
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 27: Fighting an Arcana Plane Sword Master.

Knowing that Zhou Hua has no intention to apologize, Ye Huang have no choice but to resort to violence. With the cultivation level of Stage Eight Dharma Plane, he used the Nine Heavenly Attack to crush Zhou Hua to death.


The other two Heiyan was terrified seeing this scene. Just a moment ago, they were about to attack this youth. Now, looking at Zhou Hua's horrible death, all their courage vanished. It was replaced by deep fear towards this youth.

"Pplea...se, please don't kill us. It was just a misunderstanding. We are willing to apologise." One of the Heiyan hurriedly kneeled, and knocked his head on the ground.

"Ye...yes. We didn't really want to hurt that dragon. We are just following his command." The other Heiyan followed his friend, prostrating on the ground.

Ye Huang looked at the two, and released his cultivation to pressure them. The two sweated profusely when those pressure fall onto their bodies. This is the might of a Stage Eight Dharma Plane. It's almost like they are facing the Heiyan Headmaster himself.

"I will give the both of you two choices." Ye Huang slowly spoke to them. He said, "One, I will count to twenty while you escape. If you are able to run away from me after that, you can live. Otherwise, you die.

Two, I will destroy your cultivation. After that, you can go."

The two looked at each other. They could see the despair in their respective eyes. These choices are not any better one from the other.

One! Two! Three...

Ye Huang didn't wait for them, and started counting. Just as he counted to three, one of the two jumped away, and hurriedly fled.

This guy is proficient at using wind elemental. To top it off, his Dharma Idol is a Hurricane Idol. It great boosted his speed when he activated it. He didn't believe that he could not escape the youth with the given time privilege.

The one left behind was dumbfounded when he saw his friend run away. He almost run after him. However, his instinct tell him that he won't be able to escape. He has no such advantage as his friend. He could only surrender his fate to this dragon master.

"Sokyoku, you look after him."

After the end of his counting, Ye Huang summoned Sokyoku. After that, he chased after the fleeing guy.

The last Heiyan looked at the one who just came out. It was a Vermilion Bird, and like the Azure Dragon, this demon beast also at the Stage One of Dharma Plane.

What is going on here? Is that youth master of many mythical beast? If it so, it would explain on how easily he could summon these beasts. Then, this youth must be from a powerful force that originated from outside of Qingzhou City. The only Heiyan was bewildered when his thought reached this conclusion.

"Aren't you going to run away? Right now, you have that chance. Or you can take me as a hostage." Sokyoku looked at the guy, and talked persuasively.

The Heiyan looked at the mythical bird. Those suggestion was indeed plausible. However, he didn't think that this bird is a weak one. He understand this after they chased after the Azure Dragon called Shenron.

There was a moment in their chase that the dragon suddenly performed a skill called Dragon Force. The technique helped the dragon to rise his power level on par with a Third Stage Dharma Plane cultivator. His speed also increased greatly. That was how the dragon managed to flee for that long.

"I apologize for your friend, Shenron. I swear, I didn't inflict any harm on him. I admit that I have thought of subduing him, and it was my greatest mistake."

The last Heiyan decided to apologize honestly. He shut all thought of running away, and hoped that he will not be killed, nor getting his cultivation be destroyed. "I request that you let me retain my cultivation. In exchange, I will become the servant to your master."

"It's not up to me. You need to ask Master." Sokyoku looked at the Heiyan disdainfully.

Not long later, Ye Huang came back. When he landed, he threw down a dead body. It was the guy who run away not long ago. Seeing this, the heart of the last guy almost popped out of his chest. It he run away just now, he would also turn into a corpse like his friend.

"Master, let me follow you. I am willing to be your servant." He once again kneeled in front of Ye Huang.

Ye Huang did not directly look at the man. He instead asked Sokyoku to handle those dead bodies. Sokyoku breathed out a flame that incinerated the corpses on the ground. After seeing that there are only ashes remained on the ground, Ye Huang then looked at the lone Heiyan.

"Tell me about yourself."

The Heiyan obeyed. His name was Zhong Kuang. He is one of the elders in Heiyan Academy. Other than that, his Zhong Family is one of the prominent family in Heiyan City.

"I can't trust you wholly. However, I will allow you to retain your cultivation for now." Zhong Kuang almost thought that Ye Huang really going to destroy his cultivation when he heard his first sentence. Only after he heard the next sentence then he could let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you Master."

"Let's go." Saying so, Ye Huang recalled Sokyoku. After that, he headed towards the valley where Emperor Ye Qing's statue was located. Zhong Kuang hurriedly followed at the back.

Not long later, Ye Huang stopped on his track and frowned. Looking ahead, he saw two people fighting. One of them was attacking aggressively, while the other was defending while trying to escape from his attacker.

"That's Xia Fan's Uncle, and the Guqin Devil."

Zhong Kuang who also saw them identified these two. Although both the Swordsmen and Hua Fengliu were at the Arcana Plane, Hua Fengliu's cultivation is showing a sign of falling into Dharma Plane. His Life Spirit is already cracking, even showing sign of fading.

Ye Huang who is still in disguise once again summoned Sokyoku to look after Zhong Kuang. After that, he dashed towards the ongoing fight.

"Avatar Ignition! Dragon Force!"

Inside the Life Palace, Ye Gwak sighed as he felt his cultivation drop down for the second time. I only borrowed your power once, why do you take mine for granted?

Outside,Ye Huang felt a burst of power skyrocketing inside of his body. Instantly, he could feel that he is at the apex of the Dharma Plane. If one was to look at his body, there were scales everywhere. Two dragon horn grew on his forehead, and his claws turned into a Dragon's claws.

At the same time, he felt as if his body is getting cooked inside a pot with a very high temperature.

The power he gained momentarily was almost too much for his body to handle. His skin turned red, and some gas was leaking out of every pores on his body. For a moment there, Ye Huang thought of himself as a certain someone who activated a Gear Second.

"This is not enough to fight against an Arcana Plane. Let's use the Nine Heavenly Attack."

While he shot towards the ongoing fight, he used the Nine Heavenly Attack. This so that he could accumulate force as he get there.

At this moment, the Arcana Plane swordsman smiled coldly while looking at Hua Fengliu. "Guqin Devil, I can see that you are almost out of gas. How long more you could keep up your power?"

"Dog of East Sea Prefecture, you can go worrying about yourself. I can still fight you as long as you want " Even though Hua Fengliu said that, he knew that he is already at his limit. This is my end I guess. I didn't expect to be defeated by someone in the early stages of Arcana Plane. This is such a humiliation. Hua Fengliu was unsatisfied, but he have no power to change his situation.

"Second Strike!"

Suddenly, an attack in the form of a Golden Staff Qi arrived. This attack was directed at the Sword Master who was about to unleash a sword strike towards Hua Fengliu. The staff attack stunned the two fighting below. The Sword Master hurriedly changed the direction of his sword strike to fend off the incoming attack.

The attacks cancelled each others out. However, the aftereffect stayed for a moment before disappearing into thin air. After the swordsman stabilized himself, he gazed at the newcomer.

It was someone in disguise. However, the Sword Master could still make out the youthful appearance of this guy. Other than that, he could not detect the cultivation level of this young man.

"Friend, I advise you not to intervene. This problem is between him, the Guqin Devil and my East Sea Prefecture." the swordsman in black was trying to warn Ye Huang to not meddle in the East Sea Prefecture's business.

"Third Strike!"

In his reply, Ye Huang brought down another strike onto the Sword Master. This time, a shocking strength coursed through him as he dove down. The might of the previous hits amplified this strike. A gust of animosity burst forth and the Sword Master's expression changed.

The attack was too fast that the Sword Master has no time to evade. He moved up, and unleashed his strongest sword attack to meet Ye Huang. The sword slash cast a brilliant light and met the falling Third Strike of the Nine Heavenly Attack.

The moment the two collided, a terrifying gust of air currents spread in all directions. The two came to a deadlock, before then got separated.

Before the Sword Master could stabilize himself, a sound of a Guqin that was accompanied by a roar of a dragon attacked him.

"Dragon's Roar of the Cang Mountain." the Arcana Plane swordsman was angered as Hua Fengliu decided to ambush him.

"Guqin Devil, how despicable! Now you are resorting to sneak attack?" The swordsman yelled angrily.

"You are one to talk. Remember when you ambushed me." Hua Fengliu retorted back, and intensified his Guqin plucking.

The Sword Master have no choice but to take the sound attack. He made several sword slash to defend himself. "You attack can no longer beat me."

"Then take this. Fourth Strike!"

Ye Huang grandeur intensified. The power of the three earlier hits was once again brought along. The might of this strike was now escalated into a new height. It was brought down ferociously before the pale faced swordsman.


As the Sword Master was busy fending against the sounds from the Guqin, Ye Huang strike easily brought the guy down, and crushed him to the ground. The man stayed still on the ground, no longer breathing.

Hua Fengliu saw the man died and felt a little relieved. However, he still tried to hold on his last bit of Arcana power. He looked at the youth who was suspended on the sky.

"I don't know who you are but I am grateful that you helped me. May I know the reason for you help?"

"Master Hua Fengliu, it's me." Ye Huang removed the clothes that disguised his face.

"It's you?" Hua Fengliu was greatly shocked when he recognized the youth. "But, how is this possible? How did you suddenly become an Arcana Plane cultivator?"

Hua Fengliu have seen Ye Huang several times. He also knew that sometimes ago, Ye Huang just entered into the Glory Plane during the Fall Quarters Examinations. However, he could hardly believe that he was now an Arcana Plane cultivator. Not to mention, he skipped two major realms. That also was done in no more than one year. That is beyond prodigy, that is a genius among geniuses.

"Actually, I am not an Arcana Plane cultivator. I only used some means to go beyond my level." Ye Huang deactivated his Avatar Ignition, and Dragon Force. His cultivation then dropped down.

Hua Fengliu was relieved when he heard that. That make a lot of sense. That's the reason why he saw the red color on his skin, and the gases that came out from his body. Such technique however is still too incredible for a Glory Plane to suddenly become an Arcana Plane fighter. There must be a severe side effect to this kind of techniques.

The next instant, Hua Fengliu's face froze. He saw Ye Huang's cultivation stayed at Stage Two Dharma Plane.

"Is this your real cultivation level?"

"Yes." Ye Huang nodded.

"Hahaha. You kidding right?" Hua Fengliu laughed.

"It was real. I just broke through to this stage not too long ago." Ye Huang forgot to count the number of days that passed after he had broke through.

Cough! Cough!

Hua Fengliu felt like vomiting blood. This new generation is showing too much shock that his heart cannot handle. At this moment, he could no longer maintain his state of power.

His Life Spirit showed more crack, and started to gradually disappear. His cultivation dropped from the Arcana Plane to Dharma Plane.

Looking at this man, Ye Huang felt a little sad. In the future, because of this condition, Hua Fengliu wasn't able to help his disciple, Ye Futian to face many struggles.

Ye Huang was thinking, if he could help Hua Fengliu to restore his Life Palace, the fate of this guqin master might change for the better.


Suddenly, Ye Huang's Life Spirit shone with a bright light. The light then flew out of the Life Spirit and suspended above it. Slowly the light turned into a cracked guqin. The cracked guqin looked exactly as Hua Fengliu's fading Life Spirit!