1 1: I think I like you...

"Dojin! Dojin! over here" Yoongi calls out to me

I pause for a second and smile. My heart skips a bit. I run over to him and sit down at the lunch table.

Me and Yoongi always eat lunch together outside.

"I bought you some more strawberry milk" He told me

"Aww! Thank you Yoongi" I say smiling while I look deep into his eyes. Suddenly a girl walks over and sits next to yoongi then gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. My eyes widened and my heart dropped. "Hey baby" Yoongi said.

Tears feel my eyes so I quickly realise that i need to get out of there. I grab my things quickly. "Uhm I will be back, I uh- need to go do something." There is no response and I just leave. I don't turn around because I am afraid of what I'll see. I go to the empty music room and sit down. I don't do anything. I just sit there... and cry.

Suddenly the music room door swung open. I looked up quickly.
