

" Ugh.....It just had to rain. Yuuto, you think the Gods are trying to send us a message ?" Asked a rough looking man who was wearing the standard Swat Uniform though he seemed to be missing a few protections there and there. Actually he looked like he had seen better days, what's with his face half-covered in blood, his partially torn uniform and missing gears. He also had nothing to defend himself other than a Glock 22 . The most unique feature of this man would be his black slit eyes, but they were barely visble due to his tinted glasses.

The slightly younger man who was named Yuuto merely grinned and shook his head. " I'm a Knight, Captain Meyers.....Don't talk about the Gods so casually when I'm around." Answered Yuuto. Captain Meyers just chuckled before he took in Yuuto's appearence.

" A Tier 4 Mythril breastplate, with some Tier 3 black iron gauntlets and boots. And add to that your Tier 5 black and dark green cape....You're trying to show off to that psycho or what ?" Commented Captain Meyers. Yuuto deadpanned at him, looked at the man's gears and guffawed.

" A Swat officer on a crime scene in Neo Kyoto.....I do think you look much more ridiculous than I do." Said Yuuto. Captain Meyers shrugged him off and then walked towards the crime scene. A great number of people dressed like Yuuto were there, their heads bowed as if they were paying their respect to the dead, which was actually what they were doing. To someone who lived before the Yin Yang Law, seeing people who looked like they came from a fantasy world might have been weird. But it had become normal over the time.

" Okay, what happened ?" Asked Captain Meyers, seemingly bracing himself for the answer as he clenched his teeth. The other knights who had been paying their respect to the victim also approached, for they also wanted to know.

" Those Knights were chasing a group of goons working for 'Him', but when they arrived there, the corpse fell on the ground with enough strengh to look like some badly cooked lasagna. Considering the fact the goons were clearly leading the knights here, and just how suspiscious the timing seems.....I am absolutely sure it's him." Answered the only police officer who has had enough courage to go near the corpse. It was indeed a gruesome sight, even to someone like Yuuto, though Captain Meyers seemed unfazed by the corpse.....No he looked terrified, but for an entirely different reason.

" The government won't like that. Japan has finally been able to enter the top 3 of the countries with the strongest Honorary Citizens ( HC ). If it was made known that 'He' came back.....It would be a big blow to Japan's image, especially after the government declared that they had drove him off of the country. I can't even begin to imagine how violent the public backlash is going to be. " Said Yuuto, who then froze when he saw how terrified Captain Meyers was.

" Captain, what's wrong ?" Asked the police officer. The other knights turned their heads towards Meyers who gulped. He took out a cigarette and tried to light it, however someone actually.....Ate it before he could. That's right, a mouth full of insanely sharp teeth appeared and ate the cigarette he had in his hand. Yuuto and the others chuckled, but Meyers froze to the point he began to have some small spasms.

" Now, now.....It's really bad to smoke. Did you think about the children ? They can't have role models who show such dangerous behaviour....We can't have that." Said the man who had nearly crushed Meyers' hand by eating the cigarette. One by one the others began to freeze, until the police officer was left alone, unaware of what was going on.

The man who had spoken, a rather tall and athletic young man who was wearing a black and red suit with a black mask with no holes or slits, walked towards the police officer who was suddenly assaulted by violent hallucinations that had him weeping on the ground.

The man crouched in front of the police officer, forced the man to look at him while he removed his mask, and revealed his face. The police officer who remained unnamed, was forced to look at the face of a man many would gladly call the devil. He was forced to look at those accursed golden eyes that were each fractured into four parts for some obscure reason. He was forced to gaze upon the deceptively handsome face of the young man, he was forced to take in the two tattoos that the man had under his mouth one of a christian cross and one of a satanic cross.

And just as the police officer who was about to pass out from the fear of being looked at like he was a prey by the amused young man , all of those who had been left behind exclaimed at the same time.

" TSARCK ?!!!"

And this man named Tsarck had only one answer to their surprise.

" Yes it is I , The King ! The most vile and corrupted monster of history ! Tsarck !" He yelled while mimicking Elvis Presley holding a microphone. And in a matter of seconds, all the knights were on him while captain Meyers took out his tactical radio.

Tsarck could hear Meyers yelling at the person on the other end of the call to send all the reinforcements he/she could, and he had to smirk.

" You won't be able to beat me, even if you had an army." Said Tsarck casually as he jumped high enough in the air to dodge the incoming attacks of the knights. He then landed on the back of one of them and grabbed the knight by the throat before throwing him at his colleagues. Yuuto appeared behind Tsarck, sword already in hand, ready to cleave Tsarck in half. However the sword stopped itself before it could even pierce his skin. Tsarck then threw a predatory glance at Meyers who was still calling for help. The Knights saw this and paled. They knew he was going for Meyers but they had no way to stop him. However they couldn't abandon Meyers, so they just charged in recklessly.

Letting out a sigh, Tsarck merely side-stepped to dodge an incoming vertical slash before he blocked a kick to the face with his pinky finger. The knights gritted their teeths as Tsarck toyed with them, before one of them had a great idea. He told his colleagues who all nodded, but their hope was crushed by Tsarck in an instant.

" No, you can't overpower me by all attacking at the same time with everything you've got. You will be able to, only when a single wave of your arms would be enough to destroy countries. And you're nowhere near that level yet." Said Tsarck. And once again he demonstrated his immense speed by crossing the distance the knights between him and them in an instant faster than their eyes could see.

He was immediately upon them, crushing each and every one of them by simply dodging their attacks until they hit each others. And it worked quite well.

" Tsarck !!!" Screamed Meyers in his megaphone. Tsarck turned his head towards the man, dropping the nearly dead knight he had in his hand.

" reinforcements are on their way, and this time we brought out the big guns for you. Surrender now, or you will face the consequences. You are but a single man !" Yelled Meyers, trying and failling to intimidate. Tsarck lifted both of his arms in the air, slowly as sirens roared in the background. By now the citizens had become aware of who was fighting with the knights, and so they fled the area as fast as a human possibly could. Though a few still decided to stay to film the entire fight. It wasn't everyday you could see the Devil Who Behaved More Like The Devil Than The Actual Devil fight. It may be insanely dangerous, but a video of him fighting would be a complete buzz.

However, those people didn't get to record the fight for long, as it ended quicker than anyone thoight it would. No one knew how strong Tsarck was, so they thought that a team of experienced Knights would be able to atleast put up a fight against him, but it wasn't the case.

And yet, yet.....Yuuto still rose to his feet, his entire body broken and caked in the blood of his comrades. He rose his sword for the last time , blue energy swirling around it, and yelled : " Shooting Star !" A mix of blue and white energy was shot from the blade and formed an Arc-like projectile that hit Tsarck with enough power to destroy an entire house in one go.

And yet again, all hope was crushed as Tsarck merely blocked it with his forearm. With this, Yuuto fell on the ground, and the innocent bystanders realized how bad they had messed up. Now Meyers was the only one left. Atleast that was until the reinforcements could arrive.

" Captain Meyers, you said that I am only one man, right ?" Asked Tsarck who once again lifted his arms in the air, and without any interruptions this time.

" Oh, I already don't like where this is going...." Muttered Meyers who clutched the radio in his hands with all he had, he could only pray that the reinforcements were strong enough to force Tsarck to flee.....Atleast temporarily.

" Firstly I am not one man, but you wouldn't get the hidden meaning behind this sentence. So let me tell you this , even If I was just one man....I am One Man who actually has an army !" Yelled Tsarck as he clapped his hands.

Meyers felt as if the sun had been turned off for a second, with all the light disappearing. When he and all those who had stayed behind could see again, they wished they hadn't been able to.

Meyers dropped the radio as his superior ordered him to describe the current situation. He also dropped onto his knees, before dropping face first on the ground.

And it was the same for pretty much everyone, they just couldn't bear the sight of Tsarck's army. A gigantic army of strange humanoid creatured dressed in black robes and rags who were hanging on the walls of all the nearby buildings. They were like an army of cockroaches, except they were far more scary.

One of them jumped in front of Tsarck and kneeled, awaiting for his master's order. But what came from his master's mouth wasn't what he had expected. Even if he couldn't stop grinning after he heard it .

" It's good and all to terrify those poor souls, but I've grown used to this type of spectacle, even the reveal of my army was just....Meh. I need something to stimulate me. So I thought, I thought about it harder than I ever thought about something. And I reached a conclusion....." Tsarck grabbed his servant by his face and lifted him as the servant offered no resistance. Tsarck's pupils disappeared as his entire eyes were painted black and a wicked grin bloomed on his face.

" I need something new. I have been many types of horrors before.....But I've yet to be the one who saves the day.....How thrilling would it be to be considered an ally of justice, Me ! Ahhhh, I can barely wait. "

Hope you liked it ! Comment, review and vote !

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