10 Regressor


"Regressor? You mean that he got back in time?" I questioned.


Hearing the system testimony, I immediately followed, "Very well, Show me his informations."


Name: Mo Kong

Past life: One of the strongest cultivators even in the immortal world, After he got betrayed and lost to the son of the sacred evil path lord, he accidentally activated the stone of fate and went back; if my calculations are right, he only got back around three months ago.

Fate: one of the main pillars of the evil path


"Hm? He already reached the immortal world! Does he know about me?"

<Host didn't exist in his past life but don't worry his well aware of the concept of time; he currently thinks that he might have triggered some changes or influenced the cycle of time in some way with his actions; host should be extremely careful of exposing or showing any hints about your previous occurrences>

'Well, obviously.'

"Continue then," I wanted to hear more about this fellow shady cultivator.

<He was the reason the sect and half the kingdom got destroyed on his path of pursuing power; his obsessive greed for strength is deeply rooted in his soul; he's also the fourth most dangerous person in the host path>

My surprises stacked one after the other, but my brain only chooses to test one of them.

'Fourth!? what do you mean by fourth, there are more dangerous people?'

<Yes, though, the system is not allowed to expose any information regarding who they are>

'I understand; however, do you have any suggestion about my future behavior?'

<He still didn't awaken his root yet, but because of the stone of fate he currently possesses, even if you made a move on him, he will just activate it again; the only way possible to stop him is to try as much as you can to prevent the future events from happening>

'Like?' I queried.

<Like him killing your mother>

My lips fell, hearing the system's absurd words, 'What!?'

<After your mother gave birth to your sister, she was so heavenly talented, she ended up suppressing all the other concubine kids and achieved the position of a direct descendant, and one of the kids she walked on is the one standing right after you, his name is 'Mo kong,' After he suffered such loss, he began to develop tremendous hate to his bastard position, leading up to that, he will have his first and primary fruitful accounter, he will find, a mystical creature, and with that, he will commit the most heinous massacre in the middle-plain history, killing your mother, father, and most of the sect disciples, the only three who managed to run with their life, is your adoptive mother, one of your half big sisters, and your little sister>

"So you saying he's going to make sure to kill my sister? Before she's even born?"

<No, I never said that. Instead, he doesn't have any power to do so for now, but after having his awakening and using his immortal cultivating techniques for a couple of months, he will quickly suppress everyone, eventually killing her>

My eyes shone, 'A stone cheat cockroach villain with a grudge?' that sounded like a nightmare in my ears.

"What do you think I should do?"

<Stay alarmed and act like a completely Ignorant two years old kid, at least for now>

The internal conversation ended with bitterness and uncertainty.

Five feet from the bed, the woman horrifiedly jumped on my mother and started to shed crocodile tears almost instantly.

Taking advantage of that, I peeked at the boy.

He seems very innocent, but If you looked deeply at his facial expressions, his calculative and cunning hidden side is visibly apparent.

I'm familiar with that hidden smirk on his face, the director in the company I worked for had the same look when he attempts to flatter me.

As I looked at him more, physically, he had a healthy body, long black hair, just like my father, tick eyebrows on top of a pair of opaque brown eyes.

He looked like an evil version of my father, but only smarter and undoubtedly doughtier.

And even he had a disgusting glimpse on his face, seeing how his mother portrayed her worrisome; I mean, I can't expect anything more from the kid who murdered his parents.

My mother was also smart. She discovered this third-rate acting show of the excessively slender women early on. Still, because of her helpless condition and the fact that this woman had the same position as her's, she followed the traditional script of feigning ignorance.

The kid tried to inspect me with his gaze, but I had no interest in meeting his keen eyes.

Subsequently, I leaned on my mother's chest and slept like any infant my age will do.

My only thought was that it's too early.

'Too early to even run, let alone battle,'

Although, I was still listening to their conversation.

"Lui young, how's your health now?" The woman said. She was tall and skinny with a long tongue occasionally slithering from her moith; she looked like a snake.

Yet, I did not deem her worthy enough of such a nickname; a snake woman would never use a pathetic set of ploys like the witless one in front of my face.

So I called her, "Cannon fodder number 1."

If I'm right, this woman is that cliché evil female that exists in every estate, doing her utmost best to climb the lather, using her children, yet, the irony was that in this case, her good filial boy is not so much filial.

"I'm good right now, Qin yan; thank you for your concern," My mother responded.

The woman sighed a breath of relief and introduced her son, "Ah! I see you finally reunited with your baby, congratulation; this is my son Mo kong; I can already see them becoming good Brothers in the future"

'Indeed we will become perfect brothers'

"Oh! Hello, little kong, take care of your little brother, well from now on, ok?" my mother happily announced.

The wicked fox wore an innocent sullen smile on his face and said, "Of course! Can I hold him?"

<WARNNING: it's not desirable to let the regressor have physical contact with the host for an extended periods of time>

'I assume because of my laws?'


'...Then how I could prevent him from touching me?' I thought for a while before finally remembering that I had a maid.

I looked at her with an apathetic gape, and she caught my attention almost immediately as she set up a barrier between us.

Mother and the two visitors were puzzled by her sudden action, but then she came up with a suitable explanation.

"The young master is currently still sleeping; no one is allowed to touch him," she said in a commanding tone.

The boy puffed his cheeks and looked away; a faint red color briefly lighted up his eyes.

'Amazing, now he envious of my other mother too?'

After a while, I sat there pretending to sleep while they gossiped about some boring topics.

And there it goes, my escape ticket. A sudden loud voice resounded in the room; the maid nodded and told my mother that her Majesty wants me back immediately.

'Having a golden thigh sure feels nice,' I reflected while getting carried out.

I knew that I'm probably going to meet him more from now on; the only one who can save me is my crazy second mother.

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