
C67: Propose

After all the guest left, Megan stayed and helped to clean up.

"Megan, can you leave first. We have to have a talk. Thank you." Megan then left Mr and Mrs Xia alone and went off.

"I had enough, it is supposed to be a happy event and you ruin it. Now, we, the Xia will be an utter embarrassment. I can feel that that girl really took the effort to choose the teacup set and you ruthlessly smash it and said harsh words to her. I know you disapprove of that girl but you don't have to humiliate her and now you even offend president Wang."

"Do you want to side with that vixen too? She is a vixen indeed, seducing my husband too. Since you like her so much like your son, you can go find her and your son." Mrs Xia continues badmouthing Gina and even vent her anger on Mr Xia.

"You...you!" Mr Xia shook his head and went out.


After leaving his house, Justin brought Gina to the rooftop of a building. The view was amazing with nicely lit buildings and light from the cars. Gina has been holding her tears back. Justin knew that she was greatly hurt by his mother. He pulls her into his embrace and hugs her tightly.

"Just let it all out. Don't endure it, cry it out." Justin said softly to Gina.

Gina tears started spilling and she was crying harshly. Justin felt like his heart was torn into many million pieces when she saw how aggrieved she was.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It's ok, I am by your side now. I will always be by your side, I will not let go of you. I really love you." Justin continues pacifying and comforting his women who were crying bitterly.

After crying enough in Justin's arms, her tears all dry out and she felt much better. Justin let go of her and took out a navy blue velvet box. It was a diamond ring that was shining brightly under moonlight.

"I prepared this ring for a long time but I am waiting for the perfect place and time to propose but I can't wait anymore. Will you let me stay by your side to take care of and protect you forever?" Justin kneel and propose to Gina

"But...but...your family?" Gina was very hesitant as she knows his family will never accept her.

"Don't care about anything else, I will settle everything. Just based on your true feeling, do you want to be my wife?"

"Yes, I do." Gina was really touched and started tearing up.

Ever since she started dating Justin, she has become weak and not as strong-willed as when she was young. Maybe love just make each other weak and emotional. Justin put on the ring on Gina's finger and hug her tightly.

"Now, you are my soon to be wife. You can never run away no matter what." Justin whispered to Gina.


News of how young master Xia protects his no-name girlfriend on his father's birthday banquet had spread around and eventually spread to the Fangs.

"I told her he already has a girlfriend he really loves, why are you so stubborn." Mr Fang and her daughter

"Daddy, I really like him. I don't care, I will not marry anyone except for him. Daddy, if you do not want to help me, I can get him myself." Megan was very determined to get this man he loves ever since she first met him.

Mr Fang has to help her precious daughter and gave Mrs Xia a call.

"Hi, Mrs Xia, I heard that WS corporation is stopping all collaboration with Xia corporation. If your son marries my daughter, I will give you everything you need and make Xia corporation larger than WS corporation." Mr Fang told Mrs Xia.

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