
getting closer.

Jisung and yoosung had gotten close in the past month but jisung was also close to saeyoung, which didn't bother yoosung but he didn't like it either Saeyoung always won. It was always Saeyoung, because who couldn't love saeyoung. He was sociable, handsome, good with words, persweysiv and kind. Yoosung and saeyoung used to be close until one day in middle school they were playing a game of house, it was probably just a little too realistic for middle schoolers. There were relationship problems such as affairs, not liking each other, etc. but at the end of the day all that matter was it wasn't real at the time yoosung's girlfriends in the game usual left him and this time saeyoung was getting married to his second ex which happen to be stephanie. They were playing around talking about wedding plans when suddenly saeyoung raised his juice pouch and said "a toast to yoosung! Always the grooms-mate but never the groom." he said juice pouch in hand that's when yoosung felt as he had went to far so yoosung left and after that he transferred schools and never really bothered to contact saeyoung again,then they met again in highschool but since then yoosung built stronger defenses and refuse to let anyone to get to him after that. But that wasn't the only thing that made yoosung the way he was. Going back into yoosung's past his older brother used to be his idol , yoosung admired his brother a lot he wanted to be just like his brother once upon time. His brother zen lee was a volleyball player for a sopa a korean middle school and volleyball wasn't as popular as some of the other sports but they had always had enough to form a team, and zen was on that team. This sparked yoosung interest and when his brother came home he would ask brother a bunch of questions about volleyball when his brother would give the time to yoosung and zen would practice volleyball in the back yard because Yoosung was going to become a great volleyball player just like his brother. Yoosung went to many of zen's games to watch him and cheer for him when zen was in middle school and yoosung was in elementary school,he was so proud of his older brother one day yoosung and zen were sitting outside talking yoosung was in his first year of middle an zen was in second year of highschool, "i'm going to be just like you hyung no matter what you say i can do!" yoosung exclaimed excitedly yoosung hadn't been to any of his brothers games yet since just started playing volleyball himself. Many memories of yoosung watching his brother's middle school game popped up as he headed to one of his brother's high school games. This would be the first time yoosung would watch his brother in highschool "I'll follow you until the day I can smile and stand on the court with you and say..'' his brother now attended sopa high yoosung was looking for his brother on the court however his brother wasn't there, yoosung eyes wander to the side lines hoping that maybe his brother wasn't playing the first round only to still not see him.it was hard to miss his brother who was about 182 cm and had split dyed hair one side silver and the other natural black, when yoosung lifted his eyes there was his brother in the stands. Yoosung tilted his head like a lost puppy as a frown appeared on his face. His brother had told him a few stories about his highschool volleyball games but it turns out they were probably a lie, he wasn't even standing on the court but in the stands cheering his team on. Yoosung didn't stay for the rest of the game, he felt hurt and betrayed. He never thought in a million years his brother would lie to him "I used to wait for the day that I could smile at you and say I'm just like you." yoosung thought to himself as he walked away from the schools gym yoosung's brother was supposed to be an ace, but that didn't matter his brother lied to him and broke his trust. In current times his brother was in college and still played volleyball and yoosung also played volleyball but he made sure to never get attached to it because in the end volleyball is just a club to him.. Yoosung who had gotten closer to jisung was scared that she would just leave him for saeyoung, saeyoung took everyone one from yoosung anyone that yoosung tried to get close to usually ended up ditching him for saeyoung, and the thought of losing jisung to saeyoung was something that was haunting yoosung to the point he started to push her away. Today jisung was wearing her hair in a ponytail. She looked beautiful as always yoosung could really only catch glances of her as he was trying to push her away even more, the last glance he took he saw saeyoung coming up behind her and resting his arm on her shoulder. Yoosung went to class but as soon as he walked in he realized he had left something in the student council room he looked up at the clock and attempting to calculate the time he left before class started and he probably just wouldn't have enough time if he wanted to be back in class on time , accepting defeat he left the class room anyway and started lightly jogging toward the student council room which on the other side of the building down two flights of stairs. On his run he stopped when he saw jisung, saeyoung and jiwoo standing in front of them jisung didn't do anything she just bowed and walked away when her eyes landed on yoosung "lee-san! " she said happily but he walked past her which made her heart breakYoosung walked past jisung without spearing at second glance at her which made jisung heart break a little, but she let out a sigh and went to class. When jisung got to class she sat in her seat then laid her head on her arms facing down as tears escaped her eyes, she didn't know why yoosung was pushing her away but he was pushing her away it hurt and as much as she hated to admit it. Being pushed away from someone that meant so much to her like yoosung it hurt, tears flowed freely from her eyes as she laid her down. Yoosung final got what he needed and was on his way back he saw that saeyoung was still out in the hallway and he still had time to chill because he had more time then he thought, when he saw jisung with her head down on the desk he felt bad for what he did earlier as he looked at her as she laid her head down. He reached over not touching her hesitating a lot, eventually he brought himself to pet her hair when she jumped and looked up when she faced him. Yoosung's heart broke seeing jisung's red eyes and tear stained cheeks as she sniffled, he wiped her tears gently and pulled her closer "what's wrong?" yoosung whispered ruffling her hair slightly as tears flowed freely from her eyes, "d-did i make you mad lee-san, o-or do you not want to be friends anymore ?" she sniffled looking at him. He felt his heart sink "i'm not mad i-i just, sorry shortcake." he said softly holding her tightly as she nuzzled her head into yoosung's chest as he ran his finger through her hair, when she looked up at him still a little teary eyed "never do that again please,"she said softly as her voice cracked a little at the end. "okay i won't do it again b-but stop crying, idiot." yoosung mumbled the last part making jisung giggle a little yoosung's cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he held jisungs close, before letting her go and watching her light up like a ray of sunshine again. Through the day jisung clinged to yoosung not literally but she would walk next to him and hug him when she had the chance which yoosung mind he thought it was kinda cute,what he didn't think was cute and something he hated that happen through the day was saeyoung taking jisung from him. Saeyoung would just drop in randomly and talk to jisung and take all her attention away from yoosung which he didn't like at all, when after school came saeyoung and yoosung were in a student council meeting during the meeting yoosung felt saeyoungs glare toward him it was obvious he had something he wanted to say to the blonde male but for now he didn't care. When the meeting was over yoosung was getting ready to leave when saeyoung stopped him by grabbing his wrist "yoosung, do you have a moment there's something i would really like to say." saeyoung said making the blonde male roll his eyes and turn around "hurry i don't have all day," yoosung said sounding quite irritated "i'll cut to the chase then." saeyoung said with a slight smirk letting go of yoosung's wrist "you should make your move on seo jisung before it's too late," saeyoung said looking at yoosung which made the blonde freeze for a second "what do you mean it's not like i like her or anything.." yoosung mumbled avoiding the red haired male's gaze "well i'm telling you now but if you don't like her then you won't be too disappointed if i introduce her to the kim's aka, my family." saeyoung said leaving the student council room leaving a shocked yoosung, as yoosung dragged himself out of the student council room still shocked he wondered if he should let her go? He got too attached to her and she was bound to leave him eventually right? Yoosung just never thought he'd be losing to saeyoung again, for the millionth time but he was everything she would ever need. He had the money, brains and bronze, maybe it was just his destiny to lose to saeyoung everytime. Then yoosung thought back to a saying jisung had said on the second day she started talking to him " a hero will sacrifice you to save the world, but a villain will sacrifice the world to save you. Isn't that so lovely~!" she exclaimed jisung always talked about being feared or loved, heroes and villains, jisung brain always ran faster than her mouth ever could, she fragile and would never be able to handle ms.kim's criticism, jisung value's her friends ships deeply losing her friends hurts her a lot though she'd never admit to it. While yoosung was thinking about this he didn't notice jisung running up to him until she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly and nuzzled into his chest, "lee-san!" she said happily "wh-what?" he stuttered as she let go looking up at him "hm, nothing im just happy to see you!" she smiled as they started to walk down the hallway jisung noticed that yoosung was out of it very out of it as they walked out, jisung wondered what was going on inside yoosung's head but she knew he would tell her when he was ready to tell her.

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