
Chapter 27 The Meeting

The doorbell rings a beautiful chime. it was if you were listening to a symphony. Dominic and Dontae rushed to the door, fighting to see who was going to answer it first. After a few rounds of pushing and pulling and running, the winner is Dominic. He answers the door. " Sister- in- lawwww!" He looked down at the three seated stroller and viewed three mixed babies. " You've been busy, huh?" He asked and chuckled a little.

" Hi Dominic! You haven't changed!" She replied and rolls her eyes as she smirks. He started to get nervous when she saw Dontae.

" Come on in. Dontae is behind me because he's afraid to see you!" He jokes and laughs trying to hold Dontae from coming forward.

" I'm not, you liar." Dontae yells and smacks Dominic on the back of the head. " Welcome! Will you please come in?!" He looks down and sees the same little kids he witnessed his mom babysitting. " Oh, so you're their mother?" He asked as he remembered that night he came over to a noisy house.

He looks at her with love in his eyes. He wants to grab her and hold her. He wants to kidnap her and never let her escape. He stands behind the door as she pushes the stroller in. He watches her as she stroll down the hallway and into the center of the home. She takes a baby out one by one and they take off running.

" Abeoji! Abeoji!" They tell in unison.

Mr. Kim comes out of the FAMU room and bends down and hugs his grandbabies " Ah" as he tries to straighten his back out to stand up with all three babies. " Hal- Abeoji babies. Come, I got goodies for you all!" He speaks to them in Korean. He looks at Amari and smiles " Is it okay that I give them a little treat before lunch?" He asked in English.

" Sure!" Amari replies.

Dontae is stunned. Not knowing what's going on. ' Why is dad treating them like they're his own? Naw, he's just being polite.' He thought to himself.

" Amari!" Mrs. Kim comes in from the kitchen. " Its so nice to see you again. Will you be staying for lunch?" She asked and gave her a hug.

" Yeah, why not!" She answered still in Mrs. Kim's embrace.

" Then let's all go into the dinning room and eat. Shall we?!" Mrs. Kim finishes.

While at the dinning room table, jokes are being told, memories are being reminisced. Both Dontae and Dominic are both being smacked on the back of their heads by their parents and the joy of babies fill the room.

Dominic looks at Amari in wonderment. ' Who are her kids father?' He thought. " Amari, who is your kids father and why isn't he around?" He just opened up the flood gates.

Amari was shocked, but not surprised by Dominic. He's the type of person who says whatever it is in his head out loud. Not thinking of the consequences.

" My kids father is....." She looked at Mr. and Mrs. Kim nervously and scared. They encouraged her with a smile and nodded their heads. " His name is Dontae Kim." Dhe finally said it. She can finally breathe.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were happy that she finally said ot while he was in the room. Dominic eyes shot out of his head and his mouth dropped to the floor. Dontae was busy trying to process what he just heard and then a look of shock and surprise turned into fury and anger.

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