
yin and yang

This is first person point of view

I had a dream it was me my family and our Neighbors my mom was friends with the neighbors parents and I was friends with the kids the we were in a hotel on the 30th floor the neighbor son was a friend of mine his dad told him this story about these spirits that hang out under the moon at night and dance he always wanted to see these spirits so he said "dad can i go see the spirits  " his dad said no then i went on the balcony and said there's some ghosts down here dancing the little boy came to see so did his parents his parents said they can't see them but the little boy could than my family came to the balcony and the same happened the parents couldn't see but the kids could then the little boy wasted again his dad still said no he got mad and selected down to the shore shen every one was sleeping thin i got this sharp pain in my head and something told me to wake up i opened my eyes to see a tall black figure standing over me i stood up and said "what do you want from me" the ghost said you better go save your little friend he's stranded in the middle of the the ocean i grew wings and and went to go get him i couldn't find him than a big bright light showed and i went to it it was him to turn out it was him i got him and brought him home to the hotel he was fighting me trying to get me to let him go i turned around and saw the bad ghosts were following us  i dragged him to my room because his parents were sleep and mine were awake i got to the room and the ghost that was over me was was staring at my mom and she was staring at him i ran past the ghost and shut the door the ghost all came in the room andi because i was a magical being i called some Celestial spirit they came and put the spell back on the black spirits to make them leave me alone the celestial spirit s said "i don't know why im helping you trader " i said "what do you mean trader i didn't do anything wrong" "they said you traded when you helped him" i said "what do you mean him he's just a little boy he is harmless"they explained to me that he's the reason why the black ghost was following us. I was shocked then the ghost knocked us out and we woke you up on this beautiful blue and white being that can fly but it was not a bird the boy soon woke up. Not knowing what's going on the beast landed on this island that was half dar and half light. He got dropped off on the dark side and I got dropped off on the white side. I set off to find him. Than i heard him screaming because these black beast were chasing him i tried to cross over to the dark spirit but i could not because i was a light spirit so i yelled "go to the top if the volcano i have a plan" i soon headed up we met up on the top and i said "jump" he said "no are you crazy we're going to die" i said "i know that's the point just trust me "  we jumped at the same time and instead of dying we ended up back at the hotel than i erase ted my and his family memories and we soon went home and live on from that day

The End