
an incomplete love

Everyone knows love is the best experience of life and everyone should try this feeling in there life.

I also felt something like this at my school time. It was around 2012 i was an average student but the only thing i was good in that was making friends. I was an free sprit man always try to help somone, we are group of four boys having fun all day, we take noyhing serious in our life just chilling around everyday of my school was awesome.

Before i make my group

There was sunny day i came at the classroom after doing prayer at the ground of the school (our school was typically a middle class student school) there are many new students in class because its new session of class 9th so there were many new student and some are from different branch of our school, from that student crowd i saw girl who laughing with her friends i was staring her continuously, that was a happy movement of my life i was thinking who is she i just watching her smile and suddenly she also saw me our eyes got connected for like 2 second, i got hesitate and lower my eyes and move my face towards window. That movement my heart was going to explode it was like bump-bump this is the first time i saw 'no' stare a girl for that long and forget on thought of being with her that was really stupid...

After few days i found some student from my previous class and those( there are going to my best friend in future) and then

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