
~New Pack~

Third POV

Dawn looked up at the sky as she heard the steady breathing of the two girls beside. She kept wondering why did all of this happen to everyone? She wondered what they were to her. Friends?, Family?. She was unable to answer this question she just knew that she would do anything to make their lives happier, even sacrificing herself, she knew that they were her only true family, they were her salvation, her escape from a living hell. She let out a low howl, she was never wants anyone in her " Pack? " to find out her secret , if they did they would run from her in pure terror. this whole time she had to disguise herself as a fox. She knew exactly why her parents left her, they were scared of the powers she has, they hoped that she would've died in that forest. Yet fate has given her another chance, another chance to live and to choose her own path, not the path her parents wanted for her, not the path of death but a path of either becoming the darkness or the light of this cursed world.

Night watched Dawn from afar finally figuring out why he had an attraction to her. They were destined to either love or hate each other. His heart and mind chose love but what will she choose. Will they rule together with her as the light in the dark . Only time shall tell, they are the only two of their kind. they are the moon and the sun reincarnated as wolf-fox hybrids.

Yet they both have to choose to either be the sun or the moon, fire of destruction or water of life, Shadows that pure evil lurks in or the light that the good dance in. We shall not know their choices until time has passed, not until they are sure that they will do everything in their power to stay as the light or as the dark.

Dawn's POV

I continued to howl now the musical howl full of pain and sorrow, the emotions i have felt since forever. My mind feels broken, My soul lost, and my heart cold. Fate i ask why a i like this?! Full of pain and sorrow, why is it that i can still put light into peoples lives?! How can a girl as broken as me be the light in the dark lives of my new pack? I just cant handle i really, but for the sake of everyone on here i must ignore the pain i feel, i must or else everyone else will feel it too

I stood up and decided to go on a walk the tears pilling over as i think about the pain everyone has gone though, i think about the little kitten i found today. What happened to her? She seems so sweet, she doesn't deserve the pain she is feeling. I don't want to see anyone as innocent like her crying.

i stop at the edge of a cliff and turn into a pure white wolf, my true form, i let a long and sorrowful howl into the night.

Night's Pov

I walk up behind night shifting to my pure black wolf . The girl i see in front of me is pure beauty in my eyes and yet she feels so much pain. Sitting next to her i join her as she howls. Our howls of sorrow combing into a melody. i noticed her howl slowly cut off. Looking beside me, i find dawn looking at me with tears in her eyes. I stop howling as soon as i see the tears in her eyes. I never wanted to see her cry cause it hurt me too much.

I stood up and walked closer to her shifting into a human in the process. I wiped away the tears that are now flowing from her eyes. I hugged her around the neck noticing as her fur turning into soft flesh. I felt a pair of small arms wrap around me as i stayed hugging her. I felt the tears fall onto me as she let the tears flow. I felt her pain and sorrow. I love her too much to let her hurt, i now what path i must choose. i wont let her become the dark, i just cant allow it. When you become the dark all you feel is pain and sorrow, i cant let her feel that i want her to live a happy life. I just hope my choice won't hurt her more than she is already is.

I looked down at dawn and noticed she was back in her fox form and was sleeping peacefully. Smiling i stood up and walked back to camps lying her beside midnight and the little kitten she found.

" That's where you were, wasn't it? " said a voice behind me. Turning around i faced a very calm Hunter. Nodding i turned back to my fox form walking over to night as he sat under a tree.

" You love her don't you night? " he asked now looking over at the sleeping dawn.

" Yes, yes i do hunter and i won't let any harm come upon her. " i replied with a serious yet soft tone.

" Good, i wont have my little sister getting hurt " said night with a loving tone

Looking at hunter i noticed how much he loved his little sister. If you having figured it out hunter and dawn are siblings but hunter never had the fox half in him, he is a pure blood wolf. Over the years hunter has been watching over her knowing to not interfere.

Nodding i looked over at dawn and smiled as she slept peacefully. I promise you dawn i will never let anything hurt you ever again. That's a promise i will keep even if i have to die to keep it.

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