
Pool Party Pt 1

The day of Mr. Donaldson's pool party has arrived. Guest were lead down stone stairs through a beautiful garden in to the pool area.

There were lots of round tables with white umbrellas, cabanas with sheer white flowy fabric blowing through the wind. The DJ was set perfect on the balcony of the pool house in front of the pool. Waiters and waitresses were walking around with hard liquor from the bar of course, champagne and food from the kitchen.

There were lots of pool toys floating around, beach balls being thrown and people lounging around in the pool on floats.

Girls in their bikinis were walking around, lounging by the pool in pool chairs and cabanas, jumping into the pool with guys and both sex lounging in the jacuzzi.

People are taking pictures with friends and selfies by the pool. Girls are dancing drunk and guys are noticing their drunken stupor behavior. Some are being taken into the pool house into private rooms Mr. Donaldson had his staff prepare a day before the party. Some are even bold and are doing their business out in the open.

Dontae has just arrived walking into the party rubbing his hands together and licking his lips thinking ' What or who can I get into tonight?!' He has on a cabana boy white cotton, unbuttoned shirt and his shorts are of the same fabric and color. He has on his brown Prada shades. his gold Rolex watch. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail and he has brown sandals on.

He brought Timothy, Markus and Antonio with him so that they can have fun and get loose. Having a little guy outting.

Mr. Donaldson with his hair jelled back has on a palm tree tshirt and bleach washed Jean shorts. He walked up to them with opened arms surprised that Dontae came and greeted them.

" Hey President Kim, I'm so happy you came. How's it going?" He said in his excitement. He even tried to give him a hug but was rejected and he tried to play it off. " Thanks for coming to my party." He shook his hand and patted his back. " The bar is to your left, the cabanas are to your right, the private rooms are upstairs on the second floor in the pool house and the ladies are everywhere." He continued.

" Thanks for inviting me. I hope it's okay that I brought my friends with me?" Dontae asked.

" No, not a problem. The more the merrier. I'm just excited that you came!" He shook all of his friends hands. " There are drinks and food going around. If you need anything dont hesitate to find me and let me know the issue." He continued.

" Thanks man, we will keep that in mind."

" Okay, have fun and I will check up on you guys later!"

"Okay, see ya!"

Mr. Donaldson walked away and put his arm around a random chick's neck and walked back up the stairs while giving her instructions.

The guys walked down the last two steps and walked towards the bar. They sat down and scanned the area..... the party. They saw a couple of girls that might tickle their interest, a few that didn't and most that they just wanted to bang.

" Look at the girl in the red. Shes hot!" Antonio said while biting his lips and grabbing Timothy's shoulders and shaking him in the process.

Timothy frowned and pushed Antonio away from him " Cut it out man. You act like you never saw a woman before."

" Today we're in a pet store. we can play with them and leave." Dontae said with a smirk and lifted his eyebrows a few times.

" This party is dope. Let's walk around and see what we can find." Markus said excitedly as he wanted to change scenery.

The guys got their drinks and started to walk around the party.

" Oooo, loot at that one over there in the yellow" Markus pointed as he smiled like a child looking at the tigers for the first time at the zoo. Antonio agreed and both snickered while tickling each others fingers after giving a high five. They were jumping around in place like sneaky little kids.

" DAMN!" The four of them said in unison. With scrunched up faces as if they ate something nasty. Antonio and Dontae were making faces as if they wanted to vomit.

" Did you see that ugly b**ch?" Timothy asked in horror. " Her teeth are f***ing brown." He continued.

" Who would invite something like that? Antonio asked with a disgusted look on his face. " It look like it's a chain smoker with bulging eyes." He continued.

Dontae spotted a Puerto Rican girl walking by. " Hey mommie! Mamacita! Holland atcha boy! I'll be your popi tonight!" He tried to imitate a Latin voice as he shouted in the girls direction. " Did you see that body?" He turned to his friends. " I'll give her ten babies." He continued as his eyes followed the girl.

They finally settled at the cabanas and some very voluptuous, cute girls were next to them. They stroked up a conversation with them. Antonio did most of the talking since he is the charmer of the group. And sure enough, not even five minutes has passed and he's leading one of the women to one of the private rooms upstairs.

" Damn, he's crafty. How the hell does he do it? I'm gonna have to start taking notes from that motherf***er." Timothy said in amazement as he watched Antonio lead the woman up the steps to the pool house.

" That's what I'm saying." Dontae said in agreement watching the same scene as Timothy. They were both in awe.

Markus was still talking to one of the ladies next to their cabana.

" So, can I get your number? Maybe we could meet up later. Do you like white chocolate? Cause I love all flavors and your flavor have me in pain right now." He said as he licked his lips and rubbed his chin.

" I like all flavors too, even caramel." The random female said. " What do you plan to do with this chocolate?" She asked after writing out her number and hesitated to give it to him.

" I like my chocolate to melt in my hands so that I can lick them up." Markus replied as he grabbed the number from her hand.

As her blood began to get hot and her face started to get red. In between her legs started to get wet " Well, we could meet up tonight after this. Just text me your location!" She bit her bottom lip.

" I'll be sure to give you a call soon milk chocolate." As he licked his lips he showcased his long tongue enough for her to get up and rush to the bathroom. He put the number in his pocket for safe keep until later.

" How the hell did these two bastards get more game than us? Dontae asked Timothy with an annoyed look on his face.

Markus smiled and said " You haters. It's a technique and don't sweat it." He said jokingly. " You have to be observant of the female to get what you want." He pushed Dontaes shoulder and asked " How the hell did you ever get laid?"

" Because he has money, pretty eyes and he's Asian. Some girls think that if they get pregnant by this bastard, they would have cute babies." Timothy answered and rolled his eyes.

" Now look who's hating." Dontae said as he looked at Timothy and smiled. " I can't help that I'm handsome and my d*** can be seen through my clothes." He joked.

Markus and Timothy shook their head and sighed. Then they started to laugh at Dontae's dumb reply.

Mr. Donaldson came over to check on the guys. He was half drunk and stumbled a little. " Hey, how's everybody doing?" He looked around " We're missing one?" He asked as he continued to look for the missing friend.

" Yeah, he's in one of your private rooms. He'll be back later." Dontae answered.

" Well, do you see anything or anyone you like?" Mr. Donaldson asked.

" I see a few. The day is not over yet." Dontae replied.

" Well, I hope you have a good time. Enjoy yourselves guys! Hey, I'll send drinks and food service over to you guys, you are my VIP's tonight." He said as he began to leave the group.

" Thanks we appreciate that." Timothy replied.

They watched Mr. Donaldson stumble as he left and continued with their day

Later on that night The guys were still busy looking around, getting numbers and getting laid, Antonio of course. He's had three girls since they settled in the cabanas.

" Where's the lady in red? I wanna f*** her." Timothy said while searching the crowded party.

" That's what I'm talking about. I just want to f***." Dontae replied ad he too began to search the sea of ladies. He looked over to his right and saw just what he was looking for.

Next chapter