
Yes.....I am a Healer

This is the story of a healer from a tribe who creats his own guild with 4 others and tries to survive in this world and working towards his goal.

211_writings · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Its already afternoon by the time everyone came out of the guild. They are standing in front of the entrance and looking at the guild building with face filled with various emotions, like rage, sadness, and something other too. If we look closely, we can find some tears forming in the eyes of Nat, Jack and some in Elena's too albeit less than others. After staying there for 5 minutes, the silence is broken by David saying, " Guys I am hungry lets find an inn and eat something."

Everyone was surprised by his words, actually they know that the silence will be broken first by him so they somewhat expected him to be the first to talk but they didn't imagine he would be talking about the food. They all thought that he is too shy to talk or maybe too sad to stay here anymore, and is just trying to divert his attention to feel better. Thinking so Elena said, "lets find an inn and rest for today, tomorrow we will discuss about what we need to do about our situation."

"You definitely need rest as you went all out, first thing in the morning... hmpf. I know a inn and it serves good food, so lets go there." Venting his frustration, David moves in the direction of inn he proposed without waiting for other's opinion. Looking at his back moving away from them, with a wry smile, Elena says, " Guess he is still upset about morning. Come on guys lets share his luggage too and follow him.

"Actually, I am also still mad at you both for attacking Ren without thinking, no matter how much he provoked you guys. You guys might have died, or worse get crippled for the rest of your lives. You both need to be punished, here carry my luggage too." Saying this, Jack dropped all of his luggage and ran in David's direction without waiting for their reply.

Coming out of the shock, Nat asks, " Am I just dreaming or did they ditch their luggage on us? How can they do that to us. Aren't they supposed to carry our luggage? That's what dad said boys will do." and looks at Elena with a question mark on her face.

"That's how it is supposed to be, but we are not some delicate flowers raised in the shelter and they are not courting us, so it isn't surprising at all. And they are living with us since childhood, so they might have grown resistant to our charms. Even so, we deserve this, we shouldn't lose our cool like that next time." Saying this Elena took Jack's luggage and started walking in the direction, the boys left.

She can hear Nat behind her shouting, "Oy, why are you taking Jack's luggage only? Help me carry David's luggage, it weighs a ton." Even though she can here Nat's shouts, she just ignored them and moves on...

After moving for 30 minutes with that luggage, that weighs a ton, Nat and Elena are standing in front of a inn, actually, its just Elena who is standing although with a rough breath, Nat just fell, face first after reaching there. Well what can we say, Elena is a rank3 warrior and has less weight on her, but Nat is only rank2 and she carried more than a ton. Elena can only look at Nat with pity as she was lying dead on the ground, breathing heavily.

She then looks at the sign board and reads, 'Sandwarrior's inn' and frowns, she heard the name some where before but she can't put a finger on it. She looks at the 'dead' Nat and says, "stop playing dead, we are here already, come lets go inside." then she moves inside, all she can hear from Nat is a sound resembling the cry of a zombie from behind.

After entering the inn, she is feeling that something is wrong here, she can't say what is wrong, she just feels like that, like an instinct. After looking around she looks at the person in the reception, and just when she was gonna take a complete look at him, she heard a familiar voice calling her. Looking at the source, she found David calling her and saying, " I booked the rooms, they are on second floor, it's this way come quickly." and then he turns around along with Jack and moves towards stairs.

Everyone looking at Elena and a pile of luggage moving beside her with curiosity, one of them said, " I thought Elena is a swordsman, but when did she became a mage? She is moving the luggage beside her effortlessly." making others laugh except one that is Nat. What he didn't know at that time was that he got on the blacklist of a future rank9. After that, they both went to 2nd floor and finds David waiting in front of a room.

Then pointing to a opened room, he said, "Keep our luggage in this room." And he points at the opposite room to his room and says, " This is yours, fresh up a bit and we will meet here in 10 mins and we will go down for lunch." Saying this, he went into his room, followed by jack. After dropping the boys's luggage in their room, Elena and Nat goes to their room. After sorting and storing their luggage in the room, they both just lies down on their bed for the rest of the time.

After 15 mins, they heard David calling them out to get lunch. Hearing this both girls, looks at each other and moves out. After they met with David and Jack and went down for lunch. Actually, no one is in mood to eat, but they all were forced to eat lunch by David. They thought it was him being angry and trying to change his mind as he cant do anything to Ren, but they are actually quit surprised because they all ordered less food and eating gloomily, but David ordered more than he usually eat and is eating it while humming a song. He is behaving like he is on a vacation instead of being thrown out of their own guild.

After eating everything he ordered, which is almost all of the menu, David stands up and says," Haaa... I am full now so, I will be going to sleep. Don't wake me up till morning." Saying this he leaves them and goes to his room to sleep. Looking at this odd behaviour, the three are still having a hard time believing this.

Looking at Jack, Nat asks, " Jack why is behaving like that? Is he ok? Did he do anything weird on your way to the inn?"

Shaking his head, Jack says, " Nothing. He just calmly walked all the way without saying anything. Thinking back, he should be furious saying that ' I will kill that bastard Ren, or How dare he throw us out or something' making a mess, but he is staying silent, which is in itself weird."

Later Elena says, " Whatever, it's best for us for him to stay silent than making a mess. Just keep an eye on him Jack. Now lets finish eating quickly and rest ourselves for today. Tomorrow, early in the morning after breakfast, we will meet, ok?"

"Ok", "Fine" replies both Jack and Nat respectively. After that they ate their lunch and left to their respective rooms to retire.