
Yandere One Shot

Yandere senarios??? Anyways, this is Yandere male x READER And also some Mafia boss stories (one shot)

Roth_Raven · Teen
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


The surrounding was dark from the heavy rain outside. The only lights which reflected were the tablet in your hand and the flashes of lightning outside.

You sat on the floor, alone in the room, waiting for him to be back. Well, if he ain't gonna come back soon, so you used the opportunity to play some games on his tablet.

Of course, he placed heavy security in all of the apps except for one game, Pac-Man.

Well, it was better than nothing.

Frustrated and annoyed by your failures, you continued playing but when you heard the door open, the entire scenario changed.

With the speed of lightning, you removed the game, cleared the history and flinged the tablet back to its original position.

"Welcome Back!" You smiled seeing him.

"Yeah" came his reply.

"How was the outing?" You asked again, helping him with the groceries, before muttering, "Why didn't the police catch you? Or why didn't you die you heartless monster!."

"Good" he replied before turning towards you, "What did you mutter?"

Your jaws dropped after hearing these words, "Well, I said you didn't allow me to follow"

"That's a lie" his red eye met your, "But I'm keeping that aside for today."


"Erm Damien?"


"You stayed out so long and left me alone in the dark" you used sentiments to help get away with a pending punishment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" suddenly, his voice changed to the sweetest. But first thing first, he is a living monster, heartless and wicked. "I wanted to get you something special in the shop, but a stupid girl picked it up first. I tried talking to her in the most audible voice ever. She called me a creep, wanted to raise an alarm, so I shot her and took it."

You blinked, wondering why? Why? Just Why? Why would he do that?.

"Here is it" he brought out a sparkling diamond necklace, beautiful and gorgeous.

"Thank you" although with a twitching soul, you smiled physically, accepting the gift.

He helped you wear it before saying, "Happy Birthday"


"Today's your birthday, remember." He showed you the date from his phone.

"Oh yes! My birthday is today" Kidnapped by him almost four months now, you lost track of the day and every activity.

"Sorry I didn't celebrate it earlier okay?"

"Yes. I'm glad for tomorrow's school" Changing the topic, you saw his expression change as well.

"Is that how you despise me that you love school more than me?" His dangerous tone sounded like death's music.


"Always school! Can't you stay one day without saying anything other than school? Everyday! Everytime! You always look for a way to break our conversation, Why?!" He asked, already fuming.

(This dude is mad)

"I don't mention school always, you're always a dummy head!" The anger in your soul made you say those words. "I'm happy you came home late, at least I didn't have to see your hideous face."

Silence filled the room as he looked at you.

That was a word you shouldn't have said, at all.

"Hideous face!" He asked, his voice higher than the rainstorm.

"I'm sorry" you were the first to start the race of life.

Your legs moved on their own accord, as you raced away.

"Y/N! Come back here!."

And so, the story of a girl who ran for her life began.

From the kitchen to the bedroom to the bathroom to the living room then, the basement, it was a race of survival.

"Y/N!" He called fuming in anger and boiling with rage.

"I'm so sorry!" You slammed different doors at his face, not wanting to be caught by a raging beast.

Little did you know this made his anger increase by ninety percent.

"Y/N!" He called after reaching the bathroom where you hid. "Open this door Now!"

"But you are angry, if I open the door, you will kill me!"

"I won't kill you" he assured.

"You're a liar, you killed everyone I know and now, I'm next" You faked some sobs.

"No no no no darling, I won't, I promise, open the door please, please dear" his voice became worried as he heard the sobs.

"No! Go away!"

"Please open the door, I'm sorry, I over reacted-"

"I won't. Beg me first" You smiled saying this, although you knew you were playing with fire.

"I'm begging you Y/N, please I can't do with you crying, please open the door." his voice became calm and worried.

"Erm…. No! Say you will let me go, then I'll reconsider opening the door."

Immediately you said this, the door went flying open.

Standing outside was a nineteen year old psycho with anger issues, looking at him was a sixteen year old Y/N, who realized she had just fucked up.

"Repeat what you just said!" His voice spat poison and blood dripped from his hands.

"Today is my birthday?"



Okay, with your imagination, complete what will happen in this scene.

I'm back and will be writing another right now, so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading and the comments as well.

(My conclusion is: That girl is dead.)