
Far Far Away

A long time ago- Actually it's present but just in case in the future- Deep deep into the future- in a far far away- Also a lie -Kingdom there lived a Queen, Her King, And their beautiful children - She likes to say were all beautiful but i know she's talking about my 'siblings'- The Queens name was Mina . She was a kind ,graceful, talented, and beautiful mother. The kings name was Jackson.

Then theirs Hoseok(me),Jimin,Taehyung,and Jungkook-(Me and Jungkook being adopted because the Queen wanted more but couldn't produce anymore). Hoseok is the youngest of the bunch... Also is kinda mistreated...By who ??  Oh just by the king himself...King Jackson is kind to only a few...That being his queen, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Lord Namjoon and his Spouse Lord Seokjin(For he is uncomfortable with but masks with a smile)

Then there are the people who he isn't exactly fond of but has to be fake infront of the ones he is fond of- That being Hoseok(me), Yoongi, Yugyeom,Mark, And Jaebum...Reason?? Unknown.. This is a story of how I Jung Hoseok fell in love -Now you must know something important-





"No sire... I wouldn't dare..."

"Good.Now i need the stables cleaned as you want to be a knight no?"

"Your saying i can be a knight !??"

I got excited at the thought...Ive always wanted to be a knight

"Good Riddance No ! Im telling you to work."

Need to crush someones dreams?? Here are some tips from King Jackson himself-

"Yes Sire."

"Oh..And i need you to take care of that rogue horse we captured not to long ago what was its name?? Mang or something like that-"

"Yes sire.."

Im gonna die...

"Good...Itd be a shame for the queen of news of you being dead...So be careful for the sake of my head..."

Now theres a thought....

"Now hurry! Everyone is expecting you to be a perfect person! You WILL tame that horse ! You WILL be on time! And you WILL NOT tell the queen!"

"Yes Sire."

"Good! Now go!!"

Walking towards the stables-Slowly preparing for

My death.. I get the bucket filling it with water ..Getting some snacks(sugar cubes) for the Horses...I don't know why but the creatures always fascinate me.. Making sure i have my journal... and some music ...I have a little secret...Promise to not tell?? Hold up your pinky...Promise me you'll never tell anyone i love to dance... Good now im trusting you with this...I don't want the King finding out and takin away that....

Now at the stables slowly walking through the stalls... Making sure they all have water and food...

Now heading towards the wild horse... The name i believe was Mam-No wait it was Mong...Not that isn't right...




MANG! That it!!

Now at Mang's stable i slowly open the little wooden door...Staring at the horse steadily...Havig a small staring contest the horse starts to dig one of its hooves to the ground as if ready to attack... I stand my ground...

"Heyyyy-Hey calm down...Im not here to hurt you...Im here to just take care of yah..."

I forgot i had sugar cubes!!

"Here ...Some sugar cubes-AAH"

I jump to the side just barely avoiding the pretty horse.. As the horse barges onto the caged field..Running in circles... I felt bad yes... Knowing it must be hard having a change... Im still not used to this whole 'prince' thing..

Walking towards the horse calmly but halting once i noticed the horse stopped running staring at me as in which i guess is precaution... I hold up my hands one with the (crushed) sugar cubes and the other for if the horse chooses to sniff..

The horse (yet again) Comes charging but stand my ground this time not cowering in fear... The horse stops right in front of my face.. Taking a few steps back the horse sniffs my hand (with the (crushed) cubes) Eating the cubes the horse looks up at me... Nudging my hand... I share a small smile with Mang. lifting my hand and start to pet the horse soothingly... My mother (before she died) always told me animals loved me...

Taking a deep breathe i out my forehead with Mangs gently.. Putting one hand on its nose and another under his chin..Running them up and down smoothly...

"Holy Shi-"

Jumping at te sudden voice (embarrassment covering me from head to toe-) Soon relaxing finding out who it is... Though to Mang it was a stranger putting its guard up Mang gets ready to attack-

"Whoa whoa..Calm down buddy... He wont harm you... If he does i'll make sure to kick his butt to next week..:Yeah ?"

Mang nods surprising me... I didnt think he'd actually understand me! Slowly letting his guard down as if finally realizing who i am.. Starts to bow..

"Mang what are you doing get up sweets..."

"Hoseok what are you doing!!"

Oh damn forgot he was here...

" Telling Mang to get up what does it look like im doing Yoongi..."

"Ok first of all 'Mang' was gonna attack me-"

"But he didnt-"

"But he was"

Im not gonna lie i really like Yoongi.. Like-ALOT...But he only sees me as his Best Friend... as sad as it sounds im fine with it...As long as Yoongi isnt gonna shut me out -And live a nice peaceful life without my loud obnoxious voice..The annoying little sounds that i make...My weird long face...My ugl and weird-



"Stop i know what your thinking.."


"Hoseok...Your not annoying in anyway.. Yeah your loud but that breaks silence ...Alot of people hate the silence...But you can be quiet at times when needed..Your voice is perfect and soothing...

And the sounds that you make are freaking adorable- Low key Hobi...And your smile is amazing...So bright and beautiful... I swear im going blind every time i see it- So just take my hand... Relax and come take a walk with me in the woods yeah??"

"Hey Mang...Can we take you to the stables so that we can take a walk??"

Turning around i see Mang already in his stable...

"Well then... I promise to take you on little runs during the week, sound good Mang??"

With a responsive nod i look at Yoongi with a hint of love and adoration in my eyes that can be only hidden to the oblivious *cough* Yoongi *cough*

We head to my favorite part of the woods... Relaxation filling the air.... walking though trees...And more trees... Till we reach a lake... My little save haven...Has been since i found it...

"Its been a while no?"

"Yeah it has... Too long for my liking..."


"So Yoongi...How have you been?? Your family hasn't visited in months...."

"We'v been busy..."


"Yeah...What about you?? I was kinda worried he overworked you again..."

"Ive been fine."

Was Lies

"Thats good...how come you were at the stables?"

"Oh just feeding the horses.."

"What about the horse that almost attacked me??"

"Just wanted for him to stretch his legs-Or hooves whatever.."

More lies... Ive been lying a lot lately.... To the Queen...My 'Siblings' now Yoongi... How long can these lies keep up??How long will they last??

We finally dit down at the edge of the lake...

" Hey Hobi..."

Damn that nickname...

"Yeah Gi.."

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"


" Oh um No What about you?? "

"Yeah i do actually"

... Yoongi...

"Really!! Oh wow- Who is it???"

"Oh um its - Umm..."

"Cmon Yoongi dont be embarrassed..We've known eachother for years..."

I just want to see you smile...Even if it causes me pain

"Well um its actually someone we know...."

I hope they make you happy...

"Oh really!! Who is it!!"

I just want to see you smile....

"Aaughh its embarrassing!!"

That beautiful smile of yours Yoongi...

"Awww cmon who is it !! I can maybe i don' know Help you!!"

Even as much as it pained me to know i wasn't cause those smiles...

"Ok ok !!"

I wanted to confess to you today.... I knew you were coming... I wanted to take you to our treehouse... Talk and i would confess... But... I couldnt... I couldn't put that weight on your shoulders....

"Im excited !!"

I didnt want you to think i was pressuring you to liking me...When did i fall for you ?? So hard... No one at the bottom to catch me... Im sorry..But i couldnt help but fall in love with you....

Not everything or everyone has a happy ending...At least not in this universe