
Plan B

Xia Yue spent a few hours after her declaration of Plan B. She spent it packaging her belongings in a bag and secretly stole some money from her parents and placed it in her own crystal card id.

She had only remembered this gift she got from her parents on her 16th Birthday a few months ago, it was designed to hold a limitless amount of cash and only reacted to its owner's fingerprint. The problem about that was, she always got what she wanted whenever she wanted by her parents whether it's straight up begging or, resorting to.... other means, crying....

"It's a small amount, Father won't notice, would he?" Xia Yue justified, successfully linking the card to her fingerprints, however that was not before she put on a pair of translucent gloves that masked her fingerprints. The Empire has a tradition of recording every newborn's fingerprint for future purposes and she couldn't use her own for very obvious purposes. While she waited, a long string of zero flashed and appeared in the balance, one by one. She then gave a kiss to it and placed it next to her equipment labelled, Plan B.

Afterwards, she approached the mirror and slowly took off her top, looking abashedly at herself in the mirror. She had snow-white skin and small curves in her areas. She grabbed a long bundle of bandages and lifted her bra to bind her chest tightly. It tightly hugged her chest and gave her some difficulties to her breathing though, she knew that she had to adjust to this, sooner or later.

After she finished binding herself, she was quickly changed herself into her new clothes, green camp trousers and a green hoodie. She brought a chair and sat in front of the mirror, laying out scissors.

Xia Yue took a glance at the clock, panicking that it was nearly midnight , forcing her to hurry her preparations. She decisively grabbed the scissors and started to trim away her hair, up to shoulders and rustled it around so the strands covered part of her sight. She grabbed two contact lenses and placed her in each eyes before taking a look at herself in the mirror, she now had blue eyes and scruffy hair.

It was perfect for her Plan as she quickly disposed of every traces of her deeds before slinging her bag over her shoulder and opening the window. She hurriedly jumped out, sustaining the pain as a gash appeared on her arm, causing her to wince in pain and nearly cry out for her parents. However she quickly shut herself up and carried on,

"Goodbye Home, hello world!" Muttering, Xia Yue put her hoodie on and quickly hurried away, not minding the kind of repercussion who disappear would be for her family....

She took out a small tablet and pressed it, causing a large view of the area to be displayed to her via God's eyes (basically the area is being seen from the above). Studying the area, she managed her way to a train station and when she reached a bin, she stopped. With one final look at her destination and a gaze that seemed to pierce through the foliage and onto her house, she threw away her electronics and clenched her hands.

They were all fitted with a GPS, mostly because of how frequently they were lost but it could be used in any case, especially for tracking her. If she was caught by her parents, they'd lock her up in her room 24/7!

Xia Yue shuddered at the thought of treated like that and quickly shook it off as she heard the announcer'w voice,

"Train A7 has finished its route from Hitoshi City to Sakura City and will commence again in 5 minutes,"

Xia Yue smiled at the fact that she was right on time as she climbed aboard on the train, not before being stopped by a robot.

"Excuse me passenger, you have to pay for the ticket."

"Ah, oh sorry about that." She didn't know that you had to pay for transport, her father's drives were free and faster than this hunk of junk but, she couldn't be bothered to refute this. She needed sleep badly, swiping her id over the robot, she applied for a VIP room and very hastily, the balance was deducted.

"The next time you see me, it's going to be a new me, Dad! I promise you!" Xia Yue muttered as she waddled over to her room, locked the door and instantly fell asleep onto the bed.

Elsewhere, it was time for her Night-Time Story. It was an activity that she refused to give up even at the ripe age of 18, Maid Yu would read her a story to help her sleep and got closer together.

Habitually, Yu opened the door with eyes closed but that wasn't needed as a gust of cold wind bursted into her face.

"The windows are open, the curtains are fluttering but, Missus is missing!" She stared in complete shock at this revelation, causing her to frantically search Xia Yue's favourite hiding spots if she was there but to no avail. Finally, she let out a shrill cry, causing Shao Yue to hurriedly run out of the study with a bad feeling in his guts,

"What happened?!" He cried out halfway in the hall, his voice panicky as he saw Maid Yu's horrified expression. Nothing happened to my princess, right?! He said inwardly as he panted and he leaned against the door-frame.

"The young missus.... She's gone!"

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