
Hit By Cupids Bow

Hoseoks POV

"Hey is this thing on?"


"*hits microphone lightly* Hi- Oh damn its on...-WELL COUGH COUGH "


Pause it right there!!

Ok Now you may or may not be wondering -What the hell is going on?? Well let me introduce myself first yeah- Well I am Jung Hoseok - But you can call me Hoseok...

The person i am with - my best friend - Annoying -Bratty- but kind and loyal mischievous banana milk loving fetus Jeon Jungkook- Let me tell you this kid can get on my last nerve talking about his crushes Taeyon or Chimin or somethin like that i dont really pay attention-

But on with my life as Kook bothers me with his i bother him with mine- You see i have this little talk show at my school- I take in calls from students and give them advice on love- But im anonymous so no one knows who i am- And as to my voice?? Oh well my only friend is Jungkook and like i don't talk in class-Like- Ever...

Am i an expert in love?? No- But i give really good advice or that what the people tell me...Have i experienced love?? Eh...Does a long term crush count?? Probably not-BUT- Its a very strong attraction towards this guy -Yes i said guy deal with it- Named Yoongi...Min Yoongi....He is in one if my classes. Super smart,Handsome,straight forward,Nice , Very adorably sleepy-

".....Seok- HoSEOK"


"Your live-"

"Oh! Right-Hi hey Hellooo !! Its your favorite clumsy host! Hobi!!  Haha! Anyway! Hope your day was splendid! Were doing call in's today ! First caller you dont have to use your real name you can Alwayssss use a nickname or a randomized name!"

"Oh um..Ok hi...

Im going by the name Chim! And is it ok if i ask a question for a close friend of mine...Lets call him Suga..."

"It all depends if its ok for the friend"

"Yup! Its ok for him he just feels weird hearing his own voice haha.."

"...Ok then ask away"

I was hesitant of course because i need actual proof... But if this gets to personal im gonna have to cut him short...

"Ok so my friend Really like REALLY likes this kid in his class ..Lets call em Sunshine- And Suga doesnt know how to approach Sunshine because he is an awkward antisocial dimwi-"

"Hey!! Im older than you!!!!"

Holy mother of-

"Ignore that please-Any way what Sunshine boy doesnt know is that Suga has been wanting to talk and ask Sunshine on a date. Question is how if Sunshine is always out of the class first and always seems distant during class..."

"I suggest that Suga should put a note in Sunshines locker if he knows their locker number -Or Suga can hurry just a little more and reach the door before Sunshine....Is there any thing else??"

"Yeah umm hey Suga talking here..."

Just hearing that voice gives me butterflies and heats up my face what is this is sorcery!

"So umm if Sunshine somehow magically agrees to me asking em out where should i take em..."

I swear im not about to cry-

"In my own opinion i believe the first date should be about trying to get to know each other so i recommend somewhere to eat. That place could be a small picnic, A nice small restaurant or a Cafe.."

I look over to Kook seeing him give me an expression of pity-I dont need pity right now i need someone to hug!

"Ok cool...Thank you for the advice it was really helpful...."

"Anytime! And tell me how it goes yeah!!"

"Oh yeah sure."

"Awesome cant wait! Have a good day Yo-Suga!"

"Ok? Yeah ok bye..."

"That was Suga everybody ! Now on to the next caller! Caller remember you dont have to use your real name! You can always say your nickname or a name you came up with !"

"Aight -Im gonna be going by the name RM-...."

                     ** Time skip class**

Class is sooo boringggggg...The only thing i like doing in this class is staring at Yoongi-AhEm that sounds creepy... Well studying Yoo- Nope not right either.....

You all know what i mean!

"Jung...Do you have anything to say to Min?"

Almost jumping-Well thats one way to interrupt me

"No Sir"

Mentally patting myself on the back for not stuttering on the other hand i can feel my face heating up-

"Thought you did with all your staring at Min while im explaining the homework."

I can already feel my face heating up-

and from the corner of my eye i can see Yoongi looking down with red cheeks and ears-

"I-I was um...I was spacing out?"

"Nice try Jung -Detention"






"Min Yoongi !"

Looking back at Yoongi who slightly craned his neck to look at the teacher sleepily slowly regaining newfound energy to sit up straight and look at the teacher bored and tired


"Why though??"

"For sleeping-How did you even fall asleep that fast-You know what . I dont care your getting Detention with Hoseok -"

Lookin back i see Yoongi getting flustered while Jimin gave him a suggestive look- Feeling jealousy rise in the pit of my stomach leaving a not-so -good taste in my mouth


"Ok class dismissed"

"Oh umm..Hoseok- "


Looking up i see Yoongi staring at me with nervousness- i want to just protect him and hug him and cuddle him and just call him mine

"...-Seok-Meet me after Detention in the front of the school....I want to tell you something..."

"Y-yeah ok cool"

Feeling my face heat up after realizing ive been staring-Wait....M-Min Yoongi...Is talking to me ...MIN FUCKING YOONGI IS TALKING TO ME IM NOT OK!! WHY IS THIS JUST DAWNING ON ME!

He nods an adorable nod (makes sense??) and walks towards his desk with his hand on his elbow (does this make sense??)

Now 2 hours of painfully boring/awkward silence...

*Time skip 2 hours brought to you by Hoseok doing absolutely nothing but stare at Yoongi from the distance*

"Alright Jung and Min you are both dismissed "

Getting up i look around the room to find Yoongi already out-

Hurrying so i can meet him in the front of the school as promised-

Grabbing my backpack i head towards the door but then-

"Jung ."


"Yes sir?"

"When are you gonna make my ship sail?? Im literally waiting ...Keep me updates ok?? I gave both of you Detention for a reason but instead you make me go through this awkwardness damn....Anywho im keeping you waited-I expect a weekly report -"

"Wait what-"

"Shi- Ahem i mean- Dismissed go leave shoo shoo"





Turning around walking out the door picking up my pace as i go- Going to the front of the school hoping Yoongi is still there...

And thank whatever god out there -That Yoongi is still there....


I say as i see him sigh about to walk away before i call him and he surprisingly lights up

"H-Hey! Sorry I-Im -Damn hold up -Let -Let me catch my breath- "

I say while panting- Confusing...Why?? Oh cause i dance...Not really good at it but i love it.

Finally catching my breath i look at Yoongi and smile -The brightest smile i could muster....

"You wanted to meet me??"

"O-oh um yeah actually...I wanted to tell you something.."

Awwww....he looks so cute..

"Really?? "

I just wonder what he wants to tell me....

"H-Hoseok i um...I ....Ilikeyoulikealotlotlikeyouhavenoidea"

Im confusion

"Im sorry can you repeat that haha i couldn't quite catch it ..."

He starts taking deep breathes in which i guess it to calm himself down...



"I ..I like you... Like a lot ...And its ok if you dont like me back... I just needed to get this off my chest...Ok you can reject me now..."

I freeze eyes wide mouth agape... I can see tears building up inside his eyes-No No Stupid body work!!

"C-Can you say something...."

Finally gathering courage to talk

"Oh shit right- Yoongi"


"I like you to...A lot..."




"You dont have to lie.."yoongi mumbled

"But im not...I really truly like you Yoongi..A lot.."


"Ok??i dont get it.."

"Ok...I believe you..."

I let out a breathe i didnt know i was holding...



"Now Min Yoongi...Would you allow Jung Hoseok to take you as his date to Jins Cafe?"

He lets out a giggle.. I could put that on replay and wouldn't get tired of it. He smiles an adorable gummy smile.

"Yes -I allow Jung Hoseok to tke me as his date to Jins Cafe"

Those few words were enough to put te biggedt smile on my face that day...

On May 20th 2019 Min Yoongi became my boyfriend...I have a good feeling about this..

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