
PREVIEW: (You can skip this part)

"Doctor! How's my sister?" Charmaine Song shouted as she entered the room. She immediately approached the woman lying on the bed. The woman was pale and seemed to be very weak. She kneeled down and held her hand as tears came running down her face. "Sister! I'm here now!"

The sickly woman slowly turned her head to her. Her tear stained face made Charmaine's heart ache as she watched her lips blossom to a smile. "Xiaomin... Please remember.... your promise to me..." she mumbled.

Charmaine nodded. "Yes. I will take care of Luke for you. You don't need to worry about anything else. You just need to focus on getting better." she reassured her. The doctor called her earlier saying that her sister's condition worsen and that she might not make it til the next day, but Charmaine didn't believe it. Her sister was still so young! She's only twenty four years old! How can she leave the world at such a tender age?

"Min... Thank you... Remember... everything you promised.... Take him to see Leo!... Marry him... and be happy..." the woman said slowly. She seemed to be having difficulty breathing, but she forced herself to say more. "I'm sorry.... I ruined your future.... with him. I was... to blame. Luke, he....."

"No. You don't have to say any more. You already told me everything about those a dozen of times! I already memorized all of them!" she jested. She was joking and crying at the same time, trying to make her sister feel better. It made the scene more heartbreaking for everyone else in the room.

The woman stared at Charmaine and didn't say anything else. She stared at her for a long time, until her eyes lost its focus. Next thing she knew, those empty eyes slowly closed as if she started drifting into a peaceful sleep. Her face showed no sign of being in pain. Charmaine thought her sister grew tired and fell into a slumber, but the loud noise coming from the vital signs monitor spread terror in her heart. The sound of the flat line showing on the screen was deafening. She couldn't even hear her own voice anymore as she beg her sister to open her eyes.

"No! Jienna Song! You can't do this to me! Luke is still very small! You can't leave us like this!" she yelled. A nurse pulled her up. Doctors came to resuscitate her, but it was of no use.

"Jienna!!! Jienna!!!", Charmaine yelled as she woke up from the terrifying dream. She wiped away the bits of cold sweat that formed on her forehead with the back of her hands. That dream again... That painful dream. She really wished it was all a dream.

Charmaine turned to her right and watched as a five year old child sleep peacefully beside her. She reached out to caress his smooth and silky hair. It's been a year since Jienna passed away but she still missed her. Luke doesn't ask much about her anymore, but for Charmaine, she thinks of her sister everyday and every night. Everything was still vivid...As if everything just happened yesterday.

Charmaine lay down once again and cuddled next to Luke. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. This time, she dreamed again about the past, but not just about Jienna anymore. She dreamed about what happened six years ago... The reason why she had to flee and live alone in this small apartment... It all started when she was only seventeen years old....

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