
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Surprises

"Kevaughn, I left you alone for less than five minutes. What are you doing?" Horraine asked with an amused expression, holding a tray of food.

"Oh, good evening, dear," the woman responded, dispelling all the ice spears.

"Good evening to you too, honey. Can you help me with this?" Horraine asked the unknown female.

She nodded, took the tray, and walked back into the living room. Kevaughn stood there, shocked. When his brain caught up, he promptly yelled, "Whaaat!"

"Oi, cool your voice. I'll explain, just follow," Horraine said, turning and walking into the living room.

Not knowing what to do, Kevaughn followed after a while. When he entered, he saw Horraine sitting on the couch with the unknown female's head on his lap, watching TV. Horraine gestured towards a sofa to his left, next to a small table where the food was placed. Kevaughn went and took a seat.

"So, what's the relationship between you two?" Kevaughn asked.

"Oh, right, I have to explain. First of all, this one here is Gabriel Graham," Horraine said, gesturing to the woman. "But call her Gabby, as I do. Second, as for our relationship, we are engaged," Horraine said, as Gabby raised her hand to show a ring on her finger.

He looked at Kevaughn, who seemed frozen in shock.

"Dear, I think you broke him," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, not that I care. Plus, the food is getting cold, so I'm doing this. Hey, Kevaughn, your mother is right behind you," Horraine said.

This seemed to snap him out of it. He looked behind him to find Chevelle, and when he heard Horraine laughing and Gabby giggling, he looked back at them and said, "That's a low blow, Horraine."

"Anyway, how long have you been engaged?" Kevaughn asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm, well, to answer your question, Gabby is twenty-one and I'm seventeen, so two years, yeah, two years."

"So, you were fifteen and nineteen when you guys got engaged. Isn't it, you know, illegal?" Kevaughn asked.

"Technically, yes," Horraine replied.

"Oh, okay, still questioning whether or not that's legal, but okay," Kevaughn said, no longer caring.

"Yeah, so why is he here, dear?" Gabriel asked.

"Oh, right, I was planning a quick spar," Horraine said.

"Oh, okay then," Gabriel said.

"But let's eat first," Horraine said.

"Right," Gabriel and Kevaughn said at the same time. They looked at each other and nodded.

They looked at the table where the food was and saw that it was a wonderful two-course meal. But they noticed that it was getting cold. When Horraine noticed, he simply waved his hand, and the food was immediately reheated.

"Was that thermokinesis?" Kevaughn asked.

"Yeah, now dig in before it gets cold again," Horraine said.

Then they started to eat. It took them around five minutes to finish the food. After they finished, Kevaughn said, "Wow, that was delicious. I didn't know you could cook, Horraine," Kevaughn said, smiling.

"Delicious as always, darling," Gabriel said.

"Yes, I can," Horraine said. Then he muttered, "Someone has to," discreetly looking at Gabriel.

"Huh? What was that?" Kevaughn asked, confused.

"Nothing," answered Horraine.

"Now that we're finished with Kevaughn, we should go to the training room," Horraine said hastily, getting up and walking out of the room.

"Huh? Right," Kevaughn said, confused about the training room. He got up and followed him. Gabriel followed as well, chatting with Horraine as they walked past many rooms until they stopped at a wall.

"Huh? Why are we stopping?" Kevaughn asked, confused.

Horraine and Gabriel looked back at him and said, "Watch this."

They bit their thumbs hard enough to draw blood. Horraine bit his left thumb, and Gabby her right. They placed their hands on the wall. The spot where their hands were started to glow blue for Gabriel and red for Horraine. Then the center of the wall vanished, opening up a pathway leading down. It was dark for a bit, then lights started to come on. They looked at Kevaughn.

"Cool, right?" they asked, though it sounded more like a statement.

"Heck yeah, how did you do that?" Kevaughn asked excitedly.

"A lot of work to get right," Horraine responded.

"Alright, let's go!" Kevaughn yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Horraine said.

They walked down the steps for a good two and a half minutes and arrived in a massive room that seemed to be around 100 ft by 100 ft. It had various weapons on the walls for melee, ranging from the smallest needle to the biggest halberd, and for ranged, they had pistols to various types of snipers on each side of the room.

"Alright, Kevaughn, pick a weapon, and let's begin," Horraine said, walking over to the melee weapon wall and picking up one of the rapiers. He walked to the center of the room.

"I'm right," he went over to the melee weapon wall and picked up one of the katanas. He walked to the center of the room and asked, "Are we doing this here? I know this is big and all, but..."

"Hmm, no, not here, of course not, idiot," Horraine berated him. He looked over to Gabriel, who was sitting on a chair that looked similar to a control room chair, to their left.

"Gabby, would you be so kind?" Horraine asked.

"On it," she replied. She swiped her hand across the air, and a blue screen appeared in front of her with what seemed like landscapes in bubbles. She swiped her hand, and they changed to a different set of landscapes.

"What kind do you want, dear?" she asked.

"I want the default," Horraine said.

"Okay, then," she selected a bubble that said default and compiled some bubbles into one and tapped it.

"What's that for?" Kevaughn asked, curious.

"You'll see," Horraine said.

Then, below the bubble, there was a button that said teleport. Gabriel tapped it. The floor under Horraine and Kevaughn started to glow a brilliant crimson, and they vanished as if they were never there. Gabriel stayed seated in the room as a large screen appeared before her, showing the landscape and where Horraine and Kevaughn were.

To Kevaughn and Horraine

Kevaughn and Horraine seemed to be teleported to a large plain with a vast forest to their west, a mountain range to their east, a tundra to the north of them, and a large ocean to the south of them. Kevaughn looked around in wonder.

"Where are we?" Kevaughn asked in awe.

"We are in a pocket dimension made with technokinesis and dimenkinesis," he heard Horraine reply.

"Wow... ahem, well, um, how are we doing the spar, Horraine?" Kevaughn asked.

"No powers, hand-to-hand combat and weapons only," Horraine said.

"Oh, okay, then," Kevaughn said, strapping the katana he had on his hip and getting into a stance.

"Oh, and by the way, this may be a spar, but come at me with the intent to kill," Horraine said seriously.

"Right," Kevaughn responded seriously.

"Good," Horraine said, strapping the rapier to his hip as well but not taking a stance.

"Now, 3... 2... 1... begin!" Horraine yelled as Kevaughn vanished from view.

Horraine didn't move. When Kevaughn reappeared, all he did was stand there with his hands in his pockets. Then Kevaughn appeared to his left, trying to throw a punch to his jaw. Horraine noticed him and jumped away, causing Kevaughn to miss his attack. Kevaughn then attacked again, but this time faster, throwing a barrage of punches that Horraine dodged effortlessly. Kevaughn then tried an axe kick, but Horraine jumped back. Kevaughn turned the axe kick into a roundhouse kick that Horraine ducked under. Kevaughn then tried a flip kick, but Horraine jumped out of the way. Kevaughn didn't let up. While Horraine was in the air, Kevaughn appeared in front of him and punched Horraine into the ground, creating a crater. Kevaughn jumped out of the crater and landed at the edge, looking where Horraine was. He knew an attack like that couldn't put Horraine down, and he was correct, as Horraine appeared in front of him mid-kick. It was so fast that Kevaughn couldn't dodge, so he blocked, but the kick was strong

enough to send him flying before he could readjust himself mid-air. Horraine was already above with an axe kick that struck him in his gut, sending him into the ground and causing a 20ft wide crater. He didn't stop there because he came down with a dropkick that expanded the crater and caused a shockwave. 

While in the crater, Kevaughn grabbed Horraine's leg and threw him out of the crater. He jumped after him with a punch, thinking Horraine couldn't readjust himself fast enough. But when he was in front of him to punch him, he was greeted by a kick to the stomach that sent him back into the crater. Horraine landed on the ground a few feet away from the crater. He then sensed something above him. He looked up only to be punched in the face and sent flying into the forest. When he landed, his body created a trench on the forest floor. Kevaughn followed after him, Horraine looking up to the sky thought, "Damn, that stung. Alright, my turn."

Then he vanished from where he was. When Kevaughn made it into the forest, he was greeted by Horraine's shoe bottom and was sent out of the forest with Horraine following. He appeared in front of him and kneed him in the face, sending his face into the ground. Kevaughn pulled himself out of the ground, looking at Horraine with a glare, then turned and jumped back to gain distance. He wanted to end this now; he was tired. So, with one final attack and all the strength he had left, he took a different stance, holding the katana parallel to his face. He set one foot in front of the other, then vanished and reappeared in front of Horraine mid-swing. The attack hit... or it should have, if it weren't for Horraine stopping the attack with his finger. Kevaughn was shocked but tried to add more force to the attack. His finger didn't even move. Then Horraine placed the top part of his finger on the blade, and a slash appeared on Kevaughn's chest. Horraine then vanished and reappeared behind him, knocking him unconscious. 

Kevaughn fell to the floor, and Horraine resheathed his rapier. He looked behind him to see the destruction caused by Pinnock's attack. To say the least, the rest of the forest was gone, and the plains were obliterated. The attack caused some serious damage. Horraine sighed, shaking his head. He turned back around, picked him up, and then snapped his fingers as a red glow surrounded them, teleporting them back to Horraine's basement. When he reappeared in the room, he noticed that Gabby was still seated, looking at him. So Horraine asked, "How was he?"

"He's decent. He has a lot to improve on, like fighting styles and finesse," Gabby replied.

"Agreed, but a rating on a scale from one to ten," Horraine inquired.

"A five, dear. A five," she answered.

"Okay, can you heal him for me so I can drop him off?" Horraine requested.

"Okay," Gabriel got up and walked over to him, starting to heal Kevaughn.

"Vitakinesis: rapid healing," she said. The wounds that Kevaughn had received started to rapidly disappear until there were none left.

"Thanks, Gabriel. Oh, and by the way, don't even think about entering the kitchen without my permission," Horraine said with utmost seriousness.

"But, darling," Gabriel tried to argue.

"No buts," Horraine said as a black portal opened before him.

"Yes, dear," Gabriel said.

"Good, love you," Horraine said as he kissed her, then walked through the portal as it closed behind him.

"Meany," Gabriel said, pouting. Gabby walked out of the room and went upstairs. Horraine walked out of the portal into Kevaughn's room. He dropped Kevaughn on his bed and was about to leave but saw Kevaughn's smashed alarm clock. Horraine shook his head and created a small portal to his left, pulling out a new alarm clock and placing it, along with a note, on the table, and left.

A week later...

Kevaughn woke up early that day, got ready, and went to school. When he arrived, he found the rest of the group under the biggest tree in the school, talking to one another. When they saw him, they called out to him, and he walked over to them. They asked where Horraine was, and he simply said that he didn't know with a shrug. They nodded. It was around 6:00 now, so they waited until 7:30 when everyone was called to the auditorium. When everyone got there, they saw the student council except the vice-president and the vice-principal on stage, then they started.

"Good morning, students! We humbly hope that you have had a good morning. As you can see, the students before us today are the ones that passed the exam."

There was silence.

"Now that is out of the way, congratulations! But this is only the beginning; we in the future expect great things from you," the student council said.

"Wow, that was calmer than I thought," Kevaughn said. The group nodded their heads.

"But I still can't find Horraine. He should be here, right? You don't think he failed, do you?" Grace asked, concerned.

"It's Horraine we are talking about here. He passed," Kevaughn responded seriously.

"Right," Grace said.

"Now, for the students who are wondering where the student council vice-president is, to put it simply, yesterday we deceived you. Malisha was not our vice-president," the student council stated.

"So she wasn't then who is!?" some of the students asked.

"Is the position open!?" was just some of the questions asked.

"Settle down, students. Our vice-president was hidden among you to help asset you," the student council stated.

"Really, among us, and we didn't notice," Daniel said, confused.

"Agreed. They must be highly skilled if that's the case," Shaheem said.

"Indeed," everyone else agreed.

"Now, to truly introduce you to the student council vice-president," they said as they moved apart to make space between them and the president.

"Introducing your student council vice-president, Horraine Rose," they said as Horraine walked on stage and stood right beside the president with a slight change of attire. Instead of his haori, he was wearing a jacket similar to Daniel's combat attire jacket, though it was black with epaulets on the shoulders that were gold and green. He wore black gloves, and he had a rapier strapped to his hip, the sheath itself pure black, and so was the handle and guard. He had a serious expression as he said, "Good morning, students."

Chapter 6: End