

"No, Killian. Come on..."



"You'll earn a spanking If you don't behave."



I could happily agree to that. I like being spanked. 1

hate the dark Late at night, I would occasionally hear a telltale click, and I'd wake up in a shuddering panie, realizing he'd shut off my safety light. I'd scramble spiderlike across the mattress, all sprawling limbs and trembling fingers, fumbling in my haste to turn the light back on, and killian would watch me the whole time. Head tilted, as if

storing up the information to use sometime in the




Sometime in the very near future. Sometime like tonight.



"Close your eyes,"



Killian said again. I tried to beg now, even with the ball gag in place. " Please, Killian," words which I heard in my head, but which were incomprehensible around the gag. Mere slurring sounds, rather than an actual sentence, but words that I knew my man understood plainly.



"Do it," Killian insisted. And I shook my head, wondering what that would mean to Killian, wondering what my disobedience would do to him.



In the past, we'd arrived at this precipice, and stopped. It was almost as if killian thought that someday. I'd simply obey. At some point, if he asked often enough, if he told me often enough, I would get over my fear, or swallow my fear, for him.



But phobias don't work like that.



I once worked for a woman who was afraid of balloons.Beyond afraid. They sent her into serious chest-tightening panic attacks. And you might think this is an easy fear to simply avoid. Stay away from children's birthday parties, right? But now that you know about this fear, pay attention to the world.



There are balloons everywhere--helium balloons tied to the dry cleaner's sign, outside of the car dealership, heralding one grand opening or another. She'd cross the street to the other side, or drive blocks out of her way, to avoid the ones she knew. But when balloons arrived in her world unexpectedly, she would take an emergency Xanax and call her doctor.



Why was she afraid of balloons? She never said. In the office, we had our guesses. Something to do with pregnancy, with being all puffed up. Or possibly a fear of the unexpected. Of loud noises. Of pops. Fears don't have to make sense, to play by anyone's rules. Not even Killian's.



"Tonight's the night," he said, staring at me. "We'll go slowly."



We'll take our time. But I want you to know that

by the end of the evening, you'll understand."

Why had he gagged me? How could I safeword?

"I'm not going to blindfold you," he continued.



"You'll do it yourself. See? If it's too frightening, too difficult, you can just open your eyes again. You won't need to give a safeword."



It was as if he'd read my mind. "Try," he said again.



"For me, Greer. Do it for me." He had attempted to understand before. I shut my eyes every night, after all, right? To go to sleep. How was that any different? Because, I'd tried to explain. Because it is. Just shutting my eyes for the hell of it, for the sole point of plunging myself into darkness-that was a completely different sensation than closing my eyes to sleep.



"Come on, baby," he said. "It's like the first time we

had anal sex. Remember? I let you back up onto me

I let you take it inch by inch.That's what I'm asking you to do now. Get used to the feeling of me touching you, kissing you, playing with you while your eyes are closed.



Then we can move forward. Then we can try all sorts of things. You do trust me, baby, don't you?"



I did.



That was the truth. But the first time I shut my eyes for him. I opened them up immediately. "That was half a second," he said, laughing. I tried again, shutting my eyes, my whole body taut. Killian set a hand on my leg and I opened my eyes once more.



"A bit longer this time,"



he said, "but I think you can do better than that. Try harder, doll. Try for me." That's what the whole game was about, wasn't it? Obeying him. Pleasing him. And by pleasing him, pleasing myself. I closed my eyes, and I tried to focus on the sensations that immediately flooded over me.



It was as if killian could tell when I started to give in, when the magic of being a sub began to work through me. He touched me so softly, so gently, and I shuddered and almost opened my eyes almøst, but didn't.



He put his hands on the insides of my spread thighs, and his fingertips began to tickle me, sweetly, so that my body would have squirmed away had I not been so completely bound.



My breath came in great shuddering gasps, but I kept my eyes shut. I don't know how I managed to do so, but, I did. But then he brought his mouth to the split of my body and licked me firmly, and immediately my eyes opened.



The pleasure making me forget the game. Making me fail.



"Good girl," he said. "Let's try a little longer."



Once more, I put my trust in Killian. 1 took a deep

breath in through my nose, as if preparing for an under water spring, then closed my eyes, and let myself go. Killian was between my legs once more, licking me, his fingers spreading apart my pussy lips.

I shivered at his touch, but I was aware now. I kept my eyes shut tight, knowing that if I wanted him to continue, 1 had to obey. And then, right when I felt that I had got the knack of this, Killian surprised me. He stopped his licking tricks, and moved on the bed.



My eyelids fluttered for a moment, so that his actions appeared almost in strobe-effect. He was coming closer, and I had an idea what he was going to do, but I didn't squirm. Fear spread through my body, but this time, rather than fight it, I let it in.

The blindfold fit over my head, and I started, but then kept myself in check. Not only did the gag prevent me from talking, but a change had started to overtake me.



This time, the blackness enveloped me completely. When I peeked through my shut lids, I could see nothing. Fear continued to creep through me, but Killian had a way to keep that fear away. He slid back between my thighs, and this time I felt his cock, so hard, so ready, poised to enter. Then he slid Inside me, and I bucked and moaned. Overwhelmed by the sensation of drifting. Of being carried away. The blackness helped. The darkness made everything different. Stretched out each sensation, as if we were fucking in the middle of the night, in an open field, surrounded by a black, inky sky.



Why had I fought this for so long? This was simply the natural progression. Being bound. Being gagged. And being blinded. But somehow, in the dark, I found my way. Somehow, in the dark, I could see.



Killian drove in deep, and I lifted my hips as high as 1 could. There wasn't much give in the bindings, but I did my best to let him know with my body how good he was making me feel. His fingers strummed over my clit, and I started to come. Seeing stars, seeing gold. Seeing beauty in blackness.



Who would ever have thought? With a final thrust, Killian came, and I shuddered all over and came with him, my safeword the furthest thing from my mind.




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