
" I was afraid that I will be blinded looking at you."

Because everything happened too suddenly, Marga only noticed now that Stephen was not wearing his dark glasses, she was unconsciously staring at him lost at her train of thoughts, she was also partly curious of why he was always wearing his dark glasses. Stephen noticed her staring at him "What is it? Do you want me to sing you a lullaby? Hehe" he teased. She was wondering when they can have a proper conversation when he don't tease her and she's not snapping at him. "No! I don't want to have nightmares!." she said turning her back at him. "Ahm, I was just curious why are you always wearing your sunglasses? Is there something wrong with your eyes?" she bravely said since he can't look at her.

Stephen was wondering how to answer her, in fact he don't know if she already saw what he has been hiding on his face. " I was afraid that I will be blinded looking at you." his voice was soft and quiet when he said this, making sure that Marga will not hear. But she still heard him but did not take it seriously, instead she turned to face him and was stunned because at the same time Stephen was also looking at him. Like time froze for a minute when they were both just staring at each other, reading each other's expression, then Marga saw a scar right under his right eye, it looked like the wound was deep enough to create such big scar.

Still staring at Marga, Stephen watched nervously waiting for her reaction to change, but seconds passed and it stayed the same, like she has not seen anything bizzare on his face, maybe she did not see it clearly due to the dim lights. After roughly 2 minutes of silence, Stephen finally let out a chuckle, he was amused seeing that the girl did not show any signs of being scared or disgusted by the large scar on his face. At first, he was even disgusted looking at his own face, the scar that reminded him of how he had lost his mother in an accident. It took him a while to accept that his mother is already gone, it took a lot of therapy and counselling to get where he is today, and because of this silly girl, he was able to smile the whole day.

He already made up his mind that he wants to be closer to this girl the moment he saw her smile, he has been dazzled completely by her. "Ask your question Marga, I know you're curious about something." he then said breaking the defeaning silence of the room. Marga inhaled deeply, she don't know what to ask him, she already know that they got into a car accident with his mother and got a significant scar, but the scar kind of fits him like a puzzle, she wondered. "Nope there is nothing that I am curious about, I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight!" turning her back once again. "Don't you think my scar looks nice on me?" he said turning his face to Marga once again. "Yeah, I think it looks good on you" she said shyly, admitting to herself that this boy continuously making her heart flutter.

"It looks good? Then why can't you even look at me?" he teased, wanting to see her face. Slowly she turned around to look at Stephen once again. Her face turning scarlet red and held her breath because Stephen was right in front of her, just inches away from her face. Something came over her and she stretched her hand towards his handsome face and touched his scar, "yeah it looks good on you."

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