
83. It's a WayHaught Wedding Pt. 2

       Ok, well, they weren’t off to Shorty’s for the reception. They and their bridespeople (with the addition of Rory and Luke), Michelle, Gus, Nedley, Alice, and Apollo were headed to The Hill for pictures. But everyone else was off to Shorty’s. 

       Their poses ranged from formal; ones with the whole group, just them with their people, and individuals. Then there were some with Waverly and Nicole, either posing together or kissing and whatnot, even one with them holding Alice with a cardboard number one. 

       Then . 

       Some not so formal ones. Such as Nicole and Wynonna both shotgunning beers. Nicole hanging happily off a tree branch above Waverly’s head, who was rolling her eyes with crossed arms. Nedley and Nicole each against a tree with their guns held at the ready and looking at each other while Mama, Wynonna, and Waverly were in the distance in between the two trees being reckless with bottles of liquor to their lips. Wynonna staring at the camera annoyedly while Nicole and Waverly heavily made out in the background, the redhead’s hands on her ass and the brunette’s tangled in her hair.  All of the women loving men and women loving women in their wedding party lying dead on the ground with Waverly in the middle, flipping her hair. Nicole and the men all with their fists proudly on their hips overlooking the ledge of the cliff with their pants around their ankles, showing off their matching white and red heart boxers.

       This was and Earp/Haught wedding. There was no way it was going to be a normal photo shoot.

       Waverly’s favorite was their BGP (Big Gay Picture), which included Calli and Alexa, Joseph and Luke, Romeo and Rory, Robin and Jeremy, and them, of course, each couple wrapped in their own rainbow flag. She was technically torn in her decision because they had taken two. One with the couples lost in each other’s eyes and the other with them kissing. 

       Nicole’s favorite picture, though, was not as sweet. No. Her’s was the one that no one but them knew had been taken. It was Waverly’s idea actually when they had walked off to get their newlywed pictures with one another. In the background was their whole wedding party talking amongst themselves. But in the middle was a tree. And against the tree was Waverly with her best O-face, one hand gripping the bark above her head and the other fisting Nicole’s red locks as she was on her knees in front of her with her dress hitched and face in between her legs. Of course they hadn’t actually been doing anything, but the Sheriff thought it was the funniest thing in the world. 


       Maybe her favorites were tied. 

       Cause the one where they were standing together holding Alice and pushing kisses to her cheeks while she waved a little baby rainbow flag on a stick was pretty darn adorable. 

       And when they were sitting right next to each other with their feet hanging over the ledge, Nicole’s arm around Waverly’s waist and her head on her shoulder as she pushed a kiss to the top of her head was pretty cute, too. Not to mention that the sunset that was in front of them.

       . . . Annd the one where she had snuck up behind Jeremy when he was bent over tying his shoe, placing her hands on his hips with a smirk and pulling him back into her. The look of horror on his face that was captured was priceless . But she couldn’t decide if Waverly and Chrissy’s in the background were better. 

       Screw it.

       She loved them all. 


       Nicole set Apollo down after getting a picture with him on her shoulders. She looked towards the back of her cruiser where they had kept all the props they were using at the sound of her name. “Huh?” She asked Nedley as she walked over to him. 

       “What’s this hidin’ back here for?” He questioned, lifting her tan Stetson out from where it was hiding underneath one of the pride flags. 

       The redhead grinned as she examined it, looking behind her to see that Waverly had her back turned to them as she talked to Rory. “She hasn’t seen me in this in a long time.” 

       “Well, go on, Haught. Get your girl,” Randy smiled, clapping her shoulder. 

       She looked towards their camerawoman and she gave her a nod. Nicole smiled, pushing her hand through her hair before dropping the hat on her head and tipping it back to position it as she silently walked up behind her wife, holding a finger to her lips to keep Rory and the others around her quiet. She stopped and hooked her thumbs on her pants with her usual police stance, tapping lightly on her shoulder.

       Waverly stopped talking, turning her head to look at whoever was behind her. Her eyes widened and mouth fell open slightly as she turned all the way around, dotting her eyes back and forth from her face to the Stetson. “Oh my God . . .” She let out a little laugh as her shock wore off, face going cherry red at the camera flash she saw out of the corner of her eye. 

       “It's a nice evening, isn’t it?” The Sheriff drawled, turning to look at the sunset to the right of her. They both knew damn good and well that statement was the very first thing she ever said to her.

       Waverly smiled bashfully with heart eyes, taking a step towards her and wrapping her arms around her waist, propping her chin up on her chest. “Yea, it is . . .”

       Nicole looked down at her with a dimpled smile, moving her arms to loop around her neck as another camera flash lit up the sides of their faces. “Y’know, I really passed up a perfect opportunity to frisk you that night,” she mumbled. 

       “I feel like things would have turned out very different if you did,” Waverly giggled. Nicole smirked, sliding her hands up to her cheeks and leaning down into a soft kiss.


.  .  .


       “Mrs. and Mrs. Haught, everybody!” Shorty said into the bullhorn behind the bar as the front doors opened and the couple walked in. There was more there for the reception than there was for the actual wedding since that had been more of an intimate thing for them, so their blinding smiles lit up the room filled with cheers.

       They handed out greetings to those that they hadn’t seen yet before making their way to the tables in the middle of the bar that had been set up for dinner. The people at Mama’s Pizza House had been ever so kind to cater for them. And considering that everyone was already pretty boozed up, pizza was a great option. 


       “Hey, can I get another Jack and Coke?” Nicole asked Shorty behind the bar with a smile. 

       He nodded with a chuckle as he began to make it. “Getting drunk on your wedding, Sheriff?” 

       She shook her head with a laugh, “Nah. But I ain’t gonna be completely sober, though.” 

       He brought his own whiskey out, clinking her cup that he had just handed her. “Cheers to that.” 

       “Where’s my wife?” Nicole heard Waverly over the speaker from the microphone they were going to be using for the toasts. A laugh passed over the room, all fingers pointing to her.

       Nicole turned around with a cocked eyebrow, meeting her eyes. “Hi, Baby!” She smiled with a wave. 

       “Hi, Love. Since your over there, get me another drink, would ya?” 

       “What do you want?!” She shouted over the chatter in the bar. 

       “You are married to me and you don’t know what I want to drink? That’s just sad,” Waverly sighed with a shake of her head. 

       She pursed her lips, looking towards Shorty. “Sex on the Beach,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “And, uh. Maybe I need a little more whiskey in this.” She pushed her glass towards him and he happily added some more before turning to make Waverly’s. Whiskey was the brunette’s casual drink of choice. But a good Sex on the Beach could get her ready for any party. 

       “Honey, grab me another slice of pizza while you’re at it,” Waverly smirked. Nicole threw her a playful glare and she let out a laugh. 

       Two drinks and a plate of pizza in hand, she made her way back over to the table with a shake of her head, setting her things down in front of her. “You have way too much power with that thing,” she muttered, nodding towards the microphone set on the table. 

       “I know, right? I love it.” 

       Everyone began to finish up eating and Nicole looked up, seeing Jeremy reaching across the table for the microphone. She smiled, leaning back in her chair and dropping her hand to Waverly’s thigh. 

       He tapped his finger against the top of it, getting everyone’s attention and quieting them down. “I guess my speech is first, huh?” He looked towards his best friend and she gave him a smile. Jeremy cleared his throat, “Uh, for those of you that don’t know me. Hi. I’m Jeremy Chetri. And Nicole and I have been best friends since, well, my whole life. Not her’s, though. She got a couple-month head start . . . I guess when your moms are best friends, that automatically means that you have to tolerate one another. But I think we got lucky. Cause I ended up with the best sister I could ask for out of the whole deal.” 

       Nicole pouted her lip at him and he gave her a smile with a nod. “Enough about us- although I’m sure you would love to hear all the stories of ‘Middle School Nicky’.”

       “ YES !” Wynonna shouted. “ ABSOLUTELY NOT !” Nicole screamed over her.

       Jeremy chuckled to himself, “Let me go ahead and get some thank you’s out of the way. To all of the guests, I want to thank you for taking the time to travel here tonight. I know some of you had to take planes or ride in cars for several hours to make it and, on behalf of the lovely couple, too, we’re so grateful. For everyone who helped to get this party going tonight, from the catering staff to the planners to Shorty for closing down the bar for tonight, thank you. And to all of the bridespeople, thanks for all the help making everything go off without a hitch today. We nailed it.” 

       A round of claps rolled over before he began again, “But most of all, thank you, Nicole and Waverly, for allowing us to share and experience this very special day with you.” They both tipped their glasses towards him. “When I first found out that my best friend was dating Waverly Earp, I for sure thought I was being pranked. There was no way. Sweet, sweet Waverly with her ?” He shook his head. “But it soon became clear to me that it was true . . . And by that I mean every conversation turned into Waverly, Waverly, Waverly, oh my God she’s so pretty and nice and smart and everything I’ve ever wanted- Oh my God, Jer, it’s been a week and I’m already in love, WHAT DO I DO!? ”

       Nicole’s face reddened and the brunette laughed, leaning her head on her shoulder. Jeremy looked towards them, nodding as he looked at Waverly to confirmed that it did actually happen. “In all seriousness, though . . . Waverly, you are just what Nicole needed, and I’m grateful more than you’ll ever know that she’s found someone as amazing as you. It would take a severely stupid person to deny that a love like the one you two have for one another isn’t what we all want. And on behalf on everyone in this room, I wish you both the best that this world has to offer because I know you both truly deserve it . . . I was told to keep this short, so I’ll wrap it up. Uhm, I love you both to death and I can’t wait to see what this next chapter of you life has in store for you. And, Waverly, I’d just like to go ahead and inform you now that your wife and I have had a running bet for almost 17 years that ends in me getting the privilege of naming one of her kids, AKA your kids, so I’d suggest you encourage her to keep up her end of the deal.” He shot her a smirk as he dropped his hands to his sides. 

       Nicole widened her eyes at him and Waverly looked towards her, raising her brows high in question. She looked towards her, patting her hand with a toothy smile, obviously purposely not going into details about it as the room clapped while Jeremy did a little bow of some sort. The redhead stood to get away from the daggers being shot at her by her wife, walking around the table and wrapping him in a hug. “I love you, Dude,” she mumbled as she rocked them in a circle. 

       He gave her shoulder a good squeeze. “I love you, too.” 

       She pulled away with a soft smile. “Thank you.”

       Jeremy mirrored it with a little shrug. “I meant every word . . . especially the last part.” 

       Nicole turned away with a snort, “Trust me, I know .”  She took her seat as Chrissy walked up and took the microphone from him, exchanging a few words with him before he found his own seat again. 

       She cleared her throat, looking towards Waverly with a grin. “My turn.” The brunette leaned her head on Nicole’s shoulder with a smile, spinning the ring on her finger with her thumb. “Hi, Everyone!” The blonde started. “I’m Chrissy Nedley, Waverly’s Maid of Honor and best friend of almost 13 years. And my dad calls Nicole his daughter, so I don’t know if that makes me her sister, too, but ya know . . .” A chuckle passed over the room. “So Waves and I met in 5th grade when I moved up here from Texas. The teacher forced me to follow her around for my first week, so we were forced to get to know one another, and, uh, I’m pretty sure it's the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

       Waverly’s face softened, and she gave her a small smile. “I know it’s shocking to hear now, but I was shy back then. I mean, I had just moved to a new country and I didn’t know anyone . So if she hadn’t grouped us together, I don’t know how I would have turned out. Because, Wave, you bring out the absolute best in me. And back then, you brought me out of my shell by teaching me that the best thing to be is yourself. That’s all you ever were. Yourself. You never let anyone try and change you, and I’ve always admired that about you.” 

       The brunette swallowed slightly, and Nicole gave her hand a squeeze. “We quickly became as close as sisters by spending more nights together than apart, or just time in general. And with that came our fair share of fighting. And, boy , did we fight like sisters. Half the time over the stupidest things. But . . . Not only did we fight like sisters, but we loved like them. We’ve laughed, cried, laughed until we cried, and learned more about one another than we probably would like to- That’s right , Haught. I’ve seen your wife naked just as much as you have.” The redhead snorted. “No, but really . . . We’ve been through some of the hardest times of our lives together and have been grateful to have each other through some of the best. And through it all, I’ve had the opportunity to watch her grow and evolve into the beautiful woman that sits before us today, and I am honored not only to call her my bestie but my sister. She is well-rounded, smart as crap , kind-hearted, and the most selfless woman you will ever meet. She puts forth effort and dedication into everything she does, and I know she will approach her new role as a wife the same exact way.” Waverly let out a huff as she pat at her eyes, shaking her head at the blonde. 

       Her eyes shifted towards Nicole. “You are one lucky girl, Haught. Thank you for making Waves so incredibly happy. It’s a huge relief knowing she has a woman who’s caring, loving, and supportive by her side. I always hoped she’d end up with someone like you, and more so of the woman type since I knew she was not so straight waaay before she did.” A laugh rolled over and she flicked her eyes to the brunette. “I’m sorry, Dude, but you were more than obsessed with Hermione and the Weasley twins. Put ‘em together and you get a sassy woman who also happens to be freaky tall and a ginger.” Her eyes fell back on Nicole. “And would ya look at that!” 

       The couple laughed, looking towards one another and pushing their foreheads together. “So, with all that said, if everyone could please raise their glasses. I’d like to propose a toast to the Haught’s! Here’s to love, laughter, and happiness. Congrats, you guys!” 

       A couple people whooped, and Chrissy walked over to their table. Waverly stood and leaned over it to pull her into a hug, “That was really sweet, Chris, thank you.” 

       “I tried my best,” she said with a proud lilt in her voice.

       The brunette laughed with an eye roll, pulling back and giving her a wide smile. “You’re the best.” 

       “That’s all you, Girl,” Chrissy winked, walking back over to her seat. 

       Nicole’s eyes widened, seeing Wynonna grabbing the microphone. But judging by the look on Waverly’s face when she looked at her in question, they were both equally confused. 

       “‘Sup Haught Potatoes,” she smirked. They both rolled their eyes. “You people really thought I’d let my baby sister get married without giving a speech? Who do you think I am?” She shook her head. “. . . As Waves’ older sister by five years, 11 months, 27 days, six hours, and 51 minutes, I’ve been protective over her for basically my whole life. Sure, there were times where someone forced me to be a dick or ignore her, but she was the baby, ok? She needed to be pushed around a little bit. But for the most part, I’ve always made it my mission to be responsible for her. To protect her from all the evils in the world, whatever they may be. She’s always been so much smaller than me, anyway, whether it be because our age or the fact that she’s just short.” Waverly shot her a glare. 

       “But we eventually grew up and weren’t little kids anymore, although you do look twelve years old still, but-” 

       “ Wynonna ,” she warned. Nicole was covering her mouth next to her to keep herself from laughing with the rest of the room. 

       The older Earp smirked evilly at her sister, but let her face even after the room quieted back down. “I met Haught Pants, here, before Waverly did. If I’m remembering correctly, you brought us a package at BBD and Dolls kinda threatened you with death for not knocking or whatever.” Nicole nodded with a small chuckle of remembrance as she looked towards him. “And let me tell ya, she didn’t give two shits . And it was then that I began to like you, though you were some new flatfoot Deputy and I didn’t want anything to do with you because of that.” 

       Wynonna cleared her throat a bit. “I, uh, I just teased you for a while cause I had nothing better to do and you got pissed off every time. I had to get my entertainment from somewhere . But . . . then I walked in on you mackin’ on my sister, and, boy , did I wanna rip your face off.” 

       “You tried to,” the redhead pointed off.

       “I did try to. We actually beat the crap out of each other, it was pretty great.”

       “No it was not ,” Waverly huffed, flicking her glare between them. 

       Wynonna let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck. “. . . On that day, Haught, you proved something to me. You stood up for her and made sure that I knew I was in the wrong. It sounds bad now, but I really did think you were pressuring her. And you made sure I knew that you weren’t while I had a gun to your head . You didn’t have to do that. You could have just ran. You could have left. But you didn’t . . . And that’s when I knew you were the one. You were the one who was finally gonna treat my baby sister right. You were the one who was finally going to be there for her. You were the one who finally loved her just as much as I do. And I can’t thank you enough because, without you, I don’t know where she’d be. Hell, I don’t know where I’d be. It takes a special person to handle us Earp's. Whether that be because of the weight on our last name or that we're . . . us .- By the way, Babygirl, I don't care that you're a Haughty now. You're still, and always will be, an Earp to me. You can't get away from me that easily."

       She nodded with a soft giggle, dipping her head. “Anyway . . . All I wanted to do was come up here and embarrass you and tell you how happy I am for you. Cause I am, Wave. I really am. For the longest time I thought you were gonna end up with someone who just . . . wasn't Nicole. You deserve someone who will give you the world, and she tries pretty damn hard to do just that." She gave them a little shrug. "That's all I got. I love you both. But please, please, please don't get pregnant during your Honeymoon." 

       Nicole rolled her eyes, and the brunette shot her a glare as everyone else laughed. " Wynonna ."

       She smirked, giving them a little wave. She turned her head towards Doc, smiling at her daughter. "My kid was kind enough to give them the best one-year anniversary present by being born , so it's only fair that they threw her this awesome birthday party in return." She looked back towards the couple. "And I know y'all are itching to get out there and grind on each other for the first time since being married, but it's almost her bedtime and we haven't even sang to her yet, so . . ." 

       They both sighed, and everyone made their way over to the giant cake that was decorated with birthday candles. Nicole smiled as she took Alice from Doc, holding her in front of her chest to face the cake. Waverly lit all the candles before moving back to the Sheriff's side, wrapping her arm around her waist. 

       Wynonna started off the singing and the whole room erupted into Happy Birthday as Alice wiggled around happily in the Sheriff’s arms. Everyone clapped at the end and Nicole grabbed the cupcake that had been sitting with one of the candles in it on top of the cake, bringing it in front of her face. She smiled down at her as her eyes became transfixed on the flame. “Ali, blow it out.” She blew a raspberry, hoping she’d mimic her like she usually did. And she did, sending slobber all over her hand and the cupcake, but the flame went out, nonetheless, and everyone cheered. 

       That was why they let her blow out a candle on her own individual part of the cake. 

       Waverly laughed, pushing a kiss to the side of her head. “Nonna, blow the rest out. I want cake.”

       The older brunette shook her head with a smile. “It’s the three of yous’ cake. You two blow the rest out.” 

       The couple looked towards one another, then shrugging as they leaned towards the cake and blew the 10 or so left out. “It’s cake time, People!” Nicole grinned. 


.  .  .


       Waverly finished putting her hair up in a messy bun and dropped her towel in the hamper on her way out of the bathroom from her shower. She was exhausted . After their First Dance to Thinking Out Loud, three more hours of dancing and partying, and then their exit, they were both rightfully spent. They decided that since they would be leaving for the airport mid-morning the day after that they would just stay the night at the Homestead. 

       “Night, Nonna,” she said with a yawn, peeking her head in her door as she was stripping out of her dress. 

       “Night, Babygirl,” Wynonna smiled as she turned around to face her. 

       She mirrored it before walking down the hall to her room, rubbing her eyes with yet another yawn. “D’you want anything before I lay down, Bab-” Waverly stopped when her eyes came back into focus, seeing that Nicole was fast asleep with the baby snuggled up on her chest. She shook her head with a smile as she walked over and gently moved the redhead’s hands off of her and lifted her up, careful not to wake her. She walked silently to her nursery, pushing a couple of kisses to her head before laying her down in her crib and returning to the room. 

       “You took my heater,” the Sheriff mumbled groggily as she flicked the lamp off and laid down next to her. 

       Waverly smiled, moving to lay in between her legs and resting her head on her chest. “I’m a better heater.” 

       She let out a little hum, wrapping her arms around her with a smile. “Warm.” The brunette chuckled softly, pushing herself up so she was hovering above her face until Nicole opened her eyes and blinked up at her with heart eyes. “Hi.” 


       The redhead slowly ran her hands down her sides under the blanket. “I love you.” 

       Waverly smiled softly, sliding her thumb across her cheek a few times. “I love you, too.” Nicole moved her hands back up to her cheeks as Waverly leaned down, pushing a kiss to her lips before pulling back with a smile just to lean back in and plant a couple more pecks. The brunette sighed in content, dropping back down and snuggling her face into her neck, twisting the string of the redhead’s hoodie around her finger a few times. “Good night.” 

       “Night, Honey,” she mumbled, slipping her hand up the back of her t-shirt and sliding across it for a second before hugging around her side. “Don’t wake me up till we gotta leave. I like it right here.” 

       “Babe, I’m a million percent sure you will like it a whole lot more in France and Italy and Greece.” 

       She was quiet for a second, and Waverly wasn’t sure if she had fallen asleep or not. “. . . You right.” 

       The brunette smiled, wrapping her hand around her pointer finger and pulling her hand over to cup her face. “Get used to it, Love. I’m your wife. I’m always right.” 

       “I am also your wife,” Nicole pointed out quietly. 

       “What was that?” She questioned, although she had heard her loud and clear. 

       “I said yes, Dear,” she sighed, squeezing her fingers roughly into her side. 

       Waverly let out a hum with a small smirk as she closed her eyes, “That’s what I thought.”