
Chapter 1

Chapter One: Prologue (1)

Kryptonopolis, the magnificent capital city of Planet Krypton. The city was rather huge, having a population over hundreds of millions of Kryptonians. Large buildings which looked to be made out of rare materials. Which is due to the fact that the Kryptonians have advanced so far in technology—that they were brilliant enough to invent items that are far imaginable.

Kryptonians, being a race having faced hundreds of struggles, trials, and their soon-to-be destruction which was in fact caused by their own race. However, most Kryptonians are completely clueless about the destruction that's coming their way.

Jor-El, one of many great scientists in the Science Guild. Also being part of the council; has prophesied that there will be a day—that Krypton will be destroyed. Of course, the council hadn't taken him seriously; all but one person.

Jin-Dax, a scientist—who is in par with his fellow scientists, Jor-El. When he heard this, he was quite shocked, he knew for certain that Jor-El wasn't a person to joke around, or spill out bullshit. Nevertheless, he couldn't risk not believing him. And so, he further continued his project.

Jin-Dax had an unusual way to see things differently—more specifically, the Kryptonian race. He viewed that the Kryptonians should be superior, have the power to become..something more. Some may think that it was ridiculous, however, the council craved power. Especially General Zod, who supported his research. This is what ultimately gave him a seat at the council table.

Project-SK0: A project, formulated by Jin-Dax. The reason for this project, is to have Kryptonians evolve; becoming stronger, faster etc. Creating a new, perfect race of Kryptonians—Supreme Kryptonians.

A modified version of what created 'Doomsday'.

However, after Jin-Dax heard about Jor-El's speech about Krypton's destruction, he had to speed up his project and if Krypton were to be destroyed, there would be one Supreme Kryptonian to carry on his race. And so, he continued finding a perfect person. Eventually, he found it—however, expecting the person to be an adult; was surprised to see that it was a child, no less than five years old.

The boy having been taken away from his parents, and placed into a laboratory that almost little to no Kryptonians know about. The boy at first, didn't know what was going on, and just went on with whatever was happening. What made him different was that his cells regenerated in a extreme rate. Granting him, an ability to heal fast—having a sham immortality, and getting a small immunity to anything that harms him.

Furthermore, being the perfect subject for Project-SK0. Upon receiving him, he was given three shots;those shots included genomes of different schematics that were on Planet Krypton. Then for a month, he was to learn; it was fascinating to see that he was able to process information easily, even as remember every little detail. He was able to learn Kryptonian writing in the first week, then learned a lot of other information.

And then began the real tests.


In a room, stood two scientists; looking at a small chamber, and inside that chamber, was a small child that didn't look to be older than five years old. He had black hair, fair skin, and had an innocent expression. However, his eyes held deep knowledge.

"Test-subject Zero, how are you feeling?" Spoke to one of the scientists, who was currently pressing on the speaker button, and to his left side, stood his companion scientist, Jin-Dax.

Jin-Dax was behind a machine, with his amused smile on his face. On the machine was a holographic screen that showed subject Zero's vitals. He had grayish hair-due to old age, having a beard and glasses.

"What am I supposed to feel?" The child said confused, while tilting his head slightly. There was nothing inside his chamber, only him.

The scientist that was still pressing on the communicator chuckled and nodded back to Jin-Dax, who as well nodded his head. He then stopped pressing on the button.

"We'll begin the first test." Jin-Dax said to his companion scientist, who nodded his head and pressed another button. As soon as he did, green-like fog entered inside the chamber.

The boy stood up and looked at the fog, confused he looked back at the scientists. "W-what's this?" He asked while the fog entered inside his body, causing him to wheeze and collapse on the floor.

"Will this really work?" Asked the scientists, who looked be sorry for the child. He looked at Jin-Dax, who only looked at him with a grin on his face.

"Do you not have trust in me?"

"I do."

"Well then, let's continue." Said Jin-Dax while looking back at his subject who was currently having trouble breathing.

"I-I can't b-breath!" The child managed to say something, before ultimately dying.

"Test-Subject Zero is dead. Trial 1–failed. Let's proceed," Jin-Dax said while pressing another button, releasing the gas. Both then saw as the boy soon stood back up, groggily. Jin-Dax stared in amazement.

"So it seems, that I wasn't wrong," Remarked Jin-Dax as he rubbed his chin.

"But how? I don't understand..." Said the other scientists who looked in awe.

"Kryptonians have many wonders, however, he's different from the rest. Let's proceed with Trial- 1, shall we?" Jin-Dax said, before pressing a button. Again the gas entered inside the chamber. The child pale as he once again looks at the gas that had killed him.

"No! No!" The child clutched his head as if waiting for the pain to come again.

And again he died.

Again and again.

But then on the 10th time, something different happened. The child stood there blankly, his eyes showing no life whatsoever. The gas entered inside the chamber, the child already expecting it to kill him. It however didn't kill him, in fact he could breathe normally. And then light came into his eyes again.

"I-I'm alive..." He said before tears started pouring out of his eyes. He curled his small hands into a fist and wiped the tears away.

"Splendid! On to the next trial!" Said Jin-Dax as he looked back at his vitals. The scientist who was next to him, looked at the child with pity.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we let the kid get a rest?"

"Rest? No, he won't be needing any of this rest, now let's proceed." Said Jin-Dax, causing the other scientists to sigh.

"Very well, trial-2 will start." He said as he pushed a different button this time. And like before with the gas, this time it was on fire.

"Ahh! Burns! I'm burning!" The child screamed in pain as he immediately collapsed to the floor and burned up into ashes.

"Oh Rao. Subject Zero is dead. Trial-2, failed."

This continued again until he finally got immune to fire. Days of burning had come to an end. Then soon started the next trials, which consisted in the child being froze to death; shot to death; and many others. This happened for years until he was completely immune to anything that could kill him, well on Krypton that is.

The child everytime when attacked, spikes would come out of his body and protect him. Almost like a shield, however it looked to pierce through anything, as he once broke out of his chamber, but was soon put to sleep.

The child was now 10 and was currently strapped into a chair. He had gone through many changes, appearance wise. His hair which was once black, had turned completely white; his skin was still porcelain white. Completely different to what happened to Doomsday.

He was currently glaring deathly at the scientist in front of him, Jin-Dax.

"How are you holding up, Zero?" Said Jin-Dax with an amused smile on his face. He sat down on a chair and crossed his arms and looked at the boy.

The boy stayed silent as he tried to get the locks on his off broken, he managed to even bend it, however, it locked back up.

"Not much of a talker, are you? Anyways, you'll be taking new tests." Said Jin-Dax, causing Zero to clench his teeth in anger. Jin-Dax chuckled as he stood from his chair.

"Remember, that all of this is not for naught. Soon, you'll become something greater—a god." He said before turning around and walking away.

(A/N: Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm writing, but I thought I'd get this out there. Anyways if you like this chapter, then be sure to vote.)

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