
You're Just One Kiss

YOU'RE JUST ONE KISS (The Protector 1) Jacob, a criminal lawyer embraced the witch curse that ran across the Medici family's clan and became a werewolf to protect the chosen woman who would be his wife to continue their legacy. He was the last Medici heir to accomplish that. But he didn't know Angeline came from the union of a pureblood vampire, and the fairy queen converted to a vampire. Mallory marked Jacob's chosen wife as his, the obsessive vampire king, with relation to the mother of his daughter, the powerful witch Carina. Even before Jacob chose among the three sisters, he did not realize the union started between him and the youngest sibling Angeline, when they met at the masquerade party and were drunk that they ended up in bed, which got her pregnant with the twin boys. Each searing kiss with her husband revives Angeline's intimate moments with the man she didn't know fathered her twin boys. READERS, follow me through with the female powerful vampire witch protagonist whose weakness is only one, her beloved, against vampires, witches, and wolves! And HIS weakness? Her, kissing him.

Jude_K_1656 · Fantasy
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250 Chs

Arkhero's Prediction

It stunned Lilian when she understood what she loved wanted to happen.

"My life is meaningless if you marry that guy. I'd rather die with you together. Now prove that you love me to death, Lian."

Instead of saying a word, she gripped his hand tightly again.

When a Nosferatu approached. Zacharias pushed her away, and he wrestled with the growing number of opponents around them.

Lilian spotted a vampire. Its arrow aimed at Zacharias. She did not hesitate. She rushed running towards her beloved and hugged him in the midst of him screaming at the scene in front of him.

The arrow hit her. It shocked their pursuers, and they disappeared like smoke.

"Z-Zach… run away…" she begged, stroking his cheek. " Leave me be, my love… save yourself…."

"Never, Lian," he said, his eyes warm. "Never...!"

He gathered her in his arms going to the cliff. And he jumped without looking back. They disappeared from the rushing water that came from the waterfall.

Zacharias carefully laid the lifeless body of his beloved on the shore. He shook her when she didn't move. No movement. There was desperation on his face. He was at a loss for words. Slowly sagged with tears in his eyes. He hugged her again in his arms. Weeping. Helpless what to do. Thinking of the days she would never be with him anymore.

Suddenly, a pair of feet fell at his side. He tilted to look up and meet the eyes of an old man. Zacharias recognized him. The stranger is the oldest Nosferatu, an ancient type of sword in his hand.

"Go on," he said. "Cut my head… you're doing me a good favor for killing me right now."

"Yes. In your current position, I am free to do whatever I want to happen to you, warrior… but I am not as bad as my people. At these moments, you are the only one breathing. All your friends and family were gone."

He felt the pain. He heaved a sigh of despair.

"What do you want from me, Arkhero? If you want to kill me, go on. I won't stop you. Life seems worthless…."

"You're a wasted soul if just for a woman alone you want to end your life. I admire your ability as a great warrior, so I will not easily waste your life. I will give you a chance to choose, that is, to join us voluntarily or face the wrath of the Nosferatu. "

"By all means, call them all, and we shall fight. Until we all fade away like a bitter grain of salt in this land...." He said, defying the oldest vampire.

Arkhero shuffled his head. With an in-depth thought for a moment. Then it stopped when the sword clinging to his waist trembled as if trying to detach itself.

Arkhero released it, then flew like a dancing wand in the air, making a minor storm.

"Aye, aye... Good morrow, Master. At last, I'm free like a bird." And it flew up in speed.

Zacharias's face reflected astonishment at what he witnessed.

"A talking sword," he let out a shake. "Where did you get that weird toy, Arkhero."

Zacharias was surprised when the sword suddenly fell, and its sharpest part sank to the ground.

"I'm calyx, the talking sword, but not a toy..." it said, then roared with laughter.

"That's enough, calyx..."

Silently the sword bowed and flew into the owner's hand.

"What you call a mere toy may belong to you if you so desire. Join my force, warrior. Calyx will be your vision and be your great shield against your enemy..." He finally declared. "Make our lives worthwhile being as one against the uncivilized barbarian vampire. Let's clean up our environment and enhance our lives. No more weeping like a child. Women walk in and out, but it is not the end for you yet. You will meet someone else... Someone who was born to embrace your heart and be your only one. Someone like Lilian... The perfect love that nobody could possess, except its sole owner."

Zacharias did not respond. He felt the most resounding emptiness of his heart that his eyes were warm with tears. Once again, the sweet smiles of his beloved, her burning desire, played upon his soul.

"Leave me alone, Arkhero… don't trick me with the sweet contour of your tongue."

"Nay, Zacharias. This is your chance. Take my offer…."

"What...? To become a bloodsucker animal like you?"

Arkhero laughed at that before raising his sword to the ground.

Zacharias didn't move.

"I know what your heart's desire, warrior. Look at the tip of my sword. Look closely, and you decide if you still want to die right now…." Then he waved his right hand in the air with the sword. In an instant, the ground where the blade was pointing became clear water.

Zacharias quietly looked at the various images forming. He could not help but stare intently. It looked like the shape of trees and a streamline of spring water. Then, a beautiful picture of a young woman, the half-naked body whose long hair covered her bosom is in the water has taken shape. She was talking to a young woman of her age with the same face leaning toward her and gave a beautiful rose, but a different style of hair and clothes. The looks on both sides are identical.

"That is the world of mortals in the future," Arkhero continued explaining. The woman you love, Lilian, will be reborn like a new person. One of those identical women holds the heart of Lian's life.

Zacharias could not tear his eyes away from the smiling image of a woman. His eyes slid to her neck, and he was stunned, looking at the necklace she was wearing. Without a word, his hand touched the same chain hanging on his neck.

The woman frowned, and her thumb touched her eyebrows like in deep thought. And then she slowly nodded and a wicked smile on her lips. She extended her hand before her. A bluish flame shape floating appeared in her palm, and she slowly blew it away towards the woman with the same face. In an instant, the other woman dropped to the ground and changed into a beautiful mermaid shape. Then, they were both laughing in merriment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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