
~Fallen Love~

Night's POV

I fell not knowing what to do, i just let it happen. i was about to hit the ground when i felt the slight touch of feathers, before i could react i was up in the air heading back to land above. i looked above me and saw Dawn holding onto my scruff while keeping her footing on midnight who looked slightly pissed.

" You idiot" growled Dawn though my fur. I knew i was but i didn't care cause now i knew i had a chance with her. Well at least i knew she cared.

When we finally landed Dawn tackled me, i was about to shove her off when i felt tears fall upon my fur. I looked up at her and saw tears rimming her beautiful violet eyes, i used my paws wipe away her tears. I don't know why she was crying but i didn't want to see her tears.

" shhh, its ok * I licked her ears to show here I'm safe and alive. I guess I deserved what came next, she bite me and scratched me. Heh Yea I did. I looked at Dawn as she got off of me, I was happy to get the weight off of my chest but I wanted to feel her warmth, I wanted Dawn herself, I wanted all of her.

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