I am not much of a party person but here I am...

I get a text from a unknown number.


| you will see the light tonight|


I was kind of confused thinking it might be someone was pranking me cause there are many people I know who love pranking me cause there are many people It was late midnight and I had to get back home. My boyfriend Luke was hella drunk and offered me a ride home. Ya know how this ends. That's why they say not to drink and drive. I turned down the offer, he insisted and claimed he drove better than when he is sober. I still wasn't up for that idea... well who would be and since my home was just was a few blocks away I walked myself home. He took off leaving me alone on the streets in the dark.

I should've at least asked someone to tag along with me. It makes me wonder if its all empty up there in my skull.

As I was walking down the street I suddenly had a feeling of someone following and watching me, but it must be in my head cause who would be up at this time of the day... Right?

I see a bunch of garbage covers and a...


I strode past him and he started following me, I quickened my pace and ran to my home. I dropped my keys while trying to open the door...He was close... I couldn't find the right KEY!!...

I got in...

He was so close to grabbing me...

*few minutes pass*

I got a call from Luke's sister, she had informed that he had gotten into an accident while driving home and mentioned that a tree had skewered the car and the front passenger seat. Right were i normally sit... Well at least Luke is okay..

I tried sleeping but i kept tossing and turning around.

My heads were filling with theories and possibilities.

I woke up and blasted songs in my headphones and drifted to sleep...
