
A Legendary Beginning

Pond, a 35-year-old animal rescue volunteer, was the proud owner of "Eden," the largest animal shelter in Bangkok, Thailand. He had just finished a long day of work, ensuring that the hundreds of animals in his care were well-fed, happy, and healthy. As he walked through the spacious shelter grounds, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of dogs and cats playing and running freely in their safe haven. This was Pond's passion, his life's work, and it brought him immense satisfaction.

Born into a billionaire family, Pond had always been aware of his fortunate upbringing. Instead of indulging in a lavish lifestyle, he chose to use his wealth to make a difference in the world. He dedicated his life to running the shelter and establishing a global animal welfare foundation, committed to creating a better future for animals worldwide. His work had garnered international attention and financial support, enabling him to expand Eden's facilities and rescue even more animals.

As the sun began to set, Pond sat down in his office, surrounded by photographs of animals that had found loving homes through his efforts. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in his work. He picked up a photo of a three-legged dog named Lucky, remembering the day they had found him injured on the streets. Thanks to the care and dedication of Pond and his team, Lucky had recovered and found a new family that loved him unconditionally.

Just as Pond was reminiscing about the many lives he had touched, his phone buzzed with a message from his younger brother, Palm. A genius AI engineer and programmer, Palm was always eager to share his latest discoveries and achievements with his big brother. This time, he had news about the latest online gaming sensation: a hyper virtual reality MMORPG called "Xylo Chronicle."

"Hey Pond! You have to check out this new game I've been working on. It's called Xylo Chronicle, and it's the most immersive gaming experience ever created. I know how much you love online games, and I thought you'd be interested in trying it out. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!" the message read.

Pond smiled, grateful for the close relationship he shared with his brother. It had been a long day, and he was ready to unwind and indulge in his favorite hobby – online gaming. Excited by Palm's recommendation, Pond decided to give Xylo Chronicle a try. Little did he know, this decision would mark the beginning of an unforgettable adventure in a world filled with magic, mystery, and the bonds of friendship.


As Pond put on his VR headset and entered the game, he felt a strange yet exhilarating sensation wash over him. It was as if his consciousness had been transported into a whole new world. He found himself standing in a random starting city – the bustling trade city of Zarythia. The lively atmosphere, the vibrant colors, and the chatter of players and NPCs alike filled the air, making him feel as though he had stepped into a different reality altogether.

As he took in his surroundings, a system window suddenly appeared before him, introducing him to his avatar. The game system had analyzed his memories and traits to create a unique character, granting him the legendary starter job class, "Beast Savior." The window displayed his stats, abilities, and equipment, as well as a detailed description of his class. Pond couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement upon realizing that he had been given such a rare and powerful class.

Unlike the typical "Beast Tamer" class, Pond started with the "Grooming" skill, a buff spell that had the power to enhance the abilities of both him and his allies. Intrigued, Pond opened the skill description in the system window to learn more about its effects and how to use it. He discovered that the "Grooming" skill had various levels, with each level providing stronger buffs and effects.

Another unique ability that the "Beast Savior" class had was the "Pledge The Vow" skill, an active skill with specific conditions for use. As Pond read the description in the system window, he learned that this skill had the potential to create powerful bonds with beasts and creatures, turning them into invaluable allies in battle. However, the skill came with certain requirements that he would need to fulfill before he could activate it.

Eager to test his new abilities, Pond began exploring Zarythia, his system window always at the ready. He quickly discovered that he could recall the window at any time to check his status, skills, or quest menu. It was an invaluable tool that provided him with all the information he needed to navigate and succeed in the world of Xylo Chronicle.

As Pond continued to explore the city, he marveled at the level of detail and immersion the game offered. Every interaction, every challenge, and every discovery felt incredibly real, making him more and more invested in his new virtual life as the legendary Beast Savior. Unbeknownst to him, his journey in Xylo Chronicle was about to take an unexpected turn, leading him to form an alliance with a fellow player that would change the course of his adventure forever.


As Pond wandered through the bustling streets of Zarythia, he was gradually getting the hang of his new abilities and becoming more comfortable with his role as a Beast Savior. The city was filled with players and NPCs going about their daily activities, creating an atmosphere of excitement and adventure. Amidst the cacophony of sounds and sights, Pond suddenly heard a commotion nearby that piqued his curiosity.

Following the source of the noise, he found himself in the heart of the marketplace, where a large crowd had gathered around a single individual. This player was performing an over-the-top musical number, complete with a lute and a surprisingly well-trained group of animals that danced along to the rhythm. The performer's voice was powerful and melodic, and his movements were energetic and theatrical, capturing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

This charismatic performer was Xiao Ming, a Cheerful Bard hailing from China. With his infectious humor and talkative nature, he had a natural ability to draw people in and make them feel like a part of his performance. As the music filled the air, Pond couldn't help but smile, drawn to Xiao Ming's magnetic presence and the sheer joy he seemed to exude.

As Xiao Ming's performance came to an end, the crowd erupted in applause, and the Bard took a bow, grinning from ear to ear. As he began to mingle with the audience, he spotted Pond and immediately approached him. "Hey there, friend! I noticed you were watching my performance. Did you enjoy it?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Pond chuckled and nodded, impressed by Xiao Ming's natural talent. "It was fantastic! I've never seen anything quite like it. You have a gift, my friend."

Xiao Ming beamed, clearly pleased by the compliment. "Thank you! You know, I've always believed that music and laughter are the keys to bringing people together, even in a virtual world like this. By the way, my name's Xiao Ming, and I'm a Cheerful Bard from China. What about you? What brings you to Zarythia?"

As the two new acquaintances exchanged stories and laughed together, it quickly became clear that they shared a unique connection. Little did they know, this chance encounter would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, as they embarked on their journey through Xylo Chronicle hand in hand, ready to face the challenges and mysteries that awaited them.


As Pond and Xiao Ming began their journey together, they quickly discovered that their skills complemented each other perfectly. Pond's "Grooming" skill proved to be an excellent support for Xiao Ming's performances, enhancing the Bard's abilities and making his music even more captivating. Conversely, Xiao Ming's melodic tunes had an empowering effect on Pond, boosting the Beast Savior's own abilities and adding an extra layer of effectiveness to his skills.

As the two get to know more about each other, they found themselves constantly engaged in conversation, laughing at each other's jokes and sharing stories about their lives outside of the game. With every step, they discovered more about each other's personalities, experiences, and aspirations, forming a strong bond that transcended the virtual world.

Xiao Ming, with his exuberant personality, often regaled Pond with tales of his life in China. He spoke fondly of his family, his upbringing in a bustling city filled with history and culture, and his love for music that had been fostered since he was a child. Pond listened intently, his eyes wide with curiosity, as Xiao Ming painted a vivid picture of his life beyond the screen.

"And then, there was the time I performed at a local music festival," Xiao Ming recounted, a grin spreading across his face. "I was so nervous that I accidentally dropped my lute on stage! But instead of panicking, I played it off like it was part of the act, and the audience loved it! They thought it was some sort of comedy routine."

Pond laughed heartily, imagining the scene. "You must be quite the entertainer, Xiao Ming! I bet your quick thinking turned that potentially embarrassing moment into a memorable performance."

Xiao Ming chuckled, nodding in agreement. "It was definitely a moment I'll never forget!"

As they continued to explore, Pond shared his own experiences, describing his passion for animal welfare and how he had dedicated his life to running the Eden animal shelter in Bangkok. He spoke of the many animals he had rescued and cared for, and how their unconditional love and trust had shaped him into the person he was today.

"You know, Xiao Ming, there's something incredibly rewarding about being able to help animals in need. The way their eyes light up when they know they're safe... it's a feeling that's hard to describe, but it's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about my work."

Xiao Ming listened intently, his face softening as he took in Pond's words. "That's amazing, Pond. It's clear how much you care for these animals, and I'm sure they appreciate everything you do for them. You're an inspiration to us all."

As they exchanged stories and laughter, Pond and Xiao Ming found a connection that went beyond the virtual realm. It was the beginning of a friendship that would strengthen with each new adventure they embarked on in Xylo Chronicle.

During their exploration, they encountered various quests and challenges that tested their skills and teamwork. They found that by combining Pond's expertise with animals and Xiao Ming's musical prowess, they could overcome even the most daunting obstacles. The two friends quickly became an unstoppable duo, tackling everything from ferocious monsters to intricate puzzles with ease and finesse.


As their journey continue, they stumbled upon a hidden quest that took them deep into the heart of a dense forest. This quest involved rescuing a group of captured creatures called "Luminous Drifters," which were rare, majestic beasts with bioluminescent scales and the ability to manipulate light. These creatures had been captured by a band of ruthless poachers who sought to sell them on the black market for their rare and valuable scales.

Before embarking on the rescue mission, Pond and Xiao Ming took a moment to allocate their status points, enhancing their abilities to better suit their individual roles within the team. Pond focused on increasing his INT and CHA stats, as these were crucial to his success as a Beast Savior, while also balancing out his other stats. Xiao Ming, on the other hand, prioritized DEX and AGI, allowing him to move quickly and dodge attacks while playing his instrument, as well as investing in INT and CHA to amplify his Bard skills.

The duo approached the poacher's camp with caution, formulating a plan to free the Luminous Drifters without alerting their captors. Using Pond's "Pledge The Vow" skill, they managed to form an alliance with the captured beasts, who in turn helped them take down the poachers and complete the quest. During the battle, Xiao Ming's music played a crucial role in lifting their spirits and motivating them throughout the fight, showcasing the strength of their partnership.

Upon completing the quest, Pond and Xiao Ming were rewarded with a substantial amount of experience points, causing them both to level up and gain new skills. Pond unlocked "Beast Whisper," a passive skill that enabled him to communicate with any creature in the game, further enhancing his ability to understand and work alongside his newfound animal allies. Xiao Ming, on the other hand, acquired "Hypnotize Melody," an active skill that allowed him to weave mesmerizing tunes capable of stunning their targets and rendering them helpless.

The duo marveled at their new skills, eager to test them out in future battles and challenges. As they escorted the freed Luminous Drifters back to their natural habitat, the creatures showed their gratitude by gifting Pond and Xiao Ming with a handful of their luminescent scales – a rare and valuable material in the world of Xylo Chronicle. These scales served as a reminder of their shared victory and the bond they had formed with the magnificent beasts.

As they left the forest, Pond and Xiao Ming felt a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that only grew stronger with each new adventure they faced. Their newfound skills and the ever-growing trust between them made them an unstoppable force, ready to tackle any challenge that the world of Xylo Chronicle had to offer.

As the sun began to set on their first day together in Xylo Chronicle, Pond and Xiao Ming found themselves sitting atop a hill overlooking the sprawling city of Zarythia. As they watched the sky turn brilliant shades of orange and pink, they knew that they had forged a bond that would last a lifetime. Together, they would take on the many challenges and mysteries that awaited them in the world of Xylo Chronicle, their laughter and friendship making every moment an unforgettable adventure.


The next morning while they walking through a crowded streets of Zarythia, they encountered various NPCs who provided them with valuable information about the game's mechanics, combat system, and lore. One such NPC was a wise old sage, whose long beard and mysterious aura captured the duo's attention.

"Ah, young adventurers," the sage greeted them, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "You have just begun your journey in the world of Xylo Chronicle, and I see great potential in both of you. Allow me to share some knowledge that may aid you in your travels."

Pond and Xiao Ming exchanged glances before nodding eagerly, ready to absorb any advice the sage had to offer.

Pond and Xiao Ming leaned in closer to the sage, eagerly listening to his every word. The sage cleared his throat and began, "My dear adventurers, in order to navigate the complex world of Xylo, you must first understand the political relationships between the nine major cities."

Pond and Xiao Ming nodded in agreement, and the sage continued. "Let's start with Zarythia, a bustling trade city on the western coast of Xylandria. This city is ruled by a council of merchants, and its main religion is the New Order. Zarythia is a melting pot of cultures and races, making it an ideal place for trade."

Xiao Ming chimed in with a joke, "So if we need to buy something, we should head to Zarythia, right?"

The sage chuckled and replied, "Indeed, my young bard. But beware, the city's neutrality often puts it at odds with other cities."

Pond interjected, "What about Ghorlax? I've heard they have a long-standing rivalry with Velsharoon."

The sage nodded, "Ah, Ghorlax. Nestled in the heart of the Xylorian Mountains, this fortified city is ruled by a warrior king and follows the Old Gods, worshipping the god of war. Their rivalry with Velsharoon stems from their differing religious beliefs."

Xiao Ming quipped, "Sounds like a classic case of 'my god can beat up your god'."

The sage chuckled again and continued, "Moving on to Velsharoon, a city known for its magical academy and arcane knowledge. They are ruled by a high council of mages and follow the New Order. Their political relations with Ghorlax are tense, but they maintain healthy trade relations with Raxis."

Pond added, "What about Ythoria?"

The sage smiled, "Ah, Ythoria. This peaceful city situated in the fertile plains of Xylandria thrives on agriculture. Ruled by a benevolent queen, they follow both the Old Gods and the New Order, maintaining a neutral position in political matters. They often act as mediators in conflicts between other cities."

Xiao Ming joked, "So they're like the Switzerland of Xylo?"

The sage chuckled and replied, "Indeed, my young bard. Moving on to Xylorith, we have Elyndar, a coastal city and the main naval power on the continent. They follow the Old Gods and have a complex alliance system with other cities."

Palm, who had been listening in, added, "What about Quel'xan? That city always seemed mysterious to me."

The sage nodded, "Ah, Quel'xan. This enigmatic city hidden deep within the Xylorith jungle is ruled by a secretive council of elders. They worship the Old Gods and guard ancient knowledge and secrets. They have a neutral stance towards other cities but are wary of outsiders."

Pond mused, "And what about Nymloth and Duskholme?"

The sage smiled, "Nymloth is a city built on the border of the Xylorian Desert, a hub for the mining and smithing industries. Governed by a consortium of skilled craftsmen, they follow the New Order and maintain strong alliances with Ythoria and Raxis. And Duskholme, located in the shadow of a massive volcano, is a city built by those who survived a great cataclysm. Ruled by a charismatic prophet who preaches about the end times, Duskholme is a theocracy that worships a new pantheon known as the Twilight Gods. They are considered dangerous by other cities and are often met with suspicion."

The sage cleared his throat and began to explain the religious factions of Xylo. "The Old Gods are a pantheon of ancient deities worshipped by many of the older cities in Xylo," he said. "These deities represent elemental forces, natural phenomena, and primal emotions. For instance, Aelara is the goddess of winds, Brondar is the god of earth, Cylina is the goddess of the moon and tides, and Drakthor is the god of fire and destruction."

Pond looked at Xiao Ming and whispered, "I hope we don't have to face Drakthor anytime soon."

The sage continued, "The worship of the Old Gods emphasizes a balance between order and chaos, which is seen as essential to the natural order of the world. Worship often involves rituals and ceremonies designed to maintain this equilibrium. Each region has its own temples, priesthoods, and traditions, and the worship of these deities has endured in the older, more traditional areas of Xylo."

Xiao Ming raised his hand and asked, "What about the New Order? What do they believe?"

The sage smiled, "Ah, the New Order is a newer religious movement that promotes the worship of a single, all-powerful deity known as the Supreme One. This deity is believed to embody the essence of creation and order, providing structure and unity to the world of Xylo. They see their faith as a means to bring peace and order to the world, uniting people under a single belief system."

Pond snickered and whispered, "I guess that's one way to do it. But I prefer the Old Gods. They're more chill."

The sage went on to explain the hierarchical structure of the New Order, which was more organized than that of the Old Gods. The Grand Cleric was at the top, followed by regional Archbishops, who managed the affairs of the faith in their respective regions. Local churches and temples were led by priests and priestesses, who provided spiritual guidance and support to their congregations.

Xiao Ming leaned over to Pond and whispered, "I wonder if they have a church choir. I bet I could join and sing some inspiring tunes."

Overall, the sage's explanation gave the party a better understanding of the political and religious landscape of Xylo. They realized that their decisions and allegiances could impact the outcome of their quests and their reputations in various regions.

As Pond and Xiao Ming listened intently, the sage began to share tales of the mysteries hidden within the world of Xylo Chronicle. He spoke of forgotten civilizations, hidden dungeons, and powerful artifacts that could grant unimaginable power to those who uncovered them. He also hinted at darker secrets, like the whispers of a long-lost language, known as the Xylorian language, that was said to hold the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of the world.

"And remember, my young friends," the sage concluded, his voice taking on a serious tone, "this world is vast and ever-changing. Keep your wits about you, trust in your instincts, and always be ready to learn and adapt. The path to greatness lies before you, but it is up to you to seize it."

With that final piece of advice, the sage disappeared into the crowded marketplace, leaving Pond and Xiao Ming to ponder his words. They felt a newfound sense of excitement and determination, eager to explore the world of Xylo Chronicle and uncover its secrets. They knew that their journey would be fraught with challenges and surprises, but they were ready to face them together as a formidable team.


While exploring the outskirts of Zarythia, Pond and Xiao Ming stumbled upon a small, ancient-looking hut nestled between the trees. Intrigued, they approached the hut and were greeted by an enigmatic NPC who only spoke the ancient Xylorian language. The duo exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to proceed.

"Umm, hello?" Pond attempted, hoping the NPC might understand basic greetings. However, the NPC responded with a series of unintelligible words, the melodious tones of the Xylorian language completely foreign to their ears. It was clear they would have to find another way to communicate.

Undeterred, Pond and Xiao Ming decided to use gestures and wild charades to understand the NPC's message. Xiao Ming went first, mimicking the NPC's words with exaggerated hand movements, trying to guess their meaning. The NPC responded with a confused stare before laughing heartily at Xiao Ming's performance.

Pond, not to be outdone, started acting out a scene he thought might be related to the NPC's words. He pretended to hold a sword, swinging it wildly in the air, as if battling an imaginary foe. The NPC's laughter only grew louder, clapping his hands in delight at the display.

Realizing that their attempts were only leading to more comical misunderstandings, Xiao Ming and Pond decided to change their strategy. They took turns drawing pictures in the dirt with sticks, hoping that the NPC might recognize some of the symbols and respond in kind. The NPC, still chuckling, squatted down beside them and began drawing his own symbols, creating a strange and amusing game of pictographic conversation.

Despite the language barrier, the trio found joy in their attempts to communicate, laughter echoing through the trees as they acted out scenes, gestured wildly, and drew pictures in the dirt. Even though they couldn't understand the NPC's words, Pond and Xiao Ming had forged a connection through shared laughter and creativity. This hilarious encounter, though fraught with confusion, had taught them an important lesson – sometimes, it's the journey and the friends you make along the way that truly matter, even if you don't fully understand each other.

As the sun began to set in the virtual world of Xylo Chronicle, Pond and Xiao Ming found themselves on a hill overlooking Zarythia. They sat down, marveling at the beauty of the world and the friendships they had formed. Pond couldn't help but think that, despite being a game, Xylo Chronicle had given him something truly valuable – a loyal friend and countless memories to cherish.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, Pond and Xiao Ming found themselves atop a small hill overlooking the city of Zarythia. They sat down, their backs resting against a large tree, and gazed at the night sky that was slowly filling with stars. Reflecting on their first day in Xylo Chronicle, they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement for the journey that lay ahead.

Pond turned to Xiao Ming, a grin spreading across his face. "I never thought I'd have so much fun on my first day in this game," he admitted. "We've already had some crazy adventures, and it's all thanks to you, my friend."

Xiao Ming chuckled, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "I feel the same way, Pond. I've played many games before, but something about Xylo Chronicle and our friendship makes this experience truly special."

As the moon rose higher in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the landscape, Pond and Xiao Ming stood up, determination filling their eyes. "Let's make a promise," Pond suggested, extending his hand towards Xiao Ming. "No matter what challenges we face, we'll explore every corner of Xylo, uncovering its secrets and becoming the most formidable duo this world has ever seen."

Xiao Ming smiled warmly and clasped Pond's hand in his own. "Agreed! With the legendary Beast Savior and the Cheerful Bard side by side, there's no challenge too great, no mystery too deep, and no enemy too strong."

With their vow sealed, Pond and Xiao Ming set off into the night, ready to face the countless adventures that awaited them in the mystical world of Xylo Chronicle, their friendship providing the foundation for a bond that would grow stronger with each passing day.

The Main Religions of Xylo:

The Old Gods:

The Old Gods, an ancient pantheon of deities, have been worshipped by many of the older cities in Xylo since time immemorial. The pantheon consists of numerous gods and goddesses, each representing elemental forces, natural phenomena, and primal emotions. Some of the most well-known deities include:

Aelara, Goddess of the Winds

Brondar, God of the Earth

Cylina, Goddess of the Moon and Tides

Drakthor, God of Fire and Destruction

The followers of the Old Gods believe in a balance between order and chaos, seeing both as essential to the natural order of the world. The worship of these deities often involves rituals and ceremonies designed to maintain the delicate equilibrium between these opposing forces.

The organizational structure of the Old Gods' followers is decentralized, with each city and region having its own temples, priesthoods, and traditions. Temples dedicated to the Old Gods are often adorned with intricate artwork, depicting the many deities and the stories of their exploits.

Over time, the Old Gods' influence has waned as newer cities embraced the more structured teachings of the New Order, but the worship of the Old Gods still endures in the older, more traditional areas of Xylo.

The New Order:

The New Order is a relatively recent religious movement that promotes the worship of a single, all-powerful deity known as the Supreme One. This deity is believed to embody the essence of creation and order, providing structure and unity to the world of Xylo.

Followers of the New Order believe in the importance of structure and unity, often coming into conflict with the followers of the Old Gods. They see their faith as a means to bring peace and order to the world, uniting people under a single belief system.

The organization of the New Order is more hierarchical than that of the Old Gods. At its head is the Grand Cleric, who oversees the entire religious hierarchy and serves as the spiritual leader of the faith. Beneath the Grand Cleric are regional Archbishops, who manage the affairs of the faith in their respective regions. Local churches and temples are led by priests and priestesses, who provide spiritual guidance and support to their congregations.

The New Order's religious teachings emphasize the importance of personal discipline, adherence to moral principles, and devotion to the Supreme One. Its followers believe that through faith, discipline, and unity, the world of Xylo can be brought to a state of harmony and order.

The rise of the New Order has created tensions between its followers and those who still cling to the ancient ways of the Old Gods. While some cities, like Ythoria, have managed to maintain a balance between the two faiths, others have seen clashes between their respective adherents, further complicating the political landscape of Xylo.

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