

Hi this is a very late update i know-But i want to let you all know this is just a filler- But for now i want to give you all to read it's kinda short-Sorry for that...But remember this came from my mind-So i'm not spot on with facts heck- This is all fictional plz do keep that in mind-

AnYwHo let's start shall we-

Third pErson PoV

"'Bogoshipda'-PERFECT" Namjoon thought as he was writing lyrics while his best friend Yoongi was messing around with beats.

Yoongi-"Hey Namjoon -I see your done over there i need a second opinion on the beats-It might go with the lyrics your writing."

Joon-"Really??Let me hear 'em"

Yoongi-*Plays beats*

Joon"That's amazing Yoongi-Maybe you should add more background to it tho"

Yoongi-"i was thinking -Maybe just Maybe we should get Vocals for the background a bit then from there-You know??"

Joon-"Yeah i get you..I know a couple of people"

Yoongi-"Hahahaha Joon for reals i'm being serious. everyone knows i'm  your only friend Joon no need to hide it"

Joon-*Le GaSp*"i HaVe FrIeNdS..In Fact i'll call them to meet up tomorrow-Then maybe you'll finally get a boyfriend!"

Yoongi-"I don't need a man in my life-all i need is music and my bed thank you very much"

Joon-"mmHhmm Then you'll want this man in your life like-He's your type in every way!-Kind of-Heiskindoftheexactoppositeofyou-..."

Yoongi"What was that Namjoon Slow down Jeez"

Joon" ughh you gonna say no thoooo"

Yoongi"Like i have a choice to even SAY no"

Joon"True-Ok i just said he is kind of The *coughs* Exact opposite of you- No biggie"

Yoongi-"I dOnT nEeD aNoThEr JiMiN oR TaEhYuNg"(no hate towards them love them both to another extent yah know?)

Joon"-Speaking of them- You should invite them along - While i get my OTHER friends and No not like that theyr like your brothers-Gross- And he is kind of Different-you know what-You'll find out tomorrow"

Yoongi-"Whatever you say Joon- whatever you say-And i thought u were only gonna bring one??"

Joon-"- oh yeah- But we need a lot of vocals- SO ima invite more than ONE friends Yoongi either way i Just texted THEM- THEY said THEY couldn't wait and that THEY are free the entire day! You hear that Yoongi-You'll actually have a social life!"

Yoongi-"Whoopi-Note the Sarcasm Joon"


Yoongi-"Ima go to the apartment-See you there"

Joon-"Bye mister grumpy pants"

Yoongi-"See yah Butterfingers"

    /Time Skip-Next Day Brought To You By iKON/

Woo Kotnoraereul bolleo ladi ladi dagachi umjigyeo body woah -


Yoon" Ughhh- What time is it??"*turns alarm off* *checks time while at it* "FUCK IMA BE LATE-JoON IS GONNA KICK MY ASS "

*Does morning routine in rush*

Yoongi of course wore the old fashioned Long sleeve black shirt/pants and some NIKES

As Yoongi rushes i the meeting place-(He already told Jimin and Tae btw)

YOUR BROTHER IS CALLING SIR WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO ANSWER ??(A/N i got the idea of the ringtone from my mom because she saw this ringtone and it was like in a computer voice and it was honestly really cool)

                            Incoming Call From

                                 MOCHI 😶


                 ANSWER .            DECLINE

Mochi:Where the hell are you Yoongi! Your like 10 Minutes late!"

Yoongi"  I'm like 3-4 Minutes away i'm almost there ! I woke up late-Tell Namjoon to not get his panties in a twist will yah?"

Mochi: Whatever, just hurry up jeezes- how i wonder i'm relates to yah-

and he hung up- - whole of course rolling his eyes at his younger yet annoying brother- (love you Jiminie) as he rushed past people he FINALLY made it to the meet up place A.K.A Namjoons Studio-as he entered he went towards Joons room -For they work in the same place-

he enters the room full of people but something fought his eye-


No One POV

"YOONGI??What are you doing here???"

"What am I doing here what are You doing here???""I'm Namjoons Boyfriend mind you-"

"Well i'm Namjoons best friend"

"Didn't know you had friends Yoongls""Yoongls??Lmaooo where that come from ??"A deep blush comes across Yoongis face as his old yet adorable nickname comes to haunt him...

Why here of all times tho??And how has Namjoon not told Yoongi that he had a boyfriend?? I didn't even know yet i'm the author*cough* i mean-"Jimin -shut up" Yoongi mumbles-

"Oh Yoongi do you remember when we were younger you killed SeokJins Flower??Like you just got it and burned it without mercy"



"Ohh hahah and remember when this time where SeokJin "accidentally" ripped Yoongis Favorite-"

"Moving on!""No nonono let him finish! Ripped My favorite what Jimin??"

"Ripped your favorite Kumamon blanket omg good times amirite guys?"Jimin said giving off a sheepish grin Turning to a scowling Yoongi and a pale face Jin..

"WAIT A MINUTE-YOU RIPPED MY KUMAMON BLANKET! I THOUGHT IT RIPPED WHILE IT WAS WASHING YOU BA-" Finally noticing the others staring awkwardly at  the 3

"Oh I forgot they were here." Yoongi mumbles to himself.

Suddenly, when Hoseok coughs all eyes go to him.  "Who's that?" Yoongi said confused.

"Oh that's one of my friends i wanted to introduce you to !-Yoongi this is Hoseok-Also the one I was talking to you about yesterday-Hoseok this is Yoongi  the one i was talking to you about yah know being your ty-"

"Hahahaha-Yes yes i very clearly remember what we talked about.. " When Yoongis eyes landed on Hoseok the first things Yoongi saw was his blinding smile which he swore could cure diseases.

"Hi..."Yoongi mumbles feeling shy and a little embarrassed from the scene before. "Hello"Hoseok says with that same blinding smile-And somehow-Yoongi finds himself blushing and looking down..

"No Way....Is -Is THE Min Yoongi ...Blushing????" Says a smug Jimin."Wh-What??No!!!I am Not!!"

Yoongi says still facing down ears now tinting pink..

"Guess I just have that effect on people."Hoseok says his oh so bright smile replaced by a knowing smirk.

"Oh and Yoongi i would also like to introduce you this golden bunny...Jungkook i want you to meet Yoongi. Yoongi this is Jungkook."

"Hello""Hello I'm Jungkook and i'm kinda new here haha"

"I see. A little birdie told me you needed help. Which also brings us for the second reason why we're here" Jungkook says smiling-A smile that oddly represents a Bunny to Yoongi but he brushes it off."Whats the first?"Yoongi curiously asks "That's you needing a life-I mean friends- So says Namjoon" Jungkook says still smiling while Yoongi glares at a choking Namjoon saying something along the lines 'could've just said he needed friends yah know'.

"Namjoon!Babe come help me bring the food!"

Food ??Since when did Jin bring food??

Looking confused he looked over at Jin-Which has like 3 bags of food...I don't even know don't ask ...But once they were finished setting up- they sat down and ate...While Namjoon held conversations with everyone but Yoongi -With this Yoongi would be lying if he said he didn't feel left out...But he understood why Namjoon would do that-He thinks-

Yoongis POV

While we sat and ate- I would steal glances at this Hoseok dude -Could've sworn my heart beat quickened when he smiled -Or laughed- or did any kind of movement- Before i could catch myself staring at this godlike-I mean Han-Who am i kidding -Godlike man i locked gazes with him-

Coudlve sworn before i looked down he smirked-And holy shit did that smirk do wonders to my cheeks-.."Hey Yoongi right?"D-Did he just call out to me -Shit fuck-Crap no no no i could still feel the heat on my cheeks but it's rude not to look in the eyes of the person that's talking-Damnit Min Yoongi get a hold of yourself!!I am Jjanjjagman BoongBoong i DO NOT get flustered over someone so gorgeous,Radiant,so sunshine like-STOP-Deep breathes Yoongi deepppp breathesssss-"O-Oh u-umm y-Yeah you must be Hoseok-Correct??"Curse my stutter!

"Yeah!I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?"Holy mother of -"YEAH!He is free!"Bitch what-"Yeah he is -Free the entire day actually!!"I swear to jisoo ima kill Jimin and Tae-"Great!How would you like if i picked you up -Say 9:00 am?" 9!!WTF THATS LIKE 2 In Da Morning for me!!But still my body has like a mind of its own and decided to "S-Sure" Smiling SHYLY!Wagsushwuaiwk-How does one make me like this??HOW!!Well-Nvm that-It's getting late and i gotta feed Holly....

"Hey sorry -But it's getting late and i gotta go if i want to catch the bus...""I'll go with him-i have a car i can drive him"He says with that oh so beautiful smile-Jisoos i just met the guy and i'm already fawning over his look but like-Can you really blame me-But then his personality is like-What-He is so bubbly adorable - yet he has this aura that just screams Da-I mean this is Supposed to be Pg13 I will keep it Pg13 -Anywhooo-He has an amazing personality-Amazing looks-And amazing bod-Like dayum sun(pun intended)

But -I just hope this isn't some kind of act to use me and throw me away-Had enough of that last year..."H-Hey are you ok??"I just noticed my eyes getting watery "O-Oh ha-Yeah i am just needed to yawn and held it in haha"He looked as if he didn't believe me..,But he let it slide -Thank Jisoos-

Hoseoks POV

I don't know-I exactly believe him but i'm not as close as he is with Namjoon-Tho i want to change that-AhEm-He seems really nice...Though he incredibly quiet-It's adorable how gets flustered when we make eye contact-Or how he stutters when talking to me -His rare gummy smile - His small smiles- How passionate he is with his music -How his eyes lit up when he saw Seokjins food...

Jisoos -I-I think i'm falling for him....But i literally just met him.....But does that matter ???Probably-But do i care ???-No...But our heart chooses who we like-is like they can come by and be like "Hi" and full one aTtAcK- It's frightening -Exactly how i feel rn...But this is probably a little crush- He probably thinks i'm a weirdo that dances ....

(A/N-Ok so this may or may not be one of my fave parts of the chap-Oof)

SeokJins POV(yessss)

"Hey Babe(yeah) you and I both know i'm gonna set them up right??""I was hoping you would let them set it at their own pace..""Awwww - But where's the fun the that Joonie....Now put that IQ of 148 to use and help me put that submissive Yoongi -""Wait Submissive Yoongi??""Yeah-Wait don't tell me you didn't see just HOW submissive Yoongi was -Well not really but he looked about ready to get on his knees-""JIN!""what??"

"Not infront of the kids..."Why is he getting flustered??-"I was gonna say get on his Knees and kiss his shoes-Jisoos what were you thinking Joonbug??""o-oh-I- Nevermind.."(NEVERMIND NEVERMIND-sorry...) "Bt for reals if i wasn't such a dom I would have completely submitted to Hoseok- Cuz like-Dayum who can't -"

"Umm Me?"

"Yeah but that's because you've known him the longest i just met him tho- it would be weird cuz he is basically your son and he is now my son two - Ok enough Family talk-YoonSeok shall rise whether they saw it coming or not!""Maybe we can just si-"

"NO-YOU WILL NOT SAY THAT -NOT IN THIS HOUSEHOLD NAMJOON!-RIGHT KIDS!!""YEAH!!"Screamed the makneas-"Ahem- I mean we can sit down have a movie night aFter we tex and trick YoonSeok into thinking we're gonna hang next week-""Why next week tho??""We'll Jungkook - Were doing this next week because it'll seem suspicious if we do it the day after they met -""Alright then....But can we get ice cream??""No Tae it's late...""How about we get Icecream next week early in the afternoon?""How about we get icecream while watching movies?""Well Jiminie thats because it's gonna be late-""But we're watching movies won't it help keep up awake??"

"Well-""Exactly So JoonJoon can we get icecream???""What does Jin say Kook?""I say-""But Jin isn't the boss of you-or is he ??""Actually ye-""W-what??" "Yeah Joon - Is Jin  in charge??I thought you were the man of the house tho??""Tae-""Le sigh- Guess we know who the man of the house is - Right Kook and Tae""like i sai-Joon where are you going??""I'm getting Icecream!!"And there he goes..."YES!!!"i hear 3 voices shout-"Really - You have to go that far just for icecream??""Yes" they answered in sync -"Omg...."-"Wait actually we can just have a movie night-Aren't Yoongi And Hoseok hanging out tomorrow ??"

"Ooohhh- Yeah huh- But if they don't show progress we're putting our plan in got to??"


"Good- No go to sleep Joon - You three as well!"

/Meanwhile /

Yoongis POV

I curse myself for being so awkward...And why - Why do i want for him to be different...

Why do i suddenly care ?? Why am i still sitting here -In his car- In awkward(atleast for me) silence....I'm gonna army i took a few(a lot) of glances at him - He looks so handsome - And he's just driving!How is that fair???I don't know !!

we're at a red light yay - i'm still starting at him not so creepily(sure) and we make eye contact...

i suddenly think my jeans are satisfying...."Sooo"I can basically hear his smirk while heat is rising to my cheeks...(-////-) help-  i look back at him as i feel my cheeks calm down....."We should get to know eachother more...""Your right...What do you suggest??"

"20 questions??"Theres that stupid smirk again!

"Yeah sure -Why won't you go first sweets?"

Blushing with that nickname-"S-Sure-What do you work as?""I'm a dancer, rapper ,Vocalist, Producer and i write some lyrics here and there - Part of the company Bighit -""Wow!Thats really cool! I-I also work in Bighit but i'm a producer,Songwriter, and rapper...Howcome i've never seen you before tho??""Probably because i'm in the studio most of the time haha"

"Same honestly.-Anywaysss your turn"

"Hmmm.... Do you like Chipotle??""No not really actually""*Le Gassspppp* How dO yOu NoT lIkE cHiPoTlE""I don't know ...I guess i'm just kinda picky-"(me lol-Honest opinion of chipotle ??-Me-Gonna have to agree with Yoongi-Oof -Sorry if i offends you in anyway...) "Ooooo-Makes sense -Oof your turn "

"Hmmm...Do you have a lover?.?""Haha-Is this your way of tellin me your intrested""W-What !??""Haha-I'm just teasing -And to answer your question-No i don't have a lover —Since it's my turnnn-Do you have a lover ?" I can see that stupidly handsome smirk formin auwfwhwuegkqgw "O-Oh um no i don't -Last Boyfriend - I'm not even gonna go there-"

"O-Oh - I'm sorry - W-Wait-Your Gay??" "-What?Oh!Yeah haha" Ehaufeeqj I need help-Then i ruffle my hair ... Jisoos how long is this car ride??Ntbthat i'm complaining but like- I'm just weird ok??

"Ok just turn a left annnnd-Were here-Thanks..." then there's awkward silence ...What now!!

"C-Can i have your number???"W-Wait-is Hoseok...Flustered??wait-"My number????""Yeah-So that we can get together one day-..only if you want to ofcourse!"" Oh- yeah That'd be cool ."I can already tell you that i'm as red as a tomato. Cmon Yoongi Get a hold of yourself!!Besides...He probably just wants o hangout as friends...Not like anyone would actually want to be more than friends...

Dont get your hopes up Yoongi...He probably just wants to use you just like Joshua (No hate towards them btw!) Even after Joshua-Why not give up -Your not gonna find love -Your Useless...Despite what Namjoon says-He just pities you...And Jimin??He is just sticking with you cause your parents still haven't accepted him...Their gonna throw him away-Just like they did to you...Just know Min Yoongi-Your a useless depressing piece of disappointment....(I AM SOOO SORRY I LOVE YOONGI I SWEAR IT ITS JUST PART OF THE PLOT p.s Joshua is a made up character- Got the name from seventeen and in like cool- So yeah onto the story!!)

"Well umm-I should i'm get going yeah haha"

"I-Oh Yeah! Hope you have a good night Yoongi..." There goes my heart-Shakshakhsia That smile -It's like not a full on smile but it's a genuine small caring smile - I felt - I dont how- It's just a warm feeling on my chest spreading - It's a cozy feeling ..."Hope you also have a good night Hoseok.."Just before i leave he grabs my wrist not to hard just right i turn to him and his hands are so warm... "Your phone ?""Oh yeah! Almost forgot to give you my number!Sorry!!""Hey it's ok! " I hand over my phone while he hands his to me ...

When we're done exchanging phone numbers we get our phones back(duh) And smiling - Why??Cuz one his contact is adorable and i'm like internally screaming- And two - Well -







Best Advice🤣



🌹 Rosy 🌹

Hoseoks POV

After getting my phone back - we said our goodbyes blushing(atleast i was cuz like i couldn't see his face he was looking downs-Much to my disappointment-)  because like - Why would i put myself as His sunshine cuz like I'm not ok- I just embarrassed myself - He probably thought i was weird and didn't want to make eye contact -Thats it isn't it -Omg omg omg omg - What if he is changing his mind about me?? What Does he think of me???

I'm eternally panicking -

Ima Single lady (i'm a single lady)-


"Hoseok!Hey are you busy??"

*In the middle of the streets literally doing nothing but driving*

"Yeah I'm pretty busy"

"oh...I was wondering if you wanted to hangout?"

" Sorry June How about you ask Jinhwan ??You guys can sing again and post it on YouTube??"

"Kk- Next time then! And yeah i was gonna ask him just incase you refused !(not lying was hopin you'd refuse..)"

"Hey! Not cool dude! I know i'm a delight to be around !"

"Yeah sure whatever helps you sleep at night.."

"Yeah Yeah whatever- Oof got to go now ! Talk to you later June!"

"Later Seok!"

finally omg - I wonder what Yoongi is doing....




"I almost burned myself Making this shit!!"

"How do you almost Burn yourself making pancakes!?!"


"It's called grace - Don't know if yah heard of it"

"Grace my ass Jennie!"

"Oh hush you both ! I'm watching this new drama -"

"No one cares Lisa"

"TCh whatever your missing out -Just like your missing out on that BDE"

"Sh-Shut up!Atleast i've gone somewhere !Your just salty cuz you haven't slept with someone for how long???"

"Excuse you but i got some last night!"

"Pictures or it didn't happen!"

"FINE !!"


"Bitch that's a privilege"

"More like a nightmare-Your basically my sister!"


You must be wondering -How did this happen?? well


Yoongi immediately calls his oh so dear friend(TOLD YOU I HAVE FRIENDS NAMJOON!)







Best Advice🤣 —>Call✅- FaceTime- Message



🌹 Rosy 🌹


Best Advice 🤣


"Hey yeah I need help-

"I'm on my way."

"But you don't even know-"

"Open up ."


"I'm outside- With Jennie"


"I live literally next door what you talking about??"


"Wait-What was Jennie doing at your house??"

"That's nun of your business Gi now OPEN UP FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

"Jisoos Jennie chill-I'm coming im comin..."

#Number Button Speaker

Add Caller (Other buttons idk of)


After that eventful call Yoongi Opened his door for his guests-

"So -....Who's the guy??"

"Wha-What??-What makes you think this is a guy problem??"

"Sweetie it's basically my sixth sense to know if someone has guy problems-Specially if i've known this person since idk Kinder..."

"Whatever Lisa- "

"You know i'm right-Yah! Don't change the topic !"

"of What?"

"What do you need help with??"

"So there's this guy-"


"shjshejshdhshwjsgis let me speak!! Ok so there's this guy - And his entire aura is just alluring and i feel all tingly inside - His smile is so contagious and just bright i swear ima bring glasses with me if we hangout again- Cuz like his smile is brighter than the fucking sun ! It's unfair it's just so bright and powerful and i'm just this awkward boiled dumpling and like - I felt attacked- And his Personality is jus as bright as his smile - He is so cheerful and happy and hopeful - it's amazing - He is sooo kind and it's sweet ...and he Dances!! DANCES!! I bet he is amazing at it - And his arms oh my jisoo i just wanna bite on them...Then his legs - Their hella thicc i'm just... Ugh- I feel attacked ! It's unfair!!How does one mere human Look so Sinful but has a freaking angelic personality!! It's not ok!!! I'm not ok!!! I FEEL ATTACKED!! AND LIKE -AGSHHASHAKA!"

"......Wow...It's worse than i thought...."

"And have you seen his jawline -Like- He can kill me with his jawline and i wouldn't complain like - Dayum..."

"Yup- He's in deep..."

"Hey Yoongi-(Yeah?)When did you meet this guy??"

"First of all this "Guy" Is the reincarnation of the freaking sun i swear and i met him today..."

"Omg...Your obsessed ..."

"How am i obsessed??"

"You just met the dude and you can already tell me about 30 "facts" about him.."

"Not tru-"

"Then what's his fave color?"



"Kimchi Fried Rice - Or Hamburger and sprite.."


"In Gwangu "


"February 18th."


"Street Dancing"

"Fave Number?"


"Fave Movie ?"

"The Notebook"

"You are so obsessed"

"Not as obsessed as you are with Jisoo now shush"

"Hey Jennie i'm hungry.."

"Talk about changing topics plus That sounds more like a you problem than a me problem .."

"Cmonnnn Jennieeee"

"I'm actually getting hungry two...I can help you out with the food Jennie?"

"FINE -Only because i'm also getting hungry tho!"




"What now!"












Yoongi then hands his phone to his dear friend-

(Italics Hoseok

Italics with line "Yoongi"(Lisa)


Hey 👋

          Hi 👋

  How yah been?

     I've been really good How about you ??

  Ive been missing u|

I've been missi|

i've been|



Good...And that's good...

   somethings up... Your not ok... Eithe wayyy you are hot and have an amazing personality... wE should hang soon ...But back to you - You sure you ok??

  o-Oh Yeah i'm ok

       How did you stutter through text???

   Magic 💫 💫


Hey i've actually been wondering - | *Yoongi took his phone back* | Were you serious when you said you wanted to hang out tomorrow at 9??

   Yeah actually-- That's only if your still up for it!!

Yeah sure!How about the cafe that Jin owns??

Sounds amazing-


9 right?

Sounds right-See yah Moonlight 🌙

See yah sunshine ☀️


"Yoongi!Calm thyself ! It's gonna go great and yeah your weird but your a good weird-. Anddd-I know exactly what your gonna wear!!"I'm staying over the night!What about you Jennie??"

"Yeah i am.. And i'm also gonna help with clothes just so you know-"

"So i'll basically end up wearing gucci- "

"Good taste but no.." (Jennie is Italics Lisa is Italics with line while Yoongi is Normal)

"Let me look at your closet Min Yoongi-Were gonna do some hardcore judging ..."

"What's that supposed to mean!!"

"Sweetie -Were girls - We know what we're doing ..Don't question me OR Lisa"

"Exactly now shush i'm busy trying to pick out your outfit- Where are you guys going??"

"Oh yeah we're going to Jins Cafe-"

"Ok So it's a casual date- Not to fancy but not to casual- Light make up(cuz your skin is amazing you look amazing and like you handsome so you barely need this makeup) and boom- You look handsome- But we gotta save this for tomorrow "

"First of all its not a date it's just a casual hangout and i'm not handsome - Nor do i look amazing naturally- "

"Say Another word Yoongi and i'll cut your tounge off-First of all your handsome as fuck - Like yes and second of all-You are handsome super handsome - Even better when natural . Now i won't even bother putting make up on you tomorrow - And yes it is a date whether he or you even knowin -Gotta face it - It's a date.."

/Time Skip/(tomorrow Morning Yoongis POV)


"Ughhhhhh what time is ittt-"


"Jisoos- Someone's on their Man period..."

"Both of you shut up already!"

"Jennieeee Yoongi woke me upppp -"

"I don't care - Yoongi What time is it??"


"Yeah yeah whatever - Just put on some jeans with a shirt or somethin - Then just fix your hair and Boom- You ready.."

(A/N What Min Yoongi is wearing cuz i suck with descriptions)

And as promised Jennie didn't do my Makeup-oof...

at the moment it's 8:40 and i'm kinda already on my way -

*Time skip- Yoongi is already there and the time is 8:50*

I came early - Like- Really early - Omg-

"Yoongi what are you doing here??Isnt it a little early for you to be up??"

"Hey to you two - And i'm up by this time two yah know..."

"You just lied to me first of all- Your rarely wake up at what 8 in the morning??That doesn't happen often- It's that or you didn't get sleep- But i can tell you actually got sleep-OH WAIT - Never mind i remember- Have fun with Hoseok~~~"

Stupid Jin why does he have to know exactly??Oh wait that because Hoseok asked me out in a Friendly Hangout...Just as Friends ...Isn't that Amazing???

Stop getting your hopes up Yoongi- We've gone through this ...Your destined to be lonely... No matter what- They all come and go- Once Namjoon and Jin make it forever - They'll  forget all about you..And Jimin??Well he has Taehyung to stay he now also has what's his name??Oh yeah Jungkook..It's seems as if it's already happening-

"Oh hey Yoongi! Didn't keep you waiting long did i??"

And there's Hoseok- Breaking my train of thoughts..I couldn't be more thankful-

"Oh no don't worry  -Actually just got here not to long ago-  -" Just like Ten minutes ago tho haha-

"Ok that's good "He says showing that oh so beautiful smile- It's so bright. How even-

" So what were you thinking about having ?"


"Hmm- How about a Cheese Cake with a hot chocolate-"

"Sweet tooth i see - "And that oh so hot chuckle-

"Almost as sweet as you -" i giggle- GiGgLeD -HoW eVeN- Shit did i say that out loud- Did i seriously just day AlMoSt As SwEeT aS yOu-Omg i messed this up - What is wrong with me - He looks baffled-

"Now that was smooth" I hear SeokJin from here say - But hold up -is he Blushing??

Now way- . The Hoseok is blushing ?? o my goooooddnnessssss-It's sooo cuuuteee

Jisoos Yoongi you sound like a Middle School girl fangirling over her KPOP band or somethin get a hold of thyself boiii.

Hoseoks POV

He giggled - He freaking Giggled - The most adorable giggle i've ever heard. Wait did he just call me sweet ?? Crap- I think i'm blushing i could feel the heat basically setting my face on fire holy mother of Irene-

"Cute -"

Ok if i wasn't blushing then - I'm blushing now -Like -low-key Blushing .. I look down embarrassed-

"So umm- Yeah - Haha - Ima -Go and order before i make this any more awkward -"

" Haha Ok yeah sure"

I swear my heart beat picked up- Shrugging it off i go up to the cashier who so happens to be SeokJin

"Hey Jin what's up??"

"what's up is you and Yoongi huh huuuh??"

"Wh-What! N-No- He probably thinks i'm weird and a freak - Omg i screwed up big time - "


"Well i kinda accidentally called him cute -"

" How is that bad??"

"Well he looked uncomfortable and -"

"Your overthinking this Seokie"

"Am I sEoKjIn Am I!!"

"YeS hOsEoK -yOu ArE"

"How do i act around him??What if he doesn't like me back-"

"Woahhh you just met him and you like him??"

"Yeah i know your right it's to early but can you blame me!!Tell me when you met Yoongi were you with Namjoon??"

"No i've known Yoongi since like before Kinder-"

"So if you met Yoongi around this time wouldn't you atleast like him a little bit??"

"Well No not really-"

"Well this is you were talking about - So Just ignore me"

"Ok- Whatever you say- Just know that if you hurt Yoongi in any way - No matter if your my friend or not - I will come for your ass- And make you regret being born-Now what would you like today??"

"I would rather hurt myself rather than hurt Yoongi at all"

Not gonna lie Seokjin scares me sometimes— But who doesn't he scare sometimes??Like you must be made of stone not being scared of him like cmon-

"I'm pretty sure Yoongi is waiting so i'll have 1 Cheese Cake ,1 Hot chocolate - 1 caramel macchiato and a chocolate muffin"

"Mmk- Hey Hoseok-(Yeah?) Be good to him k? He's been through a lot-"

"I will - Don't worry-" I say to him flashing him a smile-

as i was walking toward the table i noticed someone was talking to Yoongi...But from here i can tell very well Yoongi wanted to cry... Me being me and my little(bit of a humongous) Crush on Yoongi go into protective mode and go over there quickly

"Can i help you??"

"And who are you??"

"That's none of your business"

"Yet here you are butting in"

"Yeah that's because your makin him uncomfortable -"

"And who are you to him to care?"

"His Boyfriend - Now who are you to come in and ruin our date??"

"I'm Joshua - His Ex-"

"Now Joshua isn't it obvious he doesn't want you around -After all he has me and his other friends not to mention your his Ex meaning he is done with you -He doesn't want anything to do with you - Now go take your leave - Before i make you"

"What are you gonna do?? You can't protect him - he is cursed he is useless - Your wasting your time-AH!!"

I cut him off Dragging him by the collar outside to beat his ass - How dare he!! He has no fucking right to say that about My Yoongi -I'm gonna beat his ass to a pulp!

As i dragged him outside to beat the shit out of him - i feel an arm tug my sleeve-

"It's not worth it ...-And i'm not exactly lookin forward to bailing you out of jail.."


"It's not worth it Hobi - No let go of him- and come back to enjoy our date..."

I grumble and let go of Joshua pushing him out of the Cafe -

"Get close to Yoongi- Or hurt him in any way i swear to Jisoo i will come for you - And make sure you don't see the light of day again-"

"Is that a threat?"

"No -It's a Promise

/TimeSkip to after eating in awk. silence cuz author lazy/

"Thank you."

"For what??"

"For coming in-.. And sticking up for me- It must've been embarrassing for you to call me your boyfriend..-"

"Why would i be embarrassed??"

"Because it's me"

"And there is nothing wrong with you- So i have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed - Kinda wish it was true tho" i say mumbling the last but though i can tell he heard it cuz now it's even more awkward and he is blushing - Like low key blushing.. i screwed up didn't i... Jisoos i did screw up - Ugh Hoseok why did you have to keep on talking you could've ended it with haveinf no readont o be embarrassed but you had to go and say your wishful thinking-


"Why what?"

"Why would you want to be my boyfriend of all people - Out of 7 billion people you choose me-Why??"

"Because even though i've known you for like not even a week- I already know a lot about you- I might not know everything -But i want to change that- I want to know how it would be liek to wake up with you beside me- I want to know how you rap- I want to know your favorite meal to cook- I want to know you dog Min Holly - But i also know how you hate waking up in the morning - How you like your coffee sweet - How your so passionate about your music - How your eyes light up when talking about something you love.. The theres your adorable obsession with that creepy-aHeM i mean cute bear- Kumamon i believe it was?- The way your eyebrows knit together when your in deep thought- How your eyes widen and lips part when your genuinely surprised. Should i go on?"

At the point he's in tears -

"Oh - I'm sorry are you ok??-Did i say something to offend you - Omg i'm so sorry - "

He chuckles ever so slightly i think my heart just bursted omg

"No you d-Didn't say anything wrong - You said everything so genuine and -And beautifully and- I-I'm sorry - I'm here crying and it's embarrassing i'm- "

"No No Noooo Don't be sorry - It's not embarrassing- Come here -"

I open my arms out and hug him -

"Oh stop crying your gonna make me cry-"

"Haha I'm sorryyy i can't help it -"

"Great here come the tears "

"Nooo If you start crying ima cry even harder-"

"Ahhhh- Let's go for a walk then. To get some fresh air and calm down "I say with  Teary eyes - Can you blame me tho?? If  you saw Min Yoongi crying wouldn't you be crying??  Like cmon!

"Mmk Cmon - Bye Jin see yah Later!"

"See yah Jin!"

"Bye Boys ! Take care - And Hoseok - Hurt Yoongi in any way remember i will come to your house an cut off your di-!"

"Jin Back to Work!"

"K Boss!"

Welp he almost got in trouble lol-

                            /Time Skip cuz i can/

We were walking along the side of the park in silence -  a nice peaceful silence ...

"By-" Then my head made a connection with a really hard basketball


"Omg i am sooo sorry The ball bounced off the hoop and i'm - Omg - I am sooo sorry - Hoseok??"

"Great-" I mutter-Know why?? Cuz this dudett was my -


" I know and i'm sorry - I had to leave- You know that ....Oh and this is -"

"Yoongi?? Omg Yoongi what are you doing with Hoseok?? Of all people - "

"First of all i'm a delight to be around and second were -"

"I'm on that date you helped me on with Lisa -"

"I didn't know you were going out with Hoseok!"

"Didn't i tell you his name??"

"No- You really didn't - How did i not notice till now wtf-"

"How do you guys know eachother??"

"Me and Jennie go way back- But now will you excuse us Jennie- I would like to continue this date - Talk to you later yeah?"

"Oh shit right - See yah Yoongi and Hoseok istg i you don't pick up the phone i will come for your ass-"

"Your the second person coming for my ass - I knew my ass was nice but like- It's not that nice -".

I tease-

"Make that the third person haha"

"Lmao what?"

"Hahahah nothing - Let's just continue this date- "

"That's no fair!"

"What isn't ??"

"the fact that you declared this a date ! I didn't even get to ask you properly !" I whined pouring-

He giggled - My heart- Oh my god my heart - I'm - Omg -

"Well - Then ask me properly Jung-"

"AhEm- *Gets on knee*"

"Will you Min Yoongi take me Jung Hoseok and make me the happiest man alive and let me take you out on a date ??"

"I Min  Yoongi will make Jung Hoseok the Happiest man alive and accept his offer on taking me on a date ~~"

"The it's settled - There's this little arcade around the corner - Do you wanna play some games?? If you know what i mean ~~"

"Oh i know exactly what you mean-"

— Few moments later—


"It's ok Hoseok! Lmao you suck at this game btw -"

"Oh shush Yoongi i just wanted to get you that plushie " I say while pouting - He then oh so suddenly kisses my cheek- Giggles and has the audacity to say-

"Well - Lets find something your actually good at then- Though it's gonna be a little hard-"


"I'm kidding - Now cmon i wanna play an actual game where i can beat you-"

"I'm your dreams-Sweets"

"Fine Lets virtually race then - Lets see who wins-"

— Few games later —


"I did not- Maybe it's just that you suck at this game -"Fu- No wait shit no - He's rearing up- No- Fuck Bad Hoseok Badddd Hoseok

"N-No No Why are you crying beautiful???-"

"i-I r-really do s-suck at everything i-I d-Do-" He the sniffles - awww nooo

"No baby noo youdont suck at everything you do! You were probably just warming up for those rounds - Wanna play again??"

He shakes his head-

"Then how about we get milkshakes and calm down yeah??"

"Y-Yeah sorry i'm just - Still a little shaken you can say haha -"

"You sure your ok??"

"Yes Hoseok- I'm fine - Oh ...And yes i would love that free milkshake you offered - Oh one more thing -"


"Keep up with the nicknames- Their comforting and nice in a way -"

No Ones POV

After that you can say Hoseok was flustered - Not only that Yoongi has a small confident boost - But after this date They went on so many more until Hoseok finally had the balls to ask Yoongi to be his Boyfriend - Yoongi... Well


he said....Yes Lol Yeah he said yes like 20 times while kinda crying - Namjin Along with the maknaes were recording Jimin,Taehyung,Namjoon and Jin happy knowing Yoongi found the one ....

Couple years into the Future - Hoseok at the same spot he asked Yoongi to be his boyfriend asked him to be his Husband on their 6th anniversary- They had a beautiful wedding - Both in tears saying the words "I do" Smiling so happily- They we're the happiest they could be at the time...

Yes they had their ups and downs...Their first fight was to say the worst fight they would both call it ... The stress has been eating them up ... They took it out on each other without noticing . Getting mad at the littlest of things..

And Hoseok Stormed out knowing try both needed to cool their heads for a while.. He was crying harder than he ever had in a long long time....

He went to Namjoon and Jins place ... It was around 11 pm knowing Namjoon he knew he'd be awake ... Knocking at his door with red puffy eyes ... he wanted to break down but he knew he had to explain the situation - He had to stay strong- He had to stay positive He had to stay Hopeful ... But at this time ...He just Couldn't.. Especially if he knows Yoongi is suffering just as much as he is...And knowing he hurt his baby -It slowly killed him ...

The door opened it showed a surprised and worried Namjoon...Looking at the state Hoseok was in, put him in detective mode...

"hey-Hey hey Hoseok ...What's wrong????"

"N-Namjoon - I - And Y-Yoongi and I-I had a fight ..It's our first big f-fight and a-and i -"

"Hey it's gonna be ok- Come inside - I'll make us some hot chocolate.."

"K- I'm Scared Namjoon - What i he leaves me - Finds our how much of an awful husba-"

"Best not finish that sentence child."

"S-SeokJin H-Hey .."

"aww poor baby come here.."

In that moment Hoseok broke into tears - He was so fucking scared ... Yoongi was his everything - But he just as to let the stress take over him ... And now he might just lose the only part of him that mattered ... His other half - His life - His baby ... He couldn't lose him ... No matter what -He ran towards Seokjin hugging him...Soaking his shirt in his tears....

"Hey babe... Wants some Hot chocolate??"

"No thanks Namjoonie...Hey Hoseokie go over and sit on the couch yeah??"

He nods and sluggishly walks towards the couch dumping himself on top of the couch choking out his sobs ...

After he had calmed down he finished his Hot chocolate...He explainer his situation with Namjoon and SeokJin...

They told him not to worry. They told him they would get through it to just give him some time.. So he spent the night there... The next day Yoongi has work ... And Hoseok had a plan ...

The next day Yoongi went to work and Hoseok made sure he came at the right time...

He set it up... He waited for about two hours after he set up. He heard the door open.. He turned the lights off quickly .... He played the tape once Yoongi walked inside

"Umm Hey- This is Jung Hoseok here..With my oh so beautiful boyfriend-"

"Don't flatter me Jung - Heyyy I'm Min Yoongi-"

"Soon to be Jung -"

The tape showed a young couple ... Both in their early twenties.. One of them rolled their eyes but blushing none the less..

"Gotta atleast propose first Seokie-"

"What makes you think i'm not gonna propose soon??"

"Probably the fact that we're only a year into dating " Then there was a chuckle...Floods of memories going through Yoongis mind He was tearing up... They made that video on their first anniversary Hoseok wanting to record everything..He felt guilty.. He believes it was his fault.l they argued.He wanted to resolve things with Hoseok...

So he kept walk-in further into the all lights out house... Candles were lit.. Rose petals were on the ground... a trail... He followed the trail to their room... He saw a box o chocolates outside the door.. It was his favorite flavor... he opened it  polaroids fell out of the box.. He picked one up - It was of Hoseok and Him on their first (official) date ...

He picked another one up... It was on their 3rd anniversary And they went out to a picnic..

He picked them all up.. He put them back inside the box - Of course eating a chocolate before doing so...

He opened the door and that's when he let his tears fall... He saw there Hoseok with

The same outfit he wore all those years ago -

"AhEm- *Gets on knee*"

"Will you Jung Yoongi take me Jung Hoseok and make me the happiest man alive And please forgive me??"

"I Jung Yoongi  will make Jung Hoseok the Happiest man alive and forgive him as long as he forgives me as well..."

"Always Yoon"

Yoongi then ran and hugged Hoseok with all his might and gave him pepper kisses all over his face

"I am soo sorry... I shouldn't have yelled at you .... I love you soo freaking much... You have no idea.."

" I already told you i forgive you silly... And i love you sooo much .. To the moon and back a million times Yoon..."

"And i love you to the sun and back billions of times Seokie.."

"Cmon lets get to bed...You must be tired..."

"Mmk ... Come cuddle me sunshine.."

"I was planning on it moonlight.."

"Love you "

"Love you two.."

They went through sickness and in health... They stuck together in good times and bad...

They were together in life and through death...

They spread their wings... They experienced the most beautiful moments in life with their adopted little sweet (but savage) girl.. Her name was Jung Yoonji...

They watched her grow... Yeah she got in trouble quite often ... But nothing more ..She was head strong...

They watched her go down the isle ... She married Namjoon and SeokJins  Son... Try had adorable grand children...

She broke down in her fathers funeral— Both.... But she knew they were happy together.. Watching over her... They were gonna be Young Forever... The end was just the beginning...



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