood still, even the air around them not making a fuss, Marga looked at the boy's eyes and saw how serious he was, she was in daze and confused about how to respond, so she said in a low voice "Is it okay if we get to know each other first? I am also new to this Stephen and I don't want to rush things, can you give me some time to be sure of how I feel?"

Feeling a bit relaxed now, he took a deep breath before saying "Alright, I don't want you to make any rush decisions too, but promise me that you will think about it, okay?" although he has not received the answer he wanted but she did not reject him, so there is still hope for them, he was happy about that and he will surely wait for this girl until she is ready. Wanting to seal their promise, he wanted to actually kiss her again but he wants to take it slow this time heeding her words, so he extended his arm with a "pinky promise" hand gesture. She was surprised by this childish act, but she smiled and also extended her hand to connect her little finger with his, thus, sealing their promise to each other, with the sun above and this oak tree as their only witness. He still could not help himself, she pulled her in for an embrace, he was really happy and he wanted her to know how he feels, "Hey, no hugging and kissing, if you really like me, then you have to wait, understand?!," Marga pushed him gently but she was still smiling at this handsome boy. "Hehehe, just practicing, don't worry, I will not hug and kiss you unless you let me my lady!" while raising his hands in surrender to this little lady who know owns his heart.

Both walked happily back to main entrance of the orphanage, Stephen and Liza were to go back home today to help their Father and Tommy unboxing their belongings since they just moved houses. "You're finally here bro, has everything been settled?" Liza sneaked a smile at Stephen while Marga was not looking. Stephen pinched Liza's side to signal her to keep her mouth shut, while looking at the girl sideways. "Guys, you better hurry and help your Father with your new home, in case you need help, you can always come to me. And the orphanage is always open for you to visit" Sister Fatima said while caressing the back of Liza's head. "Aunt, how about we bring Marga to help us today? I think I have a lot things to unboxed and I can't really count on my brothers to help me." Liza acted cute with her Aunt.

"Would you mind helping Liza today little Mimi? I guess you can also take a breather, you have not been out of the orphanage since last month, you need to take a rest. I know you're worried about the children, but I can take care of them, okay?" because Sister Fatima sense that her niece would really like to spend more time with Marga, so she can't deny Liza's request. Marga looked helplessly at Liza then at Sister Fatima, then a quick glance at Stephen before she nodded her head, she was wondering now if Liza knew about what had happened between the two of them, thinking about these, she regretted about agreeing to Liza's request.

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