
Chapter 1: On The Run

I made it to West Virginia and stopped at a restaurant outside of town. I saw three or four bikes parked outside but that didn't bother me. I pulled my hoodie up and hid my face as I walked in the door. I was sore and it hurt to move. I had difficulty breathing and knew Richard must have broken some ribs.

I slowly made my way to a table in the corner and sat down. I felt eyes on me and looked out of the side of my eyes seeing the bikers watching me. As I reached to grab a menu I grabbed my side. I noticed that the biker that was getting ready to take a drink of coffee stopped watching me closely.

He was handsome. He had long dark brown hair reaching to his shoulders. He had a few tattoos. I was looking at the menu when the waitress walked to the table.

"I said I will take a cup of coffee, two eggs over easy, bacon and toast, please."

My hood slipped on my head and quickly reached up and pulled it forward but not before the waitress saw my face.

I heard her take a breath and she said

"I will be back with your coffee."

I turned to look out of the window not realizing that my face gave back a reflection. When I realized it I quickly looked back down at the table. My phone rang as the waitress brought my coffee and my hand was shaking when I saw who was calling.

I quickly hit the off button turning my phone off. The waitress said. "My name is Elizabeth are you new in town?"

" I said, yes I am."

" She asked if I was visiting and I said without thinking. No, I am running."

Then said. "Joke sorry."

" She asked if I had a place to stay."

" I said no but do you have a hotel or motel in town."

" She told me the nearest one was 20 miles down the road."

I sighed and she then asked. "Do you plan on staying?"

I said "thinking about it."

" This seems like a nice town."

" Are you looking for a job?"

I asked. "Are you hiring?"

" Yes, I am."

She said "I have a small apartment around back you can use and I can pay you $100.00 a week plus tips."

"That sounds fair since I won't be paying rent."

"You just sit there and after we close I will take you around to the apartment ok?"

I smiled and said sure. "Thanks."

I was reading a book when I heard a nice voice say.

"Elizabeth can you refill my cup for me."

" Sure she said taking the coffee pot to their table."

I heard the door charm ring as the door opened up and I saw this huge man with black hair down past his shoulders wearing a leather jacket that had Viking MC on the back of it.

"Steve how was your day?"

I saw him lean down and kiss her lips and hug her. "He said well now that I get to see you."

I watched as they walked to the back of the restaurant and heard some teasing going on from the men sitting at the table. I heard pres no kissing back there and then laughing as he walked by.

As Elizabeth and Steve walked into the office she turned and said.

"I hired a new waitress."

" She is sitting at the corner table."

" Steve, she is running from someone I just know it."

" She was beaten."

" She has bruises all over her face and I think her ribs are hurt but she refused to give in to the pain."

I watched Steve's hands ball up into fists.

He said, "ok honey."

" We have to protect her."

" Lets not push her tonight we don't want her getting scared and running off."

He turned and walked out of the office and got himself a cup of coffee before sitting down with the other men. I felt eyes on me and looked up under my hood and noticed the man called Steve and the one that was watching me earlier staring at me.

I looked back down and continued to read my book. Every now and then I gasped when I moved as my ribs were really hurting. Elizabeth came back and filled my coffee cup again. She said

"give me a minute and I will take you to the apartment."

" I smiled and said ok softly."

She then walked away. About 10 minutes later she came back with a jacket on and keys in her hand.

I slowly got up from the table and walked to the door with her. As we walked out and star

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