
This is impossible...This is just a dream

Wuji was awakened early by the security alarms from downstairs. But he still didn't get off the bed first, his action was to check on the alarm clock by the bed. it was indicated the time be 10:30.

Touching his head, he felt dizzy for some reason even though he had just woken up. But this was not something, as sometimes waking up past eight might become uncomfortable.

The confusion was as to why the security alarm was going off, but that was not enough to fuss over the small details, his memories seemed vague.

Like they were in a state of almost being erased.

Despite all this, he tried to locate his smartphone by extending his hands, but he still did not touch anything. But seeing the time on the clock, he hurriedly jumped off the bed. He had made some plans for the weekend, and delay might not do him any good.

'What the hell happened last night? My headache doesn't seem to come from oversleeping at all. And what is that annoying security alarm in the neighborhood going off at such a time.'

Walking out of the room Wuji had a feeling something was not quite right. The house somehow did not match his memories. He felt it in the bedroom but ignored it, thinking back now it was not the design of his bedroom.

He did not see his favorite, Wuxia drama posters at all.

Moreover, the bedding didn't seem very familiar, but surprisingly he could move towards the bathroom as though he had some muscle memory of this house.

This was more like behavior his body had developed every morning, thus he reached the bathroom sink without any issues and even switched on the tap.

'Did something happen last night that I can't remember? But that is not possible, I remember clearly my parents insisted on me meeting that lady for a date. Man yesterday sure was hectic, and can't even relax on a weekend. I'm still twenty-six but they made sound as though I'm a middle-aged man missing out on marriage. Well, let's just get that evening date done with.'

He was grumbling as he paid no heed to anything else around him, clearly annoyed.

After washing his face, did he manage to look through the mirror standing in front of him? Despite the light sneaking in through the window being minimal, he could still see his reflection in the mirror. But this face was not normal, it reminded him of the seventeenth-year-old him. That was the final stroke that woke him up. It even forced him to spit out the toothpaste before moving back to the room.

'I'm I really okay, or is this one of those dreams? How can I be seventeen this year, where is my smartphone?'

Wuji felt that he had yet to wake up from a dream and regardless of how he observed the room, it resembled nothing about his actual one. Despite trying to be rational in this situation, he couldn't at all.

Sitting on the bed, no one could tell what he was thinking at all. His eyes wandered around from time to time until he found a smartphone on his bed.

It even looked different from the one he used, but upon trying to power it on. It seemed to have a drained battery.

'Huh? What is going on here? Even my dreams are so messed up. And why is that security alarm still going off at this time?' Wuji indeed was very uneasy as everything was telling him that this might not be a dream.

'Why does the room feel so cold despite the sun having set having any should indeed probably go out and have a look at what is going on in this place. I doubt that a normal house could be this cold on a sunny day anyway.'

Seeing how cold the floor was as though he was standing on some ice, he indeed felt wary. This was not just in the bedroom even the other areas such as the bathroom brought him the same feeling. Had he not been out on shoes then even moving around could have been difficult.

After coming to this conclusion, he moved around the house but failed to find anyone else. Moreover, he could feel all the rooms had such low temperatures.

'Strange, even if this is a dream, is there any reason to go to extremes? Why could a house have such low temperatures, especially in the mid-morning like this? Regardless of how one sees this, there is indeed a big problem in the end. I should probably put on some warm clothes and head outside to see while I'm still here anyway. Perhaps this is a house on the ground floor, and it might have the same issues.'

Wuji did not seem to find any problem with his thoughts and thus hurriedly looked around for a sweater and huge jackets, after putting them on, he looked towards the door.

This house was new to him, even his seventeen-year-old face was something he didn't understand. The phone was off, and everything in the house didn't seem very helpful to him. He was also curious about the security alarm going off outside in the morning.

Turning his head, it had already been done to another half an hour and the clock read ten-fifteen.

After having seen enough strangeness, he didn't want to dwell on anything else in the house. So he rushed to the tap and cleansed his mouth despite the water being cold. He then washed his face too.

'Weird, why didn't I realize this? If the house is so cold, how could my head be hurting for overlapping by just a few hours? Let's go and see what the outside looks like, the cold might be easy to dispel with some hot air being allowed in the house.'

With such thoughts he moved towards the kitchen window and pushed the curtains aside, looking into the distance his heart jumped.

'How could this.. be..possible?'

Even though Wuji was fun fictional work, he started to doubt himself.

Dreams usually take the shape of one's imagination most of the time. Wuji was not someone that could be said to have extreme dreams but what he was seeing through the windows seemed to be defying his usual nature.

Wuji still closed his eyes and then rubbed them before opening the window to confirm what he had just seen. Narrowing his eyes, he could still feel some fear overcoming him and this did not seem like the kind of scene he would want to be involved in.

From through the window, a black substance was covering the area outside. It seemed to have some corrosive nature, he could see everything in sight being corroded.

Even if it was a dream, he couldn't help but be scared, looking out he could see some other talker buildings like the one he was in, still having some light on. But they were flickering on and off.

still, the black substance corroding everything was several meters just down from his building.

Some feeling was telling him that the black substance was rising slowly, and perhaps it might eventually reach his place in a matter of time.

'This...This is not possible. How can someone have such a dream?'

Wuji couldn't help but fall back into the house in fear, his legs were trembling. He even lost his voice otherwise a scream could have been heard. This sight was enough to have anyone scared stiff and he felt as though some eyes were staring at him while he looked into the black liquid.

'I should probably wake up already, this dream is not funny anymore. Even if drama is supposed to be scary this one has gone beyond the scope of my tolerance. And that feeling that keeps telling me this is not a dream seems to have become stronger.'

Wuji seemed to have already started doubting his current situation. Standing he closed the window as he looked towards the door.

Outside the closed window, he could still see something being corroded in the black fluid. This was something that resembled a person and he just decided to assume it was a doll.

After successfully locking the window Wuji no longer cared about the cold temperatures in the house. He wanted to sleep and get out of this dream, but at the end of the day, it was difficult to get rid of what he had just seen.

upon closing his eyes the first scene he saw was of that object being corroded.

He thought he would be next and thus even failed to sleep. Rushing towards the sitting room, he tripped and fell, as he was going to check on the door.

This resulted in his knee being hurt and the pain was very real.


Upon seeing this, he become even more terrified considering his knees were hurting, and they did not seem to be what happens in a dream.

Pulling himself up, he went back to the kitchen to pick up a knife before opening the door and dragging his feet towards the building roof.

He moved slowly and by the time he was standing on the roof, looking into the distance, only a few bindings could be seen, and they were either taller than the one he was on or the same size.

He was someone that lived on the eighth floor yet, the situation below him could already be explained as tragic.

In the sky, he could see a huge shadow seemingly forming there. From his observations, it resembled some teeth.

Anything other than buildings made of stone was being corroded. He could see the entire region had become black and the cold seemed to be emanating from the black liquid.

one could describe it as a black ocean, but he was not concerned about that at the moment rather than the fact that he was not in a dream.

He was pushing this issue aside because the moment he accepted it, it would be hopeless for him

Hearing the sound of an alarm coming from below his house he couldn't be bothered to deal with it all.

'This is impossible. This is just a dream!'

He kept repeating this but feeling the pain from his knee made it so that the sound coming from his mouth was becoming inaudible with time.

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