
Chapter 1

Jing Wei reached out at the faded tome before him. He could not even read the title.

The shop owner smiled and said, "will you be buying this one? It's origins are unknown, so you can buy it for only 30 gui.

"Thirty gui? Such a curious little book, I might actually learn something new."

Jing Wei handed over the tokens and went about his business. Illustrious cloud cranes soared overhead, those like him could only dream.

After returning to his shack in Far Skies sect, he flipped open the book. Yet no matter what he said as a command, the words would not appear.

"Open! Reveal! Start! Damn, this piece of trash is completely useless. I had thought it would at least contain some interesting ancient record. As expected of something for 30 gui."

With a sigh, Jing Wei began to ponder the outside affairs. His cultivation had stopped increasing, and his prospects for the future were below average at best.

"If only it contained some powerful scripture."

Upon uttering the last word, against light emitted from the book. However, it was gone a momentlater, as if it had been an illusion.

"Huh? What was that just now? I could have sworn I saw a ripple."

Pondering, he began to wonder if it required a special activation command. Most times for the sake of convenience would have a simple seal that would release when a word such as "open," or "reveal" was spoken. Theoretically, it should be possible to place some unique activation seal as a defense.

"Well then, can't hurt to try. Scripture! Record! Peerless martial art! Teriyaki chicken!"

Jing Wei began to recite every word he could think of. When it landed on one in particular, he noticed the sudden animation.

"What's this? Silksoft glacial moon scripture, top grade beauty cultivation?"

Flicking through the contents, he began to gain a general grasp on the cultivation method.

The purpose was to cultivate beauty, or the appearance to others. Though many wondrous training techniques, such as the midnight moon yin apsorption, or the golden Halo radiance refinement, Jing Wei could tell this was definitely a top tier cultivation scripture.

The main problem was that it was targeted towards female cultivators, as the body transformation would leave the practicer more yin and feminine. If he wanted to reach a high level, he would have to sacrifice his masculine features.

Glancing down at his body, he suddenly was filled with pity. An average but lanky build, he was not anything special among male cultivators. In the nearby hollow Crystal town, many experts had toned muscles and copper skin.

"Its a shame," he thought, "such a high level scripture, but the focus is external influence. The previous owner most likely tossed this out for it's lack of physical strength increase.

Thinking pack to his impaired cultivation, a daring idea popped into his mind, "what if I can cultivate this silksoft glacial moon scripture?"

The cost was great, well, not really, but he really had to push through in order to cultivate this. Beauty cultivation meant seeking powerful partners. Could he bare to suck up to a young master?

Sighing in deprecation, he knew that only the powerful achieved success. And if he cultivated this, wouldn't he be living comfortably?

His eyes filled with determination, he studied the contents therein. Beginning to grasp the basic philosophy, he started to realize just how great this technique was. If he could just reach the third or fourth stage, his living situation would improve dramatically.

Now without a hint of doubt, he checked the first chapter.