
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Others
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121 Chs

Chapter 34: Baraqiel Blushed in Front of Threats!

(Some left over from the previous chapter can skip this few paragraphs if wanted.)

Waking up feeling uncomfortable and sticky, Ray opened his eyes to see Raynare below him. He did fall asleep on top of her as he recalled what happened. To his right is Mittelt that is also still asleep soundly.

Weirdly enough, he is naked but his upper body feels warm as if a blanket is covering him. He takes a look at the side to see a raven black feathers attached to a pair of wings covering some part of his back and acting like a makeshift blanket to keep him warm.

Ray carefully tried to pry open Raynare's arms and wings but a pair of violet eyes staring at him. The owner of the pair of violet eyes then tightened her arm which surprised Ray.

"Trying to escape after how rough you treated me and Mittelt last night. Hmn?" The experience and feel from last night is still fresh in her mind and engraved on her body.

Although Ray is very violent, she still enjoys it and feels very warm in her heart and her abdomen. Besides, unlike the violent Ray from last night, he is currently scratching his head to find a word to apologize to her. He still has his conscience to apologize for something that isn't his fault. Just thinking about it makes her almost skip a heartbeat at how innocent and inexperienced looking he is unlike his normal self that always looks distant.

"Um… about last night… I-"

Raynare hugged Ray to her chest and interrupted his words. She is beaming in joy as she smothered Ray with her breast.

"Don't apologize when you did nothing wrong. I enjoyed it and Mittelt definitely too. So, be proud of your deed instead of filled with guilt. We both love you very much and want you to be happy too. Remember that, okay?" Raynare scolded Ray with a semi strict and worried tone.

Seeing that Ray is in a daze instead of answering her, Raynare lifts his head and squeezes his head before shaking it a little to regain his attention.

"O-oh… Ah! okay."

"What with the half-hearted reply. Come on, one more time. More confidence!" Raynare cheered for Ray


"Mhn, that's more like it. Filled with conf- oof"

"Shut up, I'm still trying to sleep here… ZzZz…" Mittelt threw a pillow at us for being noisy. Raynare and Ray chuckled before they decided to take a bath to wash off the fluids and sweat from their body.

"Carry me." Raynare says while still having a vice grip on her arms around my neck. "It's your fault that my leg and crotch are very sore. I couldn't feel my legs to even walk. Take responsibility okay." Raynare purred the last part to Ray's ears.

After that, Raynare and Ray went to the bath to wash themselves up before Ray returned and brought Mittelt with him too. By the time they finished, it was already past 12 in the afternoon.

… (Ero stuff end)


To Ray's dismay, his adoptive daughter now is angry at her not for leaving her with Kalawarna but for missing her breakfast. Poor Cheshire is fed cup noodles by Kalawarna and a picky eater like her definitely never touches that food.

She ends up waiting and waiting for Ray to exit the locked room. Her kitten that shared her frustration also clawed at the door to no avail. Both kittens end up starving for the morning and now releasing their frustration on their father/caretaker.

"Here, papa bri- gift Cheshire ten portions of premium salmon. Please forgive me… I will not repeat this mistake again."

"H-Hmph" Cheshire hesitates for a second and wipes away her saliva that flows out of her mouth after hearing the generous offering.

However, the smaller kitten betrayed Cheshire and immediately bribed. She jumped on Ray's hand that lured her with chopped bits of the premium salmon.

"Meow! *munch* *munch*" The kitten devoured the chopped salmon in a heartbeat and by the time Cheshire noticed, there were already 2 fillets missing.

"Nya! Kitty traitor!" Cheshire cried out loud and fought with her kitten over the remaining 8 salmon.

Meanwhile, the very satisfied duo Raynare and Mittelt joined by Kalawarna is enjoying their meal while looking at the antics of the adoptive father and daughter duo with their kitty cat.

After the meal, Ray volunteered himself to clean up the trio's room that he used to have sex with Mittelt and Raynare last night. He spent the whole evening trying to clean the bed that was stained. In the end, he gave up and burned the bed then bought a new one instead. He also makes sure to put proper sheets and cover that will prevent liquid from seeping through.

The following day, Azazel called me and told me to attend an assessment test to get me started. To take on missions and bounties from Grigori, grading needed to be done first and the assessment test is exactly for that.

I arrived in a fully white training room with various equipment hidden behind its walls and a large glass window that connected to a viewing room.

"Welcome to the assessment test, Ray. Today, Baraqiel will be your opponent. Give him your best and we will give you a grade after the test concludes. Just don't hold back and give it your all to defeat Baraqiel. If you do defeat him, you will pass with flying colours and immediately get the best grade, no questions asked." Azazel announced from the viewing room along with a few other unrecognised people.

However, I have been searching high and low for Vali Lucifer, who is supposed to be Azazel's adopted son and Issei's fated rival. Yet, I couldn't find him. The woman with long white hair does share Vali with silvery white hair and light blue eyes. Even her attire shares similarity to Vali Lucifer.

A gruff-looking middle aged man with black hair, matching colour beard and very muscular body entered the training room. He wears a tight fitting bodysuit that has various padding along the joints and armor plates on important body parts. He also weirdly wears sunglasses which he took off after entering the training room.

He isn't a talkative person either as he just stands there and waits for me to get ready and for Azazel to give the starting signal.

This time, I didn't wear the BLACK Hardplate set and instead a mix of various armor that priorities movement, combat and aiming assist for damage and crit chance, and reloading speed for better dexterity which Hardplate set lack since I focused too much on protection and survivability. The armor was also infused with Orichalcum-Mithril alloy for magic resistance and covered up using cosmetic functions that made them appear as HMV sets that look like generic modern soldiers.

For weapon, I stick with Black Sub-Light COM2 assault rifle and Black Shotlite Hornet sniper rifle that offer great mobility with its light weight but still deadly as any other sniper rifles.

After mentally selecting my loadout, I equip my Combat Suit which the ACE Suit appeared first before it vanished and replaced with the HMV Kevlar series armor. Then Black Sub-Light COM2 appeared in my hand from a burst of hologram unlike my suits and armor.

"Both sides ready?" Azazel asked and both Baraqiel and I nodded. "Good. The test will conclude when either side is incapacitated. Now start!"

Baraqiel vanished into the after image immediately after Azazel finished his talk. I can feel a bright glow from the side of my left eye. I couldn't even react yet because I am unfamiliar with Baraqiel's ability and cannot anticipate his moves.

A fist coated in holy lightning flashed briefly at the edge of my eyes before an impact from a dispersed attack shook my body. I saw my barrier durability drop but not more than 10%. I mentally activate Hold The Line before my rifle automatically aimed at Baraqiel with inhuman accuracy. There is no hesitation as I pull the trigger which sprayed solid tungsten piercing bullets at Baraqiel.

Few minutes passed as Ray used his marksmanship ability as Baraqiel tested the water to discern Ray's abilities. If Baraqiel and other Cadre are to grade Ray's prowess, it would be mediocre. That is after taking his other hidden abilities into consideration.

Other than his inhuman accuracy and superior equipment that allow him to hold toe to toe with Baraqiel who is still holding back majority of his skills and only use Hand to Hand combat techniques along with holy lightning infused into his attack.

Baraqiel and the other Cadres in the meeting had agreed to use this 'assessment test' to showcase his abilities willingly or not. Ray also remain passive and only use his class skills to fight against Baraqiel instead of using his other skills that Azazel wanted to take data on.

A luminous blue spear of light appeared above his left palm before coated with his signature holy lightning. Ray saw this similar ability from Kokabiel and quickly used his defensive skill, Die Another Day to cut off 90% of the damage.

This attack can heavily injure even a Satan class opponent with a single strike. Baraqiel quickly closed their gap and successfully stabbed Ray in the chest after breaking his barrier that he learned its effect from earlier clashes. The spear that pierced through his chest and created a gaping hole that can fit a football through and still have enough space for a few fists to fit in.

Within the viewing room, there is Azazel with his Cadres and important core members like Sacred Gear wielders. The notable few are Slash Dog Team and Valina that no one knows is a spy yet. Most of them only frowned since they have trust that Azazel will not authorize any action that results in fatality. Lavinia is one of the exceptions that gasped at the gruesome death of Ray while Valina, who already saw God Hand revive Ray, only smirked and knew the battle was only going to escalate from here.

Few seconds after Ray was killed by Baraqiel, his flesh turned reddish and glowed while steam spewed out from the gaping hole in his chest while his wound was closing at a rapid pace.

Baraqiel look at Azazel at the viewing room and Azazel nodded which gave Baraqiel the permission to continue attacking. Baraqiel uses the same spear to try to stab Ray again to halt the healing but to his surprise and everyone else's surprise, the spear creates a spark after impacting Ray. The spear couldn't even scratch the skin as if the spear is made of paper and striked against a steel block. Baraqiel tried his fist then holy lightning but none worked and Ray finally fully recovered.

They saw the assault rifle swallowed by blue holograms before a gatling gun that was almost fully black appeared in Ray's hand. There isn't hesitation before Ray glows orange which indicates he used a skill and his finger pressed on the trigger and spewed out a barrage of bullets to Baraqiel's face.

The bullets are the depleted uranium bullets filled with Mithril that Ray used on Kokabiel. He is definitely pissed and very irritated.

Even if a person is immortal and can be revived infinitely, the person will still feel pain.

Ray is understanding that they definitely want to research his skill since he knows Azazel is a very curious scientist but at least give him a less painful death or warn him so he can prepare his heart. However Baraqiel just created a spear and deleted his lungs, major blood vein, heart and especially spine that was filled with sensitive receptors. Ray experienced the pain twice! One from the kill and another from his regeneration that regenerates in a similar manner like rewinding time. He will experience the pain from his cause of death when his wound is being healed.

"Let me return the favour for killing me bitch! I don't give crap if you are my boss. I will let you feel the pain hundred fold back!" Ray declared but it didn't go as he expected in his mind.

"The fuck are you blushing for, old man!" Ray spat out his disgust as if he just ate a scoop full of dogshit. He almost vomited when Baraqiel blushed and breathed heavily in anticipation while popping a boner that can be clearly seen from his tight bodysuit.


(Note: I can't… heavily blushing Baraqiel in a BDSM latex outfit and ball gagged can rival Mil-tan if not worse. Sorry, I don't wanna suffer alone.)