
An Unforgettable Kiss

When Long Shushen regained consciousness again, he was no longer lying by the pond, wearing his drenched and torn robes. In fact, he wasn't really wearing anything at this moment. He only wore his underwear, the bandages wrapped around his injuries and a grey cotton blanket covered his lightly bronzed, well-built and trained body.

Long Shushen frowned as he ponders about who would dare to undress him to this state. He carefully examined his surroundings and found that he was currently resting in a twin-sized bed that barely fit his tall body in a small room that was lightly decorated with dried flowers and a couple of paintings hanging on the walls. If he was fully conscious beforehand, he would have noticed that the paintings were of the secluded and quaint cottage he was currently residing in and the pond he arrived in when he entered this world. In front of his bed was a single window that allowed the dimly lit moonlight through the room. Long Shushen slowly traced the moonlight until it reaches the lounge chair where it highlighted a young maiden in her early 20s.

Long Shushen had been in seclusion for cultivation with his master for over 5,000 years and had only just recently returned to his kingdom. So, he hasn't had many interactions with people of the opposite sex ever since he left on his journey with his master and as soon as he returned home, he received an important mission which he left immediately to complete.

Although Long Shushen lacked experience with women, he could tell that Su Xinglan would still be considered a rare beauty, like an ephemeral fairy that one would wish to call upon in their most unforgettable dreams.

Su Xinglan had her head resting on the armchair while using her arms as a pillow. Her long raven-black hair framed her delicate face and shoulders as she slept with relaxed brows and occasionally fluttering long eyelashes. She was sleeping peacefully after being worn from bringing her new guest to her home and tending to his wounds. A blanket was loosely draped on one of her shoulders and body while her chest raised evenly with her breath. It was at that point when the blanket slowly fell to her lap, exposing the upper part of her thin, white nightgown.

He was so dazed and mesmerized by the sight of his savior that he didn't notice the loosely shut door slowly opened to let the bear-sized dog in the room until it blocked his view. Before the slightly stunned Long Shushen could adjust his line of sight to the new character that entered the room, Miki already took the advantage to give him a long, wet and unforgettable kiss.

The poor injured Long Shushen could do nothing while Miki continuously kissed his face and panted heavily.

'Little beast, you're lucky that I recognize you from earlier when you dragged me out of that pond,' Long Shushen thought with a darkened face and tightly shut his eyes and lips. 'If I wasn't paralyzed from the poison earlier, I wouldn't take this harassment lying down!'

Miki's excited whimpers and panting woke Su Xinglan up from her rest.

"Ah, you're finally awake." Su Xinglan said while rubbing her half-opened and sleepy eyes.

She got up to turn the lamp by his bed on and scooted Miki to the side to stop him from kissing her guest and rested her hand on Long Shushen's forehead to check his temperature, momentarily surprisingly him because of the sudden close interaction between them. "Looks like you don't have a fever. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?"

"No... Who are you? Where am I?" Long Shushen automatically asks while still being a bit stunned.

"My dog, Miki here, found you in the pond and saved you. My name is Su Xinglan. I tied Miki to an old snow sled and had him carry you to my cottage. Sorry for his behavior earlier, he seems strangely attached to you and was excited to see that you finally awake." Su Xinglan said apologetically while picking up a damp towel from the nearby water basin and gently wiped away Miki's saliva from Long Shushen's face.

"Is it just you living here with your dog? How long have I've been unconscious for?" Long Shushen asked while being entranced by Su Xinglan's gentle gestures.

"Yes. About half a day. We found you early this afternoon."

"Were… you the one that undressed me?" Long Shushen questioned while gazing deeply into Su Xinglan's eyes.

Su Xinglan paused her movements, retracted her hand and blushed. "Yes... Your clothes were stuck to your wounds and it would have been difficult to disinfect them, not to mention that they were damp, and I was worried that you might develop a fever if I let you keep wearing them." She then quickly added, "But don't worry. I only wiped down your body and treated your injuries and nothing more. I have experience with this kind of thing when I used to take care of my... father..."

Su Xinglan eyes dimmed when she mentioned her father and lowered her head for a brief second before raising it back up again, none of which escaped Long Shushen's sight.

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