
Killing The Earth Lizard

<[Profession: Strategist Activated]>

[Based on the information that accumulated from the system, Earth Lizard possibly had a weakness against Water Element. You still have the skill called water spike that you could use, and kill the target!] 

An hour has already passed since the battle started. I had used my other skills such as Fire Claw and Shadow move to further enhance my attacking postures. But in the end, it turned out I can't penetrate the earth shield it has. It even at some point made the enemy's earth armor denser and powerful. 

Although Supreme Bite could help, I don't want to repeat the history. I already got beaten with a hulk smash-like skill of the Earth Lizard, I don't want to experience that once again. 


Fortunately, in the time of need, my first profession -which is, the strategist- automatically activated, and information had generated in my head. 

I hardly use that skill, it is normal that I forgot about it; Water Spikes.


[Forgetful host, Idiot!] 

'You're an idiot as well…'

If the information generated in my head iS accurate, I could kill the Earth Lizard with this skill, Water Spike.  

'I should give it at least a try.' I say as I clench my teeth. 

Water Spikes Activated!

I give the command as I raise my claw and point in the Earth Lizard's direction. A few seconds later, with a touch of sci-fi feature, drops of water appear out of the blue. But it isn't the end, it spins and collides with each other as it forms one-meter-long spikes. 


The water spike takes off and flies towards the target, with incredible speed. 

Unfortunately, before the Water Spike could hit the Earth Lizard, it regains its footings and jumps to the other side in order to evade the attack. Which it succeeds. 

The (Earth Lizard) moves at a fast pace, I make sure to concentrate my thoughts at controlling the water spike into its direction. 

This Earth Lizard is quite intelligent, maybe it feels the threat of the water spike, it runs into a zig zag pattern to make it hard for me to aim.

It may be intelligent, unfortunately, I am the one it encountered. 


The water spikes are lead at different locations where I calculated it would step in a few seconds.

Another four water spikes appeared by my side after the first four units got released. 




Another four refill the slot, but this time, I don't release it, because I won't be able to generate another set for the time being. This is the flaw of the Water Spike skill, I need to take a rest in every three consecutive releases of a set of water spikes. Which I already made. 

Eight Water Spikes in total at fast speed advanced towards different locations where I predicted the Earth Lizard would step.  

The Earth Lizard on the other hand creates a big round earth barrier and tries to defend itself. It opens its mouth and ready itself to absorb the essence of the water spike. 

(Earth lizards can steal the essence of an element and use it for time being. Just like of what he did in the fire balls of mine where it ate it and use it to enhance it's armor into lava armor) 


However, to its surprise, the water spikes aren't just like my former attacks, it has water element -which is also known for being the nemesis and weakness of the earth- results in it easily sliding from the barrier and penetrating the armor on the earth lizards body towards the flesh. 

It didn't expect this situation so when the spike slid inside the barrier, the Earth Lizard found no alternative plan and got directly hit in the shoulder, which caused it to lose its balance and give me an opening. 

And thus, other spikes follow up and crush in it's open stomach. 


Out of the eighth spike, two spikes hit him successfully. 

Who would have thought that this Earth Lizard seems also underestimating me since I can't damage it -with the early attacks I made- that made its mind think that he could just toy me around and absorb all my attacks? 

What a loser. 

'As if I am not one. Haha!' 

[Yeah! You are one of the losers!] 

'Shu~ Forget it, I don't have time to argue right now.'

Without battling attention to the system, I shift my remaining four pieces of water spike to the struggling Earth Lizard. 





Because of the damage caused by the two spikes that hit the Earth Lizard a while ago, it has no time or maybe no ability to defend itself anymore. The four spikes successfully hit the target.

Blood explodes and some part of the earth lizard gets torn. 

[Congratulations for killing the Earth Lizard]

[Soul Devouring Automatically Activated, +100Pp]

[Mimic, you gained a new skill, Earth Manipulation]

[Mimic, You have gained a new Element, Earth Element]

[Cultivation Points +!!]

Wow! My face brightens as I watch the numerous rewards in front of me.

This is the first time I received many rewards at once. 

But before I'll forget, more importantly, I still have one thing I wish to do. 

'Possess Activated' 

My body once again turns into liquid and with the system control, I enter the body of the corpse of the Earth Lizard and slowly take control by spreading the liquid in every part of the corpse. 

I once again feel the sensation of having my entire body being mold and slowly spread wide.

This feeling of evolving always makes me feel like my goal is nearer and nearer to me. 

Not long after, my eyes open up, and a new view of the world appears in my eyes. Everything seems clearer. 

I don't know if this is how Lizards really could see the world, but, while in this form, I could see things clearer and there is also an option if I want to center my view into the specific target, where the background would turn into blurry and only the target would be clear in my view. Just like the camera feature. 

Maybe this isn't how Lizards on earth could see things, but this is a magical world, and there is always a touch of fantasy in everything.

Maybe some of you may be dissatisfied with my skill of writing action scenes but, guess what, you are free to say anything if you think it could help me. 

Monarch_Of_Deathcreators' thoughts
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