
"Are you still regretting?"

She was positioned to be sitting on top of him and she angrily said, "I am used to using my brain you punk! How did you think I got my job? hmpft!" then she pinched both sides of his cheeks while squinting her eyes at the same time. "Aaah, it hurts Marga. I'm not saying your dumb sweetheart, I'm saying you're just over thinking things." Stephen said while holding her wrist but did not stop her to continue pinching his cheeks, letting her vent out her frustrations.

"You think you're so smart because you're a doctor! hmmmmp, I shouldn't have married you if you're just going to talk smart to me!" then she started to loosen her hand on his cheeks and tried to get up but Stephen was quick and grab her waist and made her stay in place.

"So are you saying that you're regretting you married me because I'm smarter than you? Or are you regretting marrying me because I'm a doctor?" he continued to teased her, he really has a way with words and Marga was always very easy to tease. Marga glared at him "I'm regretting..." she did not finish what she was about to say, her lips were covered by his in a passionate kiss. After a very long kiss, "Are you still regretting?" Stephen said hoarsely.

She blushed, as stubborn as she is, she nodded her tiny head, then she was kissed hard again, this time Stephen sneaked his hands in her pyjamas, then he turned her around, switching their places, now he was on top of her. "Do you think I will give you a chance to regret your decision to marry me Marga?" he huskily said while his mouth claimed one of her breasts and the other hand cupped her other one, she gasped.

Her eyes blurred from the extreme pleasure that suddenly overwhelmed her senses, then she was suddenly lifted in the air. Stephen stripped her off her pyjamas in a second and he was already kissing and sucking every inch of her body, she didn't even have time to register what was happening, she just felt all of her insides trembling with the pleasure brought about by Stephen's abrupt sucking and licking. Then she suddenly felt Stephen's manhood inside her, then he thrust fast and hard, until she can't take it anymore, so she moaned and cried when she came.

Then he was not satisfied, after she came, he sneakily bent his head and licked her middle, he sucked all her pouring juices, then sucked wildly on her bulging bell, until not a moment had passed she came all over his mouth again, her energy now almost depleted, but it seems that the husband still wants to prove himself, so she turned her over and pounced on her again. She did not know how many times she came, and how many times they changed position, but she was all worn out and she felt instantly asleep that she did not notice the sly smile that her man had.

She woke up earlier than usual, her body was sore yet she felt so contented with their lovemaking last night, what suddenly happened to her restraint husband who was always gentle with her, it felt like a wild animal released from its cage, it was a first time Stephen was that wild, but she can't deny that she liked the wild side of her husband.

She looked at the man beside her who was sleeping soundly, and she noticed that he had scratches all over his arm and shoulders, not only was he the wild animal, she was the same. She leaned in and kissed the man's forehead, "I will never regret marrying you Stephen, you are my one and only love forever." then she turned around and just as she was about to get up, the man pulled her back to his side. "Are you sure? Maybe I still need to prove my worth to you?" Stephen said with his eyes still burning with passion. "No sweetheart, I am very very satisfied with you, there is no way in the world that I would regret ever being with you." then she immediately stood up and headed fast to the bathroom, she was followed by her husbands chuckle, and she can't help but turn into a tomato as she looked at herself in the mirror.

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