
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 34: It's been hard on you guys

"Hei brother Huang, can you give me a hand with these bags?" Su Mei called for the youth who was looking at some items which were displayed on a stall.

"Ah, okay." Ye Huang hurriedly run and helped Su Mei. Today was his first time going to Wei District with her. For some reason, Su Lilian was not in the house today. Therefore, Su Mei asked him to accompany her on selling some herbs, and buying some supplies.

"Sister Mei, where is Sister Lilian?" Ye Huang finally asked the question that was keep playing in his mind.

Right after he asked that, Su Mei stopped in her track, and froze there for a moment. She looked at him, as if contemplating something. After that, she shook her head and said, "Elder sister was catching some beast inside the Forest of Violent Beast. She would be back after three days. Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing. I'm just curious." comes the reply from the youth.

"Actually, I will be going there too this afternoon." Su Mei expressed her plan. "I will be back after a few days. So, you just stay and wait for us in the meantime."

Ye Huang was surprised when he heard her. Why are they suddenly interested to catch beasts inside the Forest of Violent Beast?

"Are you also going to catch a beast? What kind of beast are you guys after?"

"It's a secret." Su Mei smiled mischievously at Ye Huang. "I actually wish that we could bring you there. However, seeing that you are not a cultivator, it's better to just let you stay at home."

Ye Huang didn't comment on that. Actually, he already recovered his cultivation a few days ago. Yesterday, he even had a brokethrough by one small realm. Right now, he is a Stage Four Dharma Plane cultivator. However, to the outside world, they will be unable to see his cultivation level. The Su siblings already saw him when he was wounded, and could not cultivate. They got used to it even when he already are able to cultivate. They just assumed that he could no longer be a cultivator.


Afternoon that day, Su Mei left Ye Huang alone in the house. She promised that she will be back after three days.

"I got three days free. Let's use it to finish forming my Dharma Idol." Ye Huang happily planned his own free time. Without wasting time, he sit in meditation.

Some days ago, he started to form his Slime Idol. However, it was not an easy task to do. This is because, there is no creature that resemble a slime in this world. He could only use his own creativity and reference that he have gotten from Earth.

Right now, his Idol was just one third in progress. He calmed himself first, then continued making his Dharma Idol.

"Master, you already recovered. So, it's my turn to go out. I also wanted to form my Dharma Idol." Shenron asked.

Without opening his eyes, Ye Huang opened a gate and said, "Alright. Go on."

"Don't take too much time. I'm still waiting for my turn." Sokyoku reminded Shenron as he walked out of the gate.

"Wish me luck then." Shenron nodded. After that, he left the Dihua Village quietly, without any villagers noticing him.

Ye Huang continued what he was doing before.

Three days later.

Ye Huang was sitting lazily outside the house. While waiting for the Su Sibling, he would occasionally called out his new formed Slime Dharma Idol. It was a green jelly-like creature.

For a cultivators in the Dharma Plane, their Idol is usually function as a booster to their power. This way, they would have the back up power, or secret weapon to help them when they are fighting.

In the contrary, Ye Huang's Dharma Idol have no power-up ability. Instead it was just a green creature. He didn't know what happened during the creation process. However, he knew that this green slime has a consciousness. Although it only has a simple thought, and could not express a words, it still has it's soul-kind of consciousness. Fortunately, it could understand Ye Huang's command. It will do what he asked it to do.

After some try and error, Ye Huang found out it's ability. The slime like to eat spiritual qi. It doesn't matter what element of qi, it will be happy to swallow any kind of Qi. After it was full of eating Qi, it will enter into a sleeping state. Other than that, the slime could voice out a single sound - Kuu.

"It's getting dark. Did they miscalculated the date to go back home? Or did something happened to them?" Ye Huang felt a bit worried. Su Mei already promised to go back after three days. Remembering those promise, he calmed down.

Another day passed.

Ye Huang was feeling troubled by his own worry. It's already the fourth days. The Su siblings still did not come back.

"If they are still not back by tonight, I'll go search for them tomorrow." Ye Huang made up his mind. He then continues his waiting.

"Master, there is some problem."

Suddenly, Shenron's voice was transmitted to Ye Huang. "I am inside the Forest of Violent Beast. I found Su Mei and Su Lilian being chased by some demon beast."

"What?" Ye Huang was shocked when he listened to Shenron's story. "How powerful are the beast chasing them?"

"Peak Dharma Plane."

"That should be within their capability to beat them." Ye Huang knew the power level of the Su sisters. Therefore, he was confident that they could take down any Dharma level demon beast.

"It's actually bad. Their cultivation seems to be only at Master's level. I don't think they could win. Right now, I'm helping them to distract those demon beast." Shenron is a dragon. Therefore, just his presence could already threaten these demon beast.

Ye Huang's expression changed. Looks like this is the cause for them to not be back after four days. "Help them as much as you can. I'll head there Immediately."

"Got it."

Ye Huang then activated the Blazed Wings and moved towards Shenron's location like a shooting star.



The howl of a dragon reverberated inside the forest. It caused the demon beasts to felt pressured. Some of them prostrated on the ground, some hid in their caves, and some of them just stood and froze in their place.

"Su Mei, let's run away. The beast seems to be in a trance. That dragon roar made them halt." Su Lilian hurriedly pulled her sister.

Right now their cultivation was greatly restricted. In the past days, the sisters entered the forest and stayed in a cave that they usually used when they wanted to stay away from people.

In their bodies, there is this curse that eating up their life force. Once in a while, the curse will act up in frenzy. This caused a different kind of effect on each of them.

In Su Lilian case, she will go berserk and kill anyone on sight without care. As for Su Mei, she will act lustfully like someone who ate aphrodisiac pill. Both effect made them avoid people.

Back to four days ago, Su Lilian felt the curse in her body started acting up. She hurriedly left their house, and headed here. Usually, if the curse effect got into frenzy, she and her sister will head here together. However, right now, they have Ye Huang live together in their house. Therefore, she didn't let Su Mei to follow her as to avoid his suspicion.

Su Mei on the other hand knew that her sister needed her help. Every time the curse act up, she and her sister found out that the effect can be reduced greatly if another cursed person is nearby. They could regulate their spiritual qi and guide it to the one with the same curse. This way, the curse effect is restrained.

However, there is a cost to this action. Their cultivation will permanently regressed, and it took a couple of days before the acting up effect disappeared.

Somehow, Su Lilian and Su Mei successfully escaped from the demon beasts pursuit. After checking that there are no longer any beasts tailing them, they stopped running and rested for a bit. They sat down, and leaned on to a big tree.

"The effect of the curse this time is worse than the last time." Su Mei let out a heavy breath. "If this keep on happening, we will lose our cultivation completely."

"It's not just our cultivation. Remember, that bastard says that we only have seven years to live. It's been four years since then. That means, we only have three years left." Su Lilian looked up with some sadness in her eyes.

"Ye Huang will eventually find out about us if this goes on." Su Mei also looked up in distress. "Ah, I promised him to go back after three days. He might get worried for us."

They then stood to leave the place. Just as the want to walk away, they saw Ye Huang sitting on a tree branch, not far from them.

"Ye...Ye Huang!?" Su Mei expression changed when she saw him. "How, how long have you been here?"

"I arrived not to long ago." Ye Huang smiled at them. "Well, I overheard some of your story."

"You heard!?" Su Mei expression paled. "Ye Huang. I didn't mean to hide anything from you. It just, this is..."

"It's okay, no need to explain." Ye Huang stopped her. He jumped down and approached them. Su Mei looked down, feeling a bit guilty. Although it was not her intention, she literally lied to him.

Su Lilian at the side just showed a calm look. She looked at Ye Huang and said, "Now that you know about us, you also knew that it will be dangerous for you to live with us. It's better for you to leave. The sooner the better."

Ye Huang shook his head. He stopped in front of the girls and hugged them both in his arms, while saying, "You two have been through this curse for so long. It must have been hard for you guys."

Both girls froze as they heard his words. Su Mei tears flowed out instantly. She then cried on his shoulder. Su Lilian on the other side also felt the urge to cry. However, she hold it in her heart. Though, her tears still fell down.

After some time, Su Mei calmed down. She blushed when she remembered that she cried on Ye Huang's shoulder. She hurriedly pushed him away.

Ye Huang smiled and didn't really. "Let's go home. I already helped cook some food for you guys. Looking at the time though, it should already turned cold."

The two sisters eyes brightened. This guy did worry for them after all. Su Mei smiled and said, "Okay, let's go. I wanted to try you cooking."

The three of them then walked out of the forest. After they disappeared from that place, Shenron came out. "That's settled. With Master guarding them, it should be safe for them. Now, it's time for me to go to that lake of lightning."

Shenron then quickly left towards that lake he was talking about.

At the perimeter of the forest, Ye Huang and the Su siblings walked out.

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you guys about something." Ye Huang stopped on his track and looked at the sisters.

"Just ask away. If you want to know about our secret, we might be willing to talk more to you." Su Lilian replied. Ye Huang already overheard about their curse. There is no harm in telling him the details of the event regarding that curse.

"It's not like that. I only wanted to ask, is Su Lingzhu your sister?" Ye Huang stated his curiously.

"What!? How do you know!?" hearing him, both girls blurted out simultaneously in shock. Su Lilian thought off something and said, "Wait, you met little Lingzhu? Is she together with father, mother and little brother? Are they well?"

She threw many questions in an instant. Su Mei on the side also looked at Ye Huang with some expectation.

"They are together and well. Lingzhu already managed to get rid of her curse. Even your father already recovered his cultivation. As of this moment, they are still moving around, searching for the both of you."

"She and father are already out of their trouble?" Once again, the sisters were astonished. Their father and little sister seems to have encountered a great luck. They already get out of the suffering that has befallen to them. "Thank God. They are okay."

"Do you know how my sister got rid of the curse in her body?" Su Mei asked.

"She inherited a Flame Body of the Great Path. During the inheritance, the curse in her body was swallowed by the guardian of the inheritance." Ye Huang explained briefly on how Su Lingzhu managed to get rid of the curse in her body.

"Encountering inheritance huh. That is not easy to come by, or to encounter." Su Lilian shook her head.

Ye Huang saw them look dejected. The curse already wasted their life for some years now. They only have a little over two years to stay alive because of the curse. Ye Huang decided to help them remove those curse.

"I might have a way to remove those curse from your body."