
Chapter 336

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Caroline, I found it a little - confused by your answers to our previous question." inside the auditorium where the official inquiring hearing of two students, Caroline Baker and Jie "Jason" Lin was taking place, Professor Barnes threw out his fifth question: "So I am going to ask you again, and I would like a full, honest and direct answer. Is that okay?"

"Sure." Caroline nodded.

"Now, first, when you came to the academy, you did not bring any artifacts that are on all of the restricted lists, right? I trust that a great ally of the academy, one of the best researchers and scholars that graduated from here, Josephine Wong, informed you as such and prepared both of you beforehand, right?"

"Yes." "Yes"

"But I did notice that on your registration papers, both of you declared some personal artifacts that are dangerous and are of high value. " Professor Barnes continued: "And according to the records, in the notes under your declarations, you mentioned that these are your personal weapons, and with exemption notes from Ms. Josephine Wong, the academy did not go through them or submit them for in depth check right?"

"Yes." "Yes."

"Do you mind displaying your weapons to the committee? To showcase the kind of power that you wield?"

"Headmaster Barnes, I don't think that's a good idea." Agent Bozeman couldn't help but budge in: "We cannot hand the subjects of questioning their own weapons, this is definitely against protocol."

"Well as it turns out it is not." Professor Barnes said: "It is permitted under the bylaws that the subjects demonstrate whatever they are asked as long as it is under the supervision of one of the armed headmasters. I am armed, and I can supervise them."

"Okay, Headmaster Barnes, what would be the purpose of this demonstration?" Principal Hawke asked.

"A demonstration of their power and weapons can help us learn a lot about a person's history - their training, their history." Professor Barnes said: "I think, with a simple demonstration we can establish the subject's character."

"That's propost - " Principal Hawke appeared to be slightly frustrated then turned to Professor Dorothea Clarkson: "Hey, Dorothea - wouldn't you object - "

"The theory of connection between personality and power properties is a flimsy one." Professor Dorothea Clarkson said: "But we can still try, it might not amount to anything, but none of us is the professional inquisitor here - and we are still one short."

"It's more applicable to younger power wielders before they develop a sophisticated power system." Professor Randall Collins yawned and dug into his left ear with his left pinky: "It's not the most useful thing, but it's better than just asking meaningless questions."

"Okay, so it's settled." Professor Barnes nodded to a young knight in armor behind him, and then the knight went down to the place where Caroline and Jason were standing, and the young knight presented them with two shiny balls, one seemed to be made of silvery metal, and one seemed to be made of translucent red and orange crystal.

"Ladies and gentlemen on the auditing seats, please stand back." Professor Barnes turned back and reminded those who were just here to attend to the hearing on the side.

Jason and Caroline took their respective ball that was each of their weapons, and infused them with their Xuanli. A pen-spear appeared in Jason's hands, and a set of battle axe and shield appeared on Caroline's.

"Well?" Professor Barnes looked at the young knight behind him, then looked at Principal Hawke and Agent Boseman.

"Nothing more than what I've seen before." Professor Dorothea Clarkson shook her head.

"Fire and metal power. " Professor Randall Collins adjusted his eye glasses: "Oh! What do you know?! Wind and earth as secondary elemental power! Nice combinations! Two elemental powers at such a young age, with this little training, very impressive."

"Headmaster Collins, your point being?" Tamil Brooke shook his head and asked.

"My point being, it's just pretty good, not just for someone with a civilian background, even for someone who comes from a magical family that's still good!" Professor Randall Collins shrugged: "And yeah, personality wise, you can refer to whichever stereotype you like. Like I said, the theory is more applicable to younger power wielders."

"Any questions, Agent Bozeman?" Professor Barnes asked.

"No. Just that I see no point in this demonstration." Agent Bozeman had a hand on his forehead and said.

"Alright then." Professor Barnes nodded, and turned to Jason and Caroline: "Jason, Caroline, if you would hand your weapons back."

The pen-spear and battle axe and shield glowed in their respective colors and shrunk in size, into two balls. Then Jason and Caroline handed those two balls back.

"Agent Bozeman, when will Agent Mien be with us? " Professor Dorothea Clarkson asked: "You are the leading inquisitors, it's a bit - strange that your colleague is taking so much time to be ready."

"Excuse me." Agent Bozeman stood up and sighed, while adjusting his clothes: "I think I would need to contact Agent Mien. If you would just give me a few minutes."


After hacking into and ransacking the living quarters of Jason and Caroline, Agent Mien rushed towards the Academy common building, where the hearing of these two students, for which she was already late, was being held.

But the moment the common building came into sight, she was immediately perturbed by the atmosphere of the common building - it was just a hearing for two audit students, but somehow the atmosphere seemed way too serious and intense. And when she paid more attention to the people in and around the building, she found that there seemed to be multiple very nervous and even tense looking individuals near the entrances and exits, something one rarely saw under normal circumstances.

While she was hesitating, she sensed that her bracelet buzzed - but it was not a message from her colleague who was in the hearing, but from one of her artifacts she left in her room. From the message sent by the artifact - her living quarter was being broken into.

"Fuck!" Agent Mien cursed, then she immediately called Agent Bozeman: "Bozeman, this hearing is a setup, get outta there, now!"

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